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Osicat - High dmg Shatter build *master thread*


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This will be the Master thread for me when I post new videos and builds in the future.





****Shatter Cat Mirage - Wery high dmg shatter hybrid****



Same build but Full DPS stats



The Shatter Cat Mirage is a hybrid spec, mainly constructed for WvWvW roaming solo or in small groups. It can be used in

fractals and open world but to optimice it for that content viper stats are marginally better.



**Gear stats + runes and sigils.**


+Power, +Condition Damage, +Ferocity, and +Precision. is the main gear choice.


That mean the spec have close to al gear points invested into direct dmg or condition dmg. This give 1/4 stats that provide condition dmg

the other 3 are direct dmg increasing stats as ferocisty power and precision. Precision add a smal amount of extra bleed but is majorly improving

direct dmg burst for this spec.


To add extra condition dmg we use weapon sigil and food.


The runes are giving 5% each in dmg to condition and power while the pure stats main is condition.



****Weapon choice:****


Axe/torch is your offensive tools, sword/pistol is your chasing or escapeing tools.





In wvwvw as a roamer mobility is life, mobility is the god we pray to and mobility is what we dream about in the night.


This give a spec with very low passive defense and in need to survive you use the active skills. Core tool is not "not be in the danger zone" long enought for

the enemy to react or for your cd,s to run out. You want to dive in , land your punch and leap back out. Like a mungo fighting a cobra. If you dive in and

you almost got a target down its generally better to dive out, have a once over on your cd,s and then dive in again for finishing up rather than commit to the kill

get your target down and not have enought cd,s to escape.


This also mean that your weakest time in game is ressing or stomping. IF you can use dmg instead as its safer for finish.


To survive you need to manage your cooldowns, if you run out of energy and coldowns you are a wery easy prey. Meaning that the energy bar and mobility bar

is just as important as your health bar. A easy mistake is to burn al cd,s early in a fight for offensive and not have enough to withdraw from combat. Another

is when chasing a target burn so several mobility cd,s that when you catch up with your target you cant fight effective.





Is dealt in bursts. You want to dive in load front power dmg and leave a big pile of conditions and then fast leap away.





Several of the aggressive abilities have combos. Axe both 2 and 3 + torch 4 have in the face combo finishers and the spec is extremely well combined with a duo/3 man team

including a elementalist. Sword/pistol combo finishers are good but not near as offensivly.






4 and 5 can be used for agression but its not a optimal opener for big burst. Its better used for chasing, defensive or harassing. Between juking in and out

on a target it can be used to (soft) a taregt up, example a necro before you go in for killing blow with axe/torsh. The sword main usage is the chasing leap, its

avoidance and the ambush skill's mobility.



I like to make sure that my energy bar is full before I move in aggressively, open in stealth, use the Mirage advance when the burn blast just about to hit

to do the 900 y leap to the target. On the target you land blind (+ confusion), burn and a direct hit + axe 2 + distortion shatter. Continue into Axe 2 + jaunt and shatter

1 with 3 clones up and a shatter 2 with no clones folowed by exit if needed with mirage retreat.


The Mirage retreat can be used offensly as it create a clone to axe 3 back in, dodge and ambush axe folowed by Torch 5 + jaunt into a 3 clone shatter. Blink is still up for

a escape and try to always have minimum 1 jaunt up for condi removal.




Sword/Pistol. Stun with the pistol/distort. Use sword 1 ambush to close distance and sword snare to stop target. Try to never go fully out of energy as you get vulnerable for counter attacks. If you chase a thief/mesmer Mirage Advance will hit them after they stealth and blink, this mean a deadeye is in wery hard situation if you start it when he at low hp and he stealth. Theirfour try use axe 3 to close in on thiefs/mesmers for burst, then save mirror advance for folow up.



The sadistic trap:

One of my absolute favorite ways to kill of several enemys is to do the 1st juke in, almost end a target and then juke out. Save up cd,s and go in, down a target

but not finish, then juke out and wait a few sec, make sure torsh 4 and 5 is ready. Then when someone try to ress go in in stealth from torch 4, open with torch 5 for 4

stacks of burn, axe 2 two times into a 3 clone shatter 1 + a aoe interupt form shatter 3. This often give 2-3 downed and al heavly preasured with conditions.


