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Why doesn't anyone do Serpent's Ire?


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The expansion is only 2 weeks old and in spite of the number of topics on the forum about people having finished everything and gotten bored the impression I've gotten in-game is that the majority of players have not even finished the story or explored all the maps yet.


I suspect meta events are something people don't tend to do until they're familiar with the map and are looking beyond basic exploration and completion. At the moment there's not many people at that point.

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Vabbi is so annoying to me that I want to unlock it with 100% and never return...

There is mini tangled depths on the north, "Fury of the brand" on the east, heart events are boring and slow progressing, they manage to integrate "The Wall" from GoT in that brand area so you need to go north or south just to get on the other side.


Yeah, because of this I don't care about any events in that zone...

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> @Irreverent.3594 said:

> If that is the one with 3 lanes then i think was in one just by accident doing map. There was this other player and this shield icon popped up and we needed to protect this npc. And there was just two of us and npc died. Sadness. Then we found out it's larger event which failed. Double sadness.


that's the meta in desolation, seprents ire is in vabbi. i'm missing those to for the furnarie armor

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I'm only just now getting to really exploring in The Desolation and finishing up stuff still in Desert Highlands and Elon Riverlands. Unlike the zerg completionists, I don't have to have absolutely everything done the first two weeks of the expansion just to be bored and whine/complain that there wasn't enough to do to keep them occupied. (I also knew that this was going to happen again, as it did with HoT.)


So to answer your question, I've only been to Vabbi to check out the new guild hall for a good friend's guild. That's about it.

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I don't know why. I think many HoT-Lovers have left for HoT and then there are some people like me who haven't even finished exploring the first two maps :P I can promise you I will be doing the meta events in desolation and vabbi, but give me some time, I'm still busy exploring the Dwarven ruins and punching pinatas (Pinata choja is actually more fun to me then HoT pinata meta bosses)

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When I bought HoT, long ago, it was out for a few months already. I had one chracter which I used to travel as far as possible, and ended up very deep inside the Tangled Depths with mastery level 1. A few commanders were taged up and people discussed in mapchat about the meta. They complained, that it is now nearly impossible to find any people for the meta and that the entire maps would be abandoned in weeks. Noone would do any TD or DS meta in the future and the content/achievements would be impossible to do in a few months. Sounds familiar?


To make this clear, Path of Fire is still considered **new content**. No matter how many speedrunners already have completed all achievements or a griffon, many of us are not through it and some of us (including me) are not even finished with the story part.


If you open LFG and look arround tyria with opened eyes, you may notice:

- SW farm is still going on

- VB Meta is still going on

- AB Meta is still going on (less than before, thanks to multiloot-nerf, but there are still organized runs)

- TD Meta is still going on

- DS Meta is still going on

- Worldboss tours are still a thing

- Triple Troubles are still organized and highly participated

- Tequatl and Shatterer are still organized and highly participated

- Claw of Jormag is still organzied and highly participated

- Rhendak and the Eye of Zaithan are still milked like a dairy cow

- Dungeon LFG still serve a purpose


Most of these things I listed above, should be extinct by now. If any of the doom-callers were correct, none of these would run at the moment.


**About tough content:**

Back in the days when ANet re-designed Tequatl, it was fairly unbeatable for weeks. There was an inofficial competition between the servers. What server was able to beat him first? Our server, RoF <3, was one of the last who managed it, thanks to our special coordination skills. While the germans already farmed it daily for weeks, we still struggled with our first beat down. We had doom-callers back then as well, claiming the content to be abandoned within weeks, due to its extreme difficulty.


**What happened instead?**

People got used to it. Tequatl runs are a daily routine nowadays. Some still fail, due to lack of people. But the organized ones are mostly a success and if you look for a spot too late, the map is full already.


As I said above, PoF is new content atm. Give it some time and even the hard bounties and metas will be farmed. We are still in the learning phase. If you do not think so, check the wiki.

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Every event you mention above gives you either nice material rewards or a chance to drop unique stuff - ascended tequatl's chest for example. Seprent's Ire is just an event. It gives nothing interesting back for time invested. All these events take 10-20 minutes to complete, while SI takes an hour. No way anyone will be going for this event and this is not the case of "this is new content, people still progressing".

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> @HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

> As I said above, PoF is new content atm. Give it some time and even the hard bounties and metas will be farmed. We are still in the learning phase. If you do not think so, check the wiki.


These events are still done because they offer enough (unique) rewards that people consider worthwhile. The Vabbi event, outside of the collection item, has nothing to offer. It rewards as much (or better as little) as any normal PoF event.




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> @HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

> When I bought HoT, long ago, it was out for a few months already. I had one chracter which I used to travel as far as possible, and ended up very deep inside the Tangled Depths with mastery level 1. A few commanders were taged up and people discussed in mapchat about the meta. They complained, that it is now nearly impossible to find any people for the meta and that the entire maps would be abandoned in weeks. Noone would do any TD or DS meta in the future and the content/achievements would be impossible to do in a few months. Sounds familiar?


Except that at the end of the HoT metas you get a lot of chests to loot...


I have never done any of the metas in the PoF maps. They just don't seem worth the time as others have said, which is too bad because of the collections.

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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> The expansion is only 2 weeks old and in spite of the number of topics on the forum about people having finished everything and gotten bored the impression I've gotten in-game is that the majority of players have not even finished the story or explored all the maps yet.


Whenever an MMO releases a new XP, their are certain types of people that chew through all of the content as fast as they can, and then make a bee-line to the forums to complain about "lack of content" and "this game is dying", etc... Ignore those people.



