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Highest possible condition damage?


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Does anyone know how high it's possible to get your baseline condition damage - without boons, food etc. - just from equipment and upgrades?


I'm playing around with build ideas (just theory crafting out of curiosity) and I kept thinking I want to try and get my condition damage as high as I can...then it occurred to me it would be helpful to know what that actually is. No sense in worrying it's too low if it's actually pretty close to the maximum.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Does anyone know how high it's possible to get your baseline condition damage - without boons, food etc. - just from equipment and upgrades?


> I'm playing around with build ideas (for an open-world build) and I kept thinking I want to try and get my condition damage as high as I can...then it occurred to me it would be helpful to know what that actually is. No sense in worrying it's too low if it's actually pretty close to the maximum.


Idk about that but i just use condi druid in full vipers for open world but TD/AB meta for dps race and its amazing. Never having an issue soloing any hero point daily in VB/AB/TD. The PoF's one are easy, so doesn't matter.

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Until a 3-stat Condi/Expertise/X gear is released, Vipers is the best DPS condi gear.


If you're trying to min/max the raw Condi stat, you'll want a 3-stat gear with Condi primary, and probably rune of the renegade. You can test builds in the PVP lobby by swapping amulets until you get the highest number, then you just have to go recalc with PVE gear.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Does anyone know how high it's possible to get your baseline condition damage - without boons, food etc. - just from equipment and upgrades?


> I'm playing around with build ideas (just theory crafting out of curiosity) and I kept thinking I want to try and get my condition damage as high as I can...then it occurred to me it would be helpful to know what that actually is. No sense in worrying it's too low if it's actually pretty close to the maximum.


Dire is best for highest possible condition. 2834 condition damage is the highest ive seen without any might stacks.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Thanks, but I'm not looking for build advice. I'm theory crafting - playing around with what's possible not necessarily looking for what works best or is popular. I don't know if it will produce anything useful, although that's always a bonus, I just want to see what the options are.


I guess it depends on what aspect of the game you are looking at this for, pve or wvw.

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Prior responses summed things up for pure +Condition Damage pretty well. Also, a Sigil of Bursting on your weapon gets you +6% Condition Damage. (Note that Sigil benefits do not stack so don't put two of those on your weapon, or on both main and off hand.)


The Condition Damage stat isn't your only consideration for condition damage, though. As others have mentioned or hinted, things like condition duration (directly or via Expertise) have a big effect on your total damage, depending on the length of the fight. Go Viper's for both armor and weapons.


On your armor, 4 Runes of the Nightmare and 2 Runes of the Trappe yield a total of +100 Condition damage and +25% Condition Duration. This is what I've been told will max your overall condition damage. 5 of either of those runes will get you +175 Condition Damage but less added duration overall. There are also some trinkets you can get with Viper's stats, or close.


A Sigil of Malice on your weapon will also give you +10% Condition Duration.


If you are crafting gear, it may be less of a hassle for you to make a set other than Viper's and convert it in the Mystic Forge; you don't have to farm for mats to make all the Fulgurite if you do that.

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