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> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> The only thing ANet could take a look at is the character creation. I love having more options rather than less and I especially love options that allow the creation of unique visual features, be it freckles, a sun-tan, tattoos, multi-coloured hair or anything like that.


For that I would point them to Second Life. Yes, 'that is not a game', but it is relevant.


The initial character creator is pretty basic but the idea it leverages after that is where it gets interesting. Pretty much everything, from body shapes to objects inworld, are user created content.


The con is not being able to cache content. Maybe have traditional questing/battle areas be entirely anet content but in non-combat areas like cities people can do whatever they can imagine. It would be a source of revenue for anet as well as they could rent server space to maintain the content.


User content that is REALLY good could be bought by anet so you might see some of the stuff appearing in the traditional zones as well over time.


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> @"iLLUMiNARSTiE.5017" said:

> @"Gehenna.3625" I understand some of your points.. First off. "copying an already existing MMO" has already happened with every single MMO thats being release to this day INCLUDING GW2... i've mentioned 4 aspects.. open world, playerkill, fewer waypoints, more dynamic combat system. this is hardly duplicating an already existing MMO.


> Playerkill system.. With this, i didn't mean a switch to turn it on and off at will. If you actually read what i said. I explained it as a type of mastery that you can optionally decide to upgrade or not.. Obviously people who have upgraded, cant attack people who haven't. It would be unfair. And if it was an accidental click, they could maybe get a free one time item off the store to reset it or send a ticket in explaining it was an accident. And then have it reset, so that they ain't getting "ganked" all the time.. Obviously theres ways around this if you use your head to think about it.. A lot of people dont like the idea because they don't like PvP. But if there was an option to switch this on **AND** keep the non PvPers safe from getting Playerkilled, then i don't see the problem?

> EDIT: And griefing isn't a thing in guild wars due to the fact if you get 1 hit, you get the same exp and get the loot.. Which makes griefing slightly irrelevent.


> As for Waypoints, we share a totally different opinion.. You want to be able to travel an get to places really fast. And i like to try enjoy the full content and environment i'm in by getting to places on foot, or on my mount. Instead of using Waypoints as a means of transport. It's unfortunate that you end up late to your events.. You should consider blaming your slow pace, or time keeping rather than Waypoints, considering events can last a considerably lengthy amount of time.


> As i said.. The combat system is REALLY good for an MMO. I personally just think it would benefit with and be more attractive with a more diverse and dynamic combat system. the way you mention it, you don't like to PvP an you'd prefer to auto attack a target an move on.. Thats perfectly fine. I'm pretty sure if GW DEV's put their souls into a next game, they could easily make this happen all while improving the combat system at the same time.


> YES more character models, armour styles, weapon styles, facial features, etc.. the more customizations, the better!


Maybe I used the wrong word but when I said griefing, I meant people just going around looking for weak targets and killing them over and over again. This has nothing to do with xp but bored pvp'ers thinking it's hilarious to give weak targets a really hard time. That to me is also a form of griefing. Hopefully that makes my point clearer. As for your mastery idea for that... I suppose I misunderstood but I still don't see much difference in the system where you have pvp and pve servers. Also there you choose to participate or not and in the MMOs I've played pvp servers are the first to close down. My suggestion is looking for games that revolve around pvp primarily. That's where you find the type of people and pvp you want I would think.


This type of MMO revolves mostly around PvE. There is a reason why PvP modes are separate from them and why they get so few updates. I just don't think you'll get proper pvp in an MMO unless it's the core mode of the game.


We do indeed categorically disagree on waypoints but that's also because you look at it from a sort of exploration point of view and I from the event participation point of view. And though exploring is a thing here in the form of map completion, this game is built around events and they can be over very quickly when it's event bosses or even world bosses. So it's prohibitive in a game like this and that means changing the core of the game entirely or people will get tired of missing events left and right.


Now you may feel the combat system is good, but that's your opinion, not a fact. And my opinion as you have noticed is that it's not that great. And by the way, the auto attack is something that I do with some bosses only because there's little point in doing something else in a zerg with a boss that only has the mechanics of big hit points and big circles in a fight that lasts 5 minutes or longer. Doing all my cool moves is a waste of effort for that o.oo1% damage you do extra at that point and getting killed as most of the big bosses are very melee unfriendly so my guardian prefers to use her bow and well that skill set doesn't really invite to do more than skill 1 in such a fight. So I place my traps when I can. My point is though, that since I see this as a casual game, that's fine by me. I'm ok with it being like that. But I do not see GW2 as an interesting combat system and a lot of it is just rolling around, dodging circles anyway. Apparently even raid bosses are simply dungeon bosses with a timer (not my words but those of raiders). So between the locked skills from your weapon choice and mostly high cd's on the other side, combat is very repetitive and disallows more complex mechanics as there are no clear roles established. See, dodging is very dynamic but it also devaluates defensive skills at the same time. That's just one small example.