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PoF maps have currently the following problems


* They are miuch bigger, than the usual maps people played before, so the amount of players is much more spread thing in the maps, and have due to this move also much longer distances than before, to reach certain locations, also due to the reduction of waypoints. People are lazy, if they see, that they have to move a long distance, even if its now with mounts, they won't do it, if its not worth it.

* PoF Events are all of Noob Level Niveau in regard of what you gain there, just the typical exp ,karma and low amounts of gold, that no butt cares for, as you receive this everywhere or far more oftenly soemwhere else in a short amount of time from farming Meta Events

* Bounties are abslutely too unrewarding, and despite this fact, they are still the most rewardign thing, yiou can do in all PoF maps, the other metas everywhere are mostly interstign for peole to do just only 1 single tiem for their personal gain of achievements, but afte that, nobody cares for these thigns anymore, because the rewards after that are pure garbage an totally ininterestign and not worth your time and effort, which is why you see nobody doign at all maw

* Aside of these points, are still way too many peopel way too budy with other things, like map exploration, mastery receiving, griffon unlocking, mastery/hero point hunt, and do all their very own thing, while running around with horse sight, not looking left and right, whats happenign around them, nor caring for others, if they could help out others in what they are doing...

* Achievement Hunters roam also still around, having surely not donw all of their stuff in all maps and as long the stuff you do, isn#t on their list as well to do, then you barelly gonna see them helping out somewhere else



PoF is simply a way too much casual player orientated expansion, because people complaned that HoT therefore was way too much of the opposite and not casual player friendly. With Pof we just received now, what many peopel here in the forums whined for - an expansion, that should feel more like the Core Game as less complex like HoT.

The sad point is only, that by this decision is PoF naturally for the high active playersa and hardcore players so quickly so unappealing and uninterestign due to the clearly inferior rewards compared to Silver Wastes, and Hot Maps, that the moment where you have done everythign you care for in poF, you have nothign left in poF anymore, which gives you a reason to stay active there, because staying there feels for many peopel like a waste of time, because the maps aren't equally as lucrative for most players as like farmign their daily routines on SW, AB & Co, which is the reason also why so many people are disappointing from poF, that the maps have no hot like Meta Events with epic scaled meta boss battles ala Mouth of Mordremoth, Chak Gerent, Octovine and the various legendary bosses at night time in VB to hunt down which have all their map unique rewards, that feel also more rewarding, than the map rewards and the stuff, you can earn with PoFs map currency which is basically for all maps the same stuff, while HoT provided for each map somethign completely different, which is th reason why peopel begin now already to ask about, what they should do with all their extra of contracts, cause they have unlocked already everything with this map currency now.


I personalyl hope, that ANet will use this feedback now, they got about PoF, to improve the weaknesses of PoF with the help of Living Story Season 4 Patches, to fil lthe gaps, and add the content, that should have been in the expansion that alot of people missed in the poF maps and so on..


Therefore that PoF was claimed to be the CONTENT EEXPANSION, therfore has given Heart of Thorns us all the impression to have had added much much more content, than actually PoF did, despite HoT being called by anet a FEATURE EXPANSION.

Ridiculously, HoT had even a LONGER STORY than PoF, consiting of 4 ACTS each 3 Missions and Side Stuff in between the Missions.

PoF had only 3 ACTS and so it had lesser MIssions. We were much quicker at the point to defeat Balthazar, than it had taken us, to defeat Mordremoth... as if Mordremoth was the way much more dangerous treat... just look and compare how much harm he did to Tyria, compared to what balthazar did.. he barely did ANYTHING and we already killed him, before balthazar could become active - kind if disappointing in itself, if you look at it this way in regard of a comparison between a Content Expansion, that should deliver in fact a muhc longer and complex story narrative, than actually a Feature Expasnion should, do, whose role it is to focus itself on implementating new gameplay features and adding lesser new story actually, where new story is more like a by product, but not the main focus of the expansion.


Currently it feels like HoT is the Content Expansion and PoF was more like the Feature Expansion, because the whole expansion is merely focused on the addition of just one single new feature - Mounts.

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> @mazut.4296 said:

> All the meta events are almost impossible to finish because there are not enough player. I don't know what happened, but this expansion is either deserted or people dislike the events so much they dont play them... baffling...


What's not to like about events that are as hard to finish as HoT,but award you with 1/10th of the loot?

Not to mention the dreamlike areas where some of these events take place.

Very welcoming maps for revisiting and replaying them after the first exploration.

You can either play in Orr and gather 10 nodes for every mob you fight,play HoT metas and be flooded with loot and gold,or you can play in

Crystal Desert and kill 20 mobs for every node you gather.

The joy of fighting your way through everywhere,whilst getting thunderstruck at the same time.

Who doesn't like being continuously zapped by lightning?

Are we serial?This is pro gamer mechanic.


I vote for the branded area in Vabbi as the best map ever,anywhere,in this universe and beyond.

I play this every day.I put AC/DC on.Thunder Thunder uuuuuuuhhhhuuuhhhhuuuuhhhhuuuhhhh,I walk for 10 seconds,die and then log out and play Hello Kitty.*


Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzztt ... t.


*'Ts a jowke off cowrs.

It's not that hard to avoid the lightning,but can someone seriously tell me that they will ever make this area and the events there part of their rotation,willingly,

if they don't have to be there for a collection,or to unlock the map?

And I don't play Hello Kitty,only Super Charrio Kart.


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