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Rank GW2 In MMO Genre


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Top 3. It is a beautiful game, but off the mark on a couple of things. My top things that hold it back are super overblown particle effect with very little control and super overstuffed loot with no meaning or meaningful drops.


But I like builds and the art and story. Good work on those, Anet! I really like this game.

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First place, hands down. I love the story, the characters, the battle dynamics, and the community; all of these things, plus more, makes Guild Wars 2 a pleasurable, refreshing, experience. Plus, I like threatening Trahearne with a wood-chipper if he misbehaves. *But he normally dies in battle or he tells me I did a good job at smashing against the ground at an alarming speed. XD

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First place. No other MMO has kept me addicted for this long, and no other MMO has felt as engaging and rewarding, with such a rich beautiful world and characters.


Most MMO's I've played also have geargrinds and a horrible marketing strategy, everything is behind a paywall or is generally pay2win. In GW2 all you get with your money are cosmetics, account upgrades and gold, none of which gives you a real advantage over anyone else.

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> @Adry.7512 said:

> Okay guys, rank gw2 as either best MMORPG, top 3, top 10, or none! IMO it's number 1 at the moment. Feel free to give your reasons why and try not to offend anyone so your comment doesn't get deleted.


I love this game. But better than Ultima Online and Everquest in their heyday? Not a chance. It's a little hard for me to give an absolute evaluation, since I've only played 4 MMOs. Top three is possible. Top ten is my safe answer, since I don't know what any of the Asian MMOs are like.


It definitely BTFOs the heck out of WoW.

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For me, this is easily #1. I get nostalgic for WoW on occasion, but I don't like their combat system and gear treadmill. I play ESO on occasion, but it's chock full of things that bug me (jumping, for instance, is HORRENDOUS). SWTOR was kind of fun, but nowhere close. I've played others as well, but again, nothing nearly as good.


The reasons I love GW2 are numerous. I could rant about the brilliant design of so many aspects, but chiefly, I like the combat and platforming. GW2 has long struck me as part platformer at its heart...and I love that about it. _Movement_ in general. It takes me back to some of the earlier 3D platforming games on the Playstation/N64...and then it's also a very competent MMORPG. The weapon system took a little getting used to - not having _full_ freedom to choose your skills...but I've come to like it. (_Maybe_ even prefer it.) Plus, you still (usually) have some free customization with the utility bar.


I love having an MMO without a gear treadmill to worry about constantly refreshing! I can work toward meaningful goals in-game at whatever pace I want. Even achievement hunting is a blast! There's plenty more, but I'll cut myself off there. I have A LOT of respect for all those who have worked on making this game what it is. Definitely first in my book.

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Play how you want, meaningful content with replay value, absolutely not pay to win, free story content regularly, players who advocate for it to each other and to new people, new players being helped by older players just for the sake of it's what people want to do, and the fact that five years later I'm still finding things that I didn't know before or haven't done before. Number one for me for so many reasons.


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This game does a lot of things right, but it also have some of the most frustrating or boring boss encounters I've also played. And I've played a lot of MMOs, including old-school wow back when it was actually challenging. There's a lot of polish early on in your GW2 experience and there's a beautiful UI, and the game lets you ignore some stuff when you start, like crafting. Then one day you realise that you want that pink gear and you spend hours upon hours reading the wiki, and after a few weeks, it might start to come together, or not. The game does a terrible job at telling you exactly what you need to get the items you want, and the wiki nightmare is just another layer of frustration on top of the logistics nightmare.


You also start with nice NPCs telling you clearly that they're going to do something nasty, and then one day you LFG for something Arah or some obviously old fractal like swamp, and then the boss just dumps a one shot hit out of nowhere without any noticeable animation tell, and the damage is done the very milisecond he starts to swing his arm or the nasty stuff circles appears, or some stupid boss design that goes far beyond anyone's dodge or normal condi cleanse resources. I then just roll my eyes and laugh about the designer going for fake difficulty by making things unclear or cranking up numbers and enemy spells CD to 11 out of desperation because he ran out of ideas like 10 years ago and has no clue on how to make things not punishing by making tells extremely clear but keeping things challenging. Also, 2.5-3s stuns, because who in their right minds want to control their characters... That being said, when it's made by someone with a clue on game design, it's awesome, so overall, I can't rate it.

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I chose 'none' because this kind of poll is useless, imo. If you asked ppl to rate WoW on the Blizzard forums, or made a poll asking some blowflies' community :p to choose food #1 for their larvae ;) , you would be able to predict the results (opinions) with 99,98% accuracy from the very start. So, what's the point?

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I have played most of the old and new MMOs.


I can say with hand on my heart that this is the most quality MMO I have ever played.


In fact, GW2 has raised the level of quality so high that it will be very hard for the competition to catch this.


Maybe this is why I want so much from my favorite game when I see a problem, but I want it for good - it is like your favorite football team :)

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I'm sorry but anyone who puts it at first is simply biased. Going off of sheer content, player count, and community WoW simply blows Gw2 out of the water. Which is fine, Gw2 isn't trying to topple WoW. That being said I think FF and Gw2 are competing for that next spot. Unfortunately FF has the advantage of brand, so Gw2 is gonna have to keep innovating to edge them out.

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#1, it's the only game I'm playign at the moment, after gw2 ends, I doubt I would play any more games tbh. If anet makes gw3 i will consider continuing... but otherwise I'm done with gaming.

I'm addicted to gw2 because all my 9 classes are so well equipped, whenever I take a hiatus, I miss my classes.

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GW2 has its pros and cons, could definitely be all-around better if more resources were dedicated to the game though. It's difficult to rate it when you consider there's hardly even 10 MMORPGs to put it against. Most MMORPGs are developed by either Koreans or the Chinese, mostly all being the same... with the only difference being assets and story.

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