Anyways, opinions are set. We don't agree but that's also fine. As a consequence your vision for GW3 is more a nightmare than a dream for me.

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@"Gehenna.3625" I actually respect your opinion.. Most the people here are basing their opinion about GW2 instead of, as i said, a future game like GW3. Which clearly indicates that they didn't even read this properly at all.. You've come here with a decent argument toward all of my points. And i can actually see it from your point of view now.. I guess some people like change and others don't at this point. I do think however that in a future instalment. Optional Playerkill with a decent Combat System would definitely make the game more interesting, if it didn't effect PvE'ers.. For me, i see no reason for any PvE'er to complain.. Especially about "Griefing". You're saying it would allow people to do it.. But if that was the case, they could still do it now, without the system. But hey hoo, there'll always be people that disagree and dig up reasons for every solution.


I'm not going to answer to any of the other points as i feel those have been addressed more strongly.. And the other people that commented, primarily focused their initial reply on the image of adding these aspects into the already existing GW2. So i'm just going to ignore those comments, because they clearly ignored mine.


Anyways! thanks for your time <3

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You can do griefing now...in wvw. Just read the many many threads about overpowered thieves and mesmers in the wvw section.


I was not indicating a change to gw2. I was saying I would not play a gw3 WITH open world PvP. And believe me griefing would happen. And while rare it does happen here too in a way..look at the thread about the auric basin meta. Can you IMAGINE the ruckus caused in a meta event when a PvP guild shows up to cause trouble?


So no. Just no. Come play wvw with us if you want some interesting times walking across the countryside. Many servers will be delighted to show you.

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As seen in ESO even an optional open world PvP system (there, it's dueling) is detrimental to non-PvPers in the area. All the flashing effects and the shouts and screams and the guards running in to beat people up are very distracting. GW2 is built around a core value of being glad to see other players showing up; if you have to worry it's going to turn into a brawl, there's a tension there. As others have said, WvW offers pretty much what you're asking for in that regard.


Open world map: Yeah, I could see the merits of this. Depends on how optimized it is, and what can be done to keep it from overloading from too many players active in one spot. (Anyone remember the opening of the gates in WoW way back when? All of that continent became unplayable and inaccessible). It certainly can't be done in the current game, but you're talking about a GW3 years down the road so I'm sure the devs will be looking at what's feasible in that regard.


Waypoints: Please don't force long travel to get to the things you want to do. Immersive, yes, but makes it much harder to group up with friends. I remember WoW flight paths, which were my chance to get to the bathroom, read forums, in short do anything *but* be immersed in the game. Waypoints allow for quick access to the action, and are integral to the lore. Now, GW3 would probably have a new setting and could redo the lore as drastically as GW2 did from the original, but the devs are unlikely to toss out systems that most players enjoy.


Combat system becoming more like BDO. NOOOOO. No. NO NO NO. I played BDO at its launch (in the trial version, I believe) and the main factor making me stop was the combat system. It literally gave me migraines, I was sick most of that week from squinting at the screen and having to tensely claw my hand over the keyboard to do required sequences of combo key presses. I have small hands and I'm amazed I can manage to CTRL-T to set target. I also have my mounts on shift-letter combos, but none of those actions require super fast accuracy. I have zero interest in a combat system requiring complex sets of combos. (Sure, BDO didn't *require* it -- but the rewards from a fight were much higher if you used the combos in the right order). GW2 is plenty dynamic for me; I had to get a Razer HEX to have all my movement on my mouse because there was so much going on between movement and skill use. If you want to play the piano to fight in a game, please find another game that demands that and don't ask for GW(3) to be punitive to those without superb reflexes and finger dexterity.

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> @"iLLUMiNARSTiE.5017" said:


> -A Playerkill system.

ummmm i see problems with this

>It would add so much more depth to the game if say maybe you added an extra mastery point to the mix that made Playerkilling OPTIONAL?