This is the move you see in the necro/ guardian fight in the video guide.






YouTube sub for stream

Alternative solo runs on “osicat” twitch

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Interesting that you choose Mirage Advance instead of Illusionary Ambush. Any particular reason? I can see the cast time of MA can be managed by using it offensively to enable the juke back port (edit: and the Ineptitude confusion proc) though it still seems to me like an inferior thief sword 2, whereas IA is a better clutch/defensive tool when pressured as well as the greater range for chasing.

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> Interesting that you choose Mirage Advance instead of Illusionary Ambush. Any particular reason? I can see the cast time of MA can be managed by using it offensively to enable the juke back port (edit: and the Ineptitude confusion proc) though it still seems to me like an inferior thief sword 2, whereas IA is a better clutch/defensive tool when pressured as well as the greater range for chasing.


If you se me stream later you se me swap that particular utility around like every 5 min :) Its my free slot, I change it to portal or Ilusuinary ambush aswell. I favour Mirage Advance thu casue I use it as a burst combo for hit and run. I start it from stealth with torsh skill, landing it when torsh blast, drop my shatters and use again to run out. This with the blind it provide give a defensive and offensive effect due to Ineptitude confusion proc. Also when i go out it leav a clone so when i jaunt back I get a extra clone for shatter.


But as u say, some times Its othe roptions better. Think to fully play mesmer u need to have a core to stick to but adapt the build and utilitys "in action" depening on what u face.


/love osicat

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> @"Osicat.4139" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > Interesting that you choose Mirage Advance instead of Illusionary Ambush. Any particular reason? I can see the cast time of MA can be managed by using it offensively to enable the juke back port (edit: and the Ineptitude confusion proc) though it still seems to me like an inferior thief sword 2, whereas IA is a better clutch/defensive tool when pressured as well as the greater range for chasing.


> If you se me stream later you se me swap that particular utility around like every 5 min :) Its my free slot, I change it to portal or Ilusuinary ambush aswell. I favour Mirage Advance thu casue I use it as a burst combo for hit and run. I start it from stealth with torsh skill, landing it when torsh blast, drop my shatters and use again to run out. This with the blind it provide give a defensive and offensive effect due to Ineptitude confusion proc. Also when i go out it leav a clone so when i jaunt back I get a extra clone for shatter.


> But as u say, some times Its othe roptions better. Think to fully play mesmer u need to have a core to stick to but adapt the build and utilitys "in action" depening on what u face.


> /love osicat


Makes sense using it from stealth for the Ineptitude burst combo. I don't tend to run much stealth now so don't like to use MA - I'd probably use it if it didn't have a cast time like IA does.


Yeah the retreat part of it is awesome for sure, detarget and clone.

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> Interesting that you choose Mirage Advance instead of Illusionary Ambush. Any particular reason? I can see the cast time of MA can be managed by using it offensively to enable the juke back port (edit: and the Ineptitude confusion proc) though it still seems to me like an inferior thief sword 2, whereas IA is a better clutch/defensive tool when pressured as well as the greater range for chasing.


It fits his playstyle. Much like no1 plays your build quite like you do, and no1 plays my build quite like I do, Osicat's vanilla inspired playstyle, enables him to make more use of Mirage Advance, as it allows for a very Portal-like mechanic (that he obviously favors and frequently uses). It's one of the things I enjoy looking out for in his videos, the Vanilla approach.

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Updates 10/11 2018



Twitch Osicat will be mainly used for layback stuff. Roaming and wvwvw streams will be done on YouTube. Sub to YouTube channel for live updates when stream start.



This week Osicat plans:


Start text guide Shatter Cat Mirage.


Thursday-Sunday military deployment so won’t be active this weekend


Sunday evening new YouTube video, editing it advance to release Sunday.





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you should do some napkin math on that burn trait in illusions, i think the extra f1 is of greater relative value than more burning on a burst. sigil of severance or draining would probably be more useful on sw/x, worth a look, they add a good deal of burst to sword combos.

good stuff tho dude :)


(try arcane thievery, it's pretty much a hard counter to any condition build on this setup, plus you can still pick at warriors/rangers/everything when they are invun as it's unblockable, you should give it a whirl if you haven't!)

