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few days ranked pvp now


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> @"titje.2745" said:

> > @"Red Raven.7824" said:

> > Ahh this is a common case of GitGud. You're bew/bad at PvP and it shows through your first sentence.

> >

> > You cannot form premade groups in ranked. Only duo queues are allowed.

> >

> > As for people taking ranked seriously.. Duh? That's the whole point of playing COMPETITIVELY, ya dig? People want to win and you're dragging your team down because you're bad then you should probably learn to play in unranked before complaining about a competitive experience. Sorry we don't really care that you just want to get your Legendary backpiece.


> yes i am not good in pvp. i just play it for fun. there are better things to focus on or spend time at. premade will say you invite someone and then join. 2 ppl of a guild is still premade. but i think 60% of ppl use key binds or macros or mmo mouse. they feel good but it’s not how the game is made. it’s sad if you have to win like that. and then saying to other ppl git gud lol. even if i drag their rank down. i am not a sad person who go afk in base. btw yesterday i had 3 ppl of 1 guild in team.


> but things must just work properly.




I do not want to sound rude, but if you play PvP (honestly any content in any MMO) you must key bind most if not all your skills. It is not optional.

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As above key Binding is needed to improve reaction times. It also lets you build muscle memory for utilities that will help your mobility/sustain/damage.


A side note. You can auto run while typing. So you don’t need to stand in place while responding to a guildie.


More generally, there’s plenty of toxic players who are toxic because they are on a loss streak. It sucks but you should just focus on getting better.


To that end think about your role: roamer, bunker, bruiser or support. You want to focus on your role and not over extended. Rotate on the map based on your role and where you can have the most impact. You can also work on your mechanical skill with your build (meta or not a mechanically good player is better than an untrained meta build).


As to why people aren’t reviving you: it’s probably because either (1) they are bad or (2) they can’t safely revive you without taking too much damage/dying. So often people expect a revive when the other team will use the opportunity to pick up two kills instead. The same is true in reverse. If you will both die in the attempt don’t try to revive.

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in wvsw i am always a healer. but in pvp i cant be a good healer because sigils. i like to see enemy’s struggle killing my team when i keep the team alive. this was in wow. yes this isn’t wow.


and i don’t like all classes. maybe i go try some. to see what happen.


and ty @"saerni.2584" for tips. :)

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