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Charr Revenant Scythe-Attack Issue


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**Hey everyone**,


I play Revenant since HoT launch. I chose to play Charr because of "lore" stuff.

Not so long ago I decided to buy the Weapon Voucher from Gem Store because I saw the Suntouched Scythe Staff Skin. I loved it. The swing effect it had on preview was gorgeus - The Six's faces.

I equipped it on my Charr Revenant and didn't like it at all. This problem is only about the scythes.

**There is a problem with a Charr Revenant wielding a scythe because when your character swings it, it flips to the side of the scythe. So, instead of attacking with the blade of the weapon, you attack with the shaft which, I suppose, isn't the desired effect.** I am not sure, but I think that Charr Thief can also have the same problem since these are the only classes attacking melee with staves.

Last thing I'd like to say is that I would be more than happy to see this being changed. Perhaps modelers can do something about it.

Maybe make the Charr not rotate the scythe while attacking with it? - Just a straight hit, like humans and Norn have. Again, I know that this might be hard to fix but I'm really looking forward to fixing this. Thank you for reading and if you have other suggestions or problems that are similar to this one feel free to post it!


___I just want to address that and show you some screenshots I did while using this staff. ___


**Charr Revenant staff attack (1 GIF, 2 screens):**




**Norn Revenant staff attack (1 GIF):**




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