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@"ZeroSkitzo.5403" I hope to have started text part Before I go on my short military depolyment on thursday. Its just 4 Days so If Im not done it continue in te start next week. atm I prioritice editing next video + the text guide. Neww video seems Amazing so sub if u havent to the channel :)


In text I will cover a bit of thecombos etc. Planis that after next vid I do a video About combos and burst, will also have a look at how combos can be done together with a ele. If you see at the last fight in my latest video (shatter cat Mirage) San P s´ blast areas is used to land torsh blasts together with Mirage advane for in and out blast combos + fire shield.



@"RlyOsim.2497" first of all thank you for posting, this kind of post is my favorite :) People who help the mesmer Community theorycraft different ways to optimice the class after personal preferences.


**I do not say you are wrong,** the Points you mention is valid both of them and **I deffenetly se why it might be a better option**. I instead try to explain why for me personaly it work etter with the setup I use.


**I Start with arcane Thievery,** yes the skill is fantastic, I swap my singil for it sometimes when I doing a 1 vs 1 towards somone who use alot fo stability/resitance. Its alo a good chase tool. Why I dont use it when I roam is two major reasons.


First its a single target abilit, meaning that in a bigger brawl I rather have a mobility tool. Secondly, the hardcounter class its work against is not a issue normaly for me.


Shatter Cat Mirage is in my opinion in wvwvw a hardcounter vs necros in most fights except major zerg battles, and even in these its possibly to pick them out if they drift from the center of mass a bit. The rangers I find I can deal with aswell. Compared to Mirage advane who not only is a hardcounter vs most thief setups especialy deadeye I just find the utility to specialiced. Note thu that I still use arcane thievery if i in advance know what I going to fight demand it.


About the burn in illusions, agree pure dmg vice the extra shatter might be a better option, reason why I dont have this is cause I dont take the trait for burn, I take it for the 20% cd redsuction on torsh skills. The stealth/blink is one of the things i line up for both burst but even more important, survival.


/love osicat




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Update 2018-09-12


Started textguide Shatter Cat Mirage. Its still "under construction" so bare with my english and that I not been able to explane everything yet.





Ty al for commenting and posting. In the end alot what I post alot of ppl already know, what we do want thu is a acctive living and friendly community., A community where new players find info easy and experienced players can disscuss theorycrafing. Also a living game.


PPS Ty all who sub to the videochannel. I keep post a every sunday and stream between.

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> @"Osicat.4139" said:

> This will be the Master thread for me when I post new videos and builds in the future.



> **Build**


> ****Shatter Cat Mirage - Wery high dmg shatter hybrid****




> The Shatter Cat Mirage is a hybrid spec, mainly constructed for WvWvW roaming solo or in small groups. It can be used in

> fractals and open world but to optimice it for that content viper stats are marginally better.



> **Gear stats + runes and sigils.**


> +Power, +Condition Damage, +Ferocity, and +Precision. is the main gear choice.


> That mean the spec have close to al gear points invested into direct dmg or condition dmg. This give 1/4 stats that provide condition dmg

> the other 3 are direct dmg increasing stats as ferocisty power and precision. Precision add a smal amount of extra bleed but is majorly improving

> direct dmg burst for this spec.


> To add extra condition dmg we use weapon sigil and food.


> The runes are giving 5% each in dmg to condition and power while the pure stats main is condition.



> ****Weapon choice:****


> Axe/torch is your offensive tools, sword/pistol is your chasing or escapeing tools.



> **Survival.**


> In wvwvw as a roamer mobility is life, mobility is the god we pray to and mobility is what we dream about in the night.


> This give a spec with very low passive defense and in need to survive you use the active skills. Core tool is not "not be in the danger zone" long enought for

> the enemy to react or for your cd,s to run out. You want to dive in , land your punch and leap back out. Like a mungo fighting a cobra. If you dive in and

> you almost got a target down its generally better to dive out, have a once over on your cd,s and then dive in again for finishing up rather than commit to the kill

> get your target down and not have enought cd,s to escape.


> This also mean that your weakest time in game is ressing or stomping. IF you can use dmg instead as its safer for finish.


> To survive you need to manage your cooldowns, if you run out of energy and coldowns you are a wery easy prey. Meaning that the energy bar and mobility bar

> is just as important as your health bar. A easy mistake is to burn al cd,s early in a fight for offensive and not have enough to withdraw from combat. Another

> is when chasing a target burn so several mobility cd,s that when you catch up with your target you cant fight effective.



> **Dmg**


> Is dealt in bursts. You want to dive in load front power dmg and leave a big pile of conditions and then fast leap away.


> **

> Combos**


> Several of the aggressive abilities have combos. Axe both 2 and 3 + torch 4 have in the face combo finishers and the spec is extremely well combined with a duo/3 man team

> including a elementalist. Sword/pistol combo finishers are good but not near as offensivly.



> **Aggression:**


> Sword/pistol

> 4 and 5 can be used for agression but its not a optimal opener for big burst. Its better used for chasing, defensive or harassing. Between juking in and out

> on a target it can be used to (soft) a taregt up, example a necro before you go in for killing blow with axe/torsh. The sword main usage is the chasing leap, its

> avoidance and the ambush skill's mobility.


> Axe/Torch

> I like to make sure that my energy bar is full before I move in aggressively, open in stealth, use the Mirage advance when the burn blast just about to hit

> to do the 900 y leap to the target. On the target you land blind (+ confusion), burn and a direct hit + axe 2 + distortion shatter. Continue into Axe 2 + jaunt and shatter

> 1 with 3 clones up and a shatter 2 with no clones folowed by exit if needed with mirage retreat.


> The Mirage retreat can be used offensly as it create a clone to axe 3 back in, dodge and ambush axe folowed by Torch 5 + jaunt into a 3 clone shatter. Blink is still up for

> a escape and try to always have minimum 1 jaunt up for condi removal.


> Chasing


> Sword/Pistol. Stun with the pistol/distort. Use sword 1 ambush to close distance and sword snare to stop target. Try to never go fully out of energy as you get vulnerable for counter attacks. If you chase a thief/mesmer Mirage Advance will hit them after they stealth and blink, this mean a deadeye is in wery hard situation if you start it when he at low hp and he stealth. Theirfour try use axe 3 to close in on thiefs/mesmers for burst, then save mirror advance for folow up.



> The sadistic trap:

> One of my absolute favorite ways to kill of several enemys is to do the 1st juke in, almost end a target and then juke out. Save up cd,s and go in, down a target

> but not finish, then juke out and wait a few sec, make sure torsh 4 and 5 is ready. Then when someone try to ress go in in stealth from torch 4, open with torch 5 for 4

> stacks of burn, axe 2 two times into a 3 clone shatter 1 + a aoe interupt form shatter 3. This often give 2-3 downed and al heavly preasured with conditions.


> This is the move you see in the necro/ guardian fight in the video guide.



> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQRAsd3fnELDVLjlpBWoBMMjlXDzf/VATglVgeTwBNAkTeOA-jVyCQBU4gKMV1fO2RAAf7PAgHUQWUylUdPJSJYXVOEA4AI0tuFf8xH/4jP+4jPeXP+4jP+4jP+4jPepAqSZF-w


> Roaming videos:




> Stream

> YouTube sub for stream

> Alternative solo runs on “osicat” twitch


Honestly since you’re doing a guide on shatter, why don’t you hit up @"Jazz.4639" , especially since you’re both on EU and between the two of you, come up with some top of the line Guide?

I’m sure it can’t hurt either of your fanbases, to do a feature.


Edit: What’s the thought process behind your current choice of weapon sets? Why not A/P-Sw/T? Is it just a playstyle choice or? Cuz if I’m gonna use sword as utility weapon to replace staff, I’d rather have my torch 4 into ambush leap for gtfo.


P.S. As someone mentioned above, torch dmg is subpar nowadays.

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@"Arlette.9684" I love questions that make me reflect over why I do things the way I do :) cheers.


Why I keep axe with torch is more of that I want sword with pistol than that I want axe with torch in end. My personal play style fit this way. I trend to use both pistol and sword defensivt or as supressive tool.


Axe and torch I use agressivly. Even if torch dmg is rather low it’s combined effect with confusion torment and bleed tend to give a Condi burst that finish what the power burst land. Also I like to get the blast finisher from torch together with axe burst as I 90% of my time roam with San Pe the pvp Ele. I also greatly prefers to attack out of stealth and time my “juke”

In with torch stealth. I found myself play a bit to defensive and have less offensive survival with torch sword setup.


Can’t say if this is correct, just how I feel work best for me.


About @"Jazz.4639" As I been away from the game and just recently (1,5month) came back my connection network with the good theorycrafters active is a bit low atm. Who know what the future provide.




Ps, will have radio silence now for a few days. In 5 min my transport for a short military deployment go.


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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > @"Osicat.4139" said:

> > This will be the Master thread for me when I post new videos and builds in the future.

> >

> >

> > **Build**

> >

> > ****Shatter Cat Mirage - Wery high dmg shatter hybrid****

> >

> >

> >

> > The Shatter Cat Mirage is a hybrid spec, mainly constructed for WvWvW roaming solo or in small groups. It can be used in

> > fractals and open world but to optimice it for that content viper stats are marginally better.

> >

> >

> > **Gear stats + runes and sigils.**

> >

> > +Power, +Condition Damage, +Ferocity, and +Precision. is the main gear choice.

> >

> > That mean the spec have close to al gear points invested into direct dmg or condition dmg. This give 1/4 stats that provide condition dmg

> > the other 3 are direct dmg increasing stats as ferocisty power and precision. Precision add a smal amount of extra bleed but is majorly improving

> > direct dmg burst for this spec.

> >

> > To add extra condition dmg we use weapon sigil and food.

> >

> > The runes are giving 5% each in dmg to condition and power while the pure stats main is condition.

> >

> >

> > ****Weapon choice:****

> >

> > Axe/torch is your offensive tools, sword/pistol is your chasing or escapeing tools.

> >

> >

> > **Survival.**

> >

> > In wvwvw as a roamer mobility is life, mobility is the god we pray to and mobility is what we dream about in the night.

> >

> > This give a spec with very low passive defense and in need to survive you use the active skills. Core tool is not "not be in the danger zone" long enought for

> > the enemy to react or for your cd,s to run out. You want to dive in , land your punch and leap back out. Like a mungo fighting a cobra. If you dive in and

> > you almost got a target down its generally better to dive out, have a once over on your cd,s and then dive in again for finishing up rather than commit to the kill

> > get your target down and not have enought cd,s to escape.

> >

> > This also mean that your weakest time in game is ressing or stomping. IF you can use dmg instead as its safer for finish.

> >

> > To survive you need to manage your cooldowns, if you run out of energy and coldowns you are a wery easy prey. Meaning that the energy bar and mobility bar

> > is just as important as your health bar. A easy mistake is to burn al cd,s early in a fight for offensive and not have enough to withdraw from combat. Another

> > is when chasing a target burn so several mobility cd,s that when you catch up with your target you cant fight effective.

> >

> >

> > **Dmg**

> >

> > Is dealt in bursts. You want to dive in load front power dmg and leave a big pile of conditions and then fast leap away.

> >

> > **

> > Combos**

> >

> > Several of the aggressive abilities have combos. Axe both 2 and 3 + torch 4 have in the face combo finishers and the spec is extremely well combined with a duo/3 man team

> > including a elementalist. Sword/pistol combo finishers are good but not near as offensivly.

> >

> >

> > **Aggression:**

> >

> > Sword/pistol

> > 4 and 5 can be used for agression but its not a optimal opener for big burst. Its better used for chasing, defensive or harassing. Between juking in and out

> > on a target it can be used to (soft) a taregt up, example a necro before you go in for killing blow with axe/torsh. The sword main usage is the chasing leap, its

> > avoidance and the ambush skill's mobility.