Optional like you could turn it on or off? and it would have a cool down when doing either from being able to do either again? in that case maybe it could be fun, but you'd have to make sure it wouldn't be abused. For instance: having it off and preparing to gank someone who's active (you couldn't see who's acitive if you're not. )(and by active i mean player killable.) Once you activate "player kill mode" there's a 15-30min window (time might vary) where you are killable and you can't shut it off. If you've engaged in player kill combat the 15-30min window keeps getting reset to max time, the only way to shut it off is 1) play nice and don't attack other players(if u get attacked let them kill you otherwise reset). 2) wp to a capital city. 3. log out for 30 mins. (yea, this needs brainstorming but i'm sure there are pve'ers that might want to try it out and not be permanently stuck in a pvp playerkill system because they max the mastery point. )There would have to be some kind of turn on/ off system and not allow gankers to set up their attack turn it on gank someone, run away, turn it off and be unkillable only to repeat this process. <<

>with like a tiny PvP bonus added, so that people who choose not to upgrade this mastery WOULDN'T feel left out in content.

but they would, though if it was strictly pvp you're right they might not care, but they probs would be curious.

>It would also be much more exciting to be traveling across a map and happen to stumble upon parties fighting each other to settle differences an such.

If you're not bound to a rep system or GvG then it SEEMS to not make much sense. I mean Toxicity levels would definetly rise in the game and the "settling of differences is more like holding grudges for ever and ever. <<<

>It just adds much more depth an intensity to the world map itself, an brings a much more real and immersive feeling to the in-game world, in my opinion! :open_mouth:

Now if Game of Thrones ever actually made a decent MMORPG this idea would work well this that franchise.


> -An open world map.. I know this one has been regularly talked about and considered. I just want to add my approval to the idea of an open world guild wars environment! It would indeed be THE MOST immersive world in MMO history if this was to happen in a future GW game.

AGREED. I miss the ability to hike through unexplored mountain borders like in World of Warcraft and always faceplanting into invisible borders when ever i try to explore the edges where it seems like it goes on forever annoys me greatly. "Why can't i climb higher, there's ledges and shiznit up here. Why didn't the devs just smooth it off so there nothing to stand on instead of messing with you. >:("

Plus they could hide stuff on the inbetween areas of the map which would not be marked and be fun things for explorers to find.


> -"Waypoints".

People like their waypoints. They even complain that there aren't enough in desert maps. So to eliminate them all would be a HUGE problem.

>The reason this bothers me, is because it kind of(for me) takes away the essence of what it feels like to journey and explore the in-game world with friends, or on your own. You have none to start on every toon and you're first time through you get this exact experience already.

>Once you've got to a location an looked at everything just once.. You just end up fast traveling half way across the world to go and collect something, because its fast and easy.

Well then don't do it. Simple. It's you're choice.

>This way, with an open-world, You would literally be forced to travel more.

Honestly even though each map is instanced within the map itself it already feels like open world until you approach the borders. Desert map WP's is the minimum i'd go with eliminating them. Having them around small villages before you go off into the wilds is the best, well imo best idea. Which currently is being done.


> -Lastly, Combat System.. Its not rubbish, its really good and flexible for a MMO. But obviously, time is moving forward. And if you haven't seen it yet, BDO has set the benchmark for a very diverse and dynamic Combat System.. I think this is where a lot of people may disagree. But i know most of you that disagree, is purely due to how buggy, desync, an unbalanced BDO combat is. I personally agree that its trash in that sense and that it could be better. But i also know that some of you just don't like change.. But I think if anyone could pick up from where BDO attempted a very dynamic Combat System, an succeed? It's definitely the Guild Wars DEV's. They show absolutely nothing but promise, every single time. GW2 was a big change from GW1 and everybody LOVED it. So i just know Guild Wars DEV's can set a Benchmark for future MMO's if they consider going as diverse and dynamic as it gets with their Combat System!

I don't really know what you mean by BDO combat system, i haven't gotten farther then the intro levels because i h8'd the movement system. Super clunky. I am so much more used to using your right hand for movement controls move and left hand for action skills. WoW & GW2 do it best. I mean yeas if you have a naga razor or gaming mouse you can flip it, but most don't. Most games use WASD but i h8 it. GOt use to it for Skyrim and some other games but without the gaming mouse just seems difficult to move and fight at same time. This is probs less of a thing about BDO and just more about what kind of backwards brainiac thought that right handers would enjoy using there left hand for most things? AHHHhhhh a left handed game designer probs invented WASD, that explains it.



Now for some of my personal ideas you maybe didn't mention

1) Being able to slot or reshuffle your attack skills would come in handy for those that key bind, like me. Even with key binds it would be nice if they were key bound to the character and not the whole account. Some of the classes, Ranger, Guardