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I think there is a difference in meta between NA and EU? (wvw)


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Lately ive been involved in a lot of ranger / soulbeast discussions about the 1 shot capability of the spec etc. and it seems like all the crazy high numbers are coming from NA servers if im not mistaken?


Is there more of a tendency to run glassier builds in zergs and just in general, in wvw on NA?

I play on EU and 99% of the time my targets, whether it be in zergs or roaming tend to lean towards higher sustain rather than glass.

Is this true in your experience?

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I don't see too many one-shot builds, no. I have seen more of that weird axe boonbeast build lately. I'd say probably ~40% of Soulbeasts I encounter run Sic 'Em and even fewer run OWP.

I run a pretty standard Marauder's WS/BM/SB LB/GS Survival/Shout build and it can hit hard, but nothing remotely close to the numbers people post. I will put on OWP, Marksmanship, and Sic 'Em if I'm defending a tower because I feel less guilty running a cheese build against a zerg since I mostly just solo roam and it's fun to melt glass eles and revs. Otherwise the build feels terrible to run.

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ranger one shot builds aren't a thing in any pvp. In EU you see some marurder build that hit hard, but that's because of the abuse of blocks and reflects when you can get one thru it needs to count. Hit hard but very glassy.


In my experience most of the whining is coming from noobs which got owned because of overextending their capabilities or afking while siege. Even going full zerk i can't get more than 4k on crit with all buffs on (including Sic'em) .

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I have defended Zerker Soulbeast on some of these posts. It's not OP like some are trying to say it is. Like some have said, if you are seeing 10k Auto Attack Hits and 1 shot Deaths from Sic'em, Strength of the Pack, and Rapid Fire it's because someone is running full glass Zerker gear and happen to have been unluckily targeted with all of their reflects, dodges, or toughness modifiers on Cool Down. They then get mad and come running to the forums to complain that Soulbeast needs nerfing. Rangers have been nerfed into the ground and finally we start seeing some kind of buffing and actual usage in game and people just can't stand it. It's not "META". It's not Spellbreaker, Firebrand, Scourge, Rev backline so it must be killed. Kill it with fire!

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