> >

> > Axe/Torch

> > I like to make sure that my energy bar is full before I move in aggressively, open in stealth, use the Mirage advance when the burn blast just about to hit

> > to do the 900 y leap to the target. On the target you land blind (+ confusion), burn and a direct hit + axe 2 + distortion shatter. Continue into Axe 2 + jaunt and shatter

> > 1 with 3 clones up and a shatter 2 with no clones folowed by exit if needed with mirage retreat.

> >

> > The Mirage retreat can be used offensly as it create a clone to axe 3 back in, dodge and ambush axe folowed by Torch 5 + jaunt into a 3 clone shatter. Blink is still up for

> > a escape and try to always have minimum 1 jaunt up for condi removal.

> >

> > Chasing

> >

> > Sword/Pistol. Stun with the pistol/distort. Use sword 1 ambush to close distance and sword snare to stop target. Try to never go fully out of energy as you get vulnerable for counter attacks. If you chase a thief/mesmer Mirage Advance will hit them after they stealth and blink, this mean a deadeye is in wery hard situation if you start it when he at low hp and he stealth. Theirfour try use axe 3 to close in on thiefs/mesmers for burst, then save mirror advance for folow up.

> >

> >

> > The sadistic trap:

> > One of my absolute favorite ways to kill of several enemys is to do the 1st juke in, almost end a target and then juke out. Save up cd,s and go in, down a target

> > but not finish, then juke out and wait a few sec, make sure torsh 4 and 5 is ready. Then when someone try to ress go in in stealth from torch 4, open with torch 5 for 4

> > stacks of burn, axe 2 two times into a 3 clone shatter 1 + a aoe interupt form shatter 3. This often give 2-3 downed and al heavly preasured with conditions.

> >

> > This is the move you see in the necro/ guardian fight in the video guide.

> >

> >

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQRAsd3fnELDVLjlpBWoBMMjlXDzf/VATglVgeTwBNAkTeOA-jVyCQBU4gKMV1fO2RAAf7PAgHUQWUylUdPJSJYXVOEA4AI0tuFf8xH/4jP+4jPeXP+4jP+4jP+4jPepAqSZF-w

> >

> > Roaming videos:

> >

> >

> >

> > Stream

> > YouTube sub for stream

> > Alternative solo runs on “osicat” twitch


> Honestly since you’re doing a guide on shatter, why don’t you hit up @"Jazz.4639" , especially since you’re both on EU and between the two of you, come up with some top of the line Guide?

> I’m sure it can’t hurt either of your fanbases, to do a feature.


> Edit: What’s the thought process behind your current choice of weapon sets? Why not A/P-Sw/T? Is it just a playstyle choice or? Cuz if I’m gonna use sword as utility weapon to replace staff, I’d rather have my torch 4 into ambush leap for gtfo.


> P.S. As someone mentioned above, torch dmg is subpar nowadays.


hi sry for the late answer, im bit busy irl atm. from the short view it looks like osicat already made a big guide for his build and i already did a lot of guides for my build and mes in general, so what kind of guide do you have need for? just tell me what you have in mind and we will see what me and/or osicat can do :)


new pvp vid up btw incl some writen hints as always! :)

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@"Jazz.4639" Cheers for vid. enjoyed it and subbed/liked. A wild osicat say hi from the WvWvW (: Glad there is so many skilled ppl posting vids and builds and continue to keep the fantastic gaming community this game have alive.


@"Arlette.9684" Dont some more gaming and I still favour S/p & A/T over the opposite, but I use both combos. Tbh I swap utilitys and other things around in wvwvw al the time. one of the benefits over pvp where you cant adapt yout toolset out of combat between batles based on what you face.



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> @"Osicat.4139" said:

> @"Jazz.4639" Cheers for vid. enjoyed it and subbed/liked. A wild osicat say hi from the WvWvW (: Glad there is so many skilled ppl posting vids and builds and continue to keep the fantastic gaming community this game have alive.


> @"Arlette.9684" Dont some more gaming and I still favour S/p & A/T over the opposite, but I use both combos. Tbh I swap utilitys and other things around in wvwvw al the time. one of the benefits over pvp where you cant adapt yout toolset out of combat between batles based on what you face.


> /Osicat


big thx <3 and i ofc subed back immediatly :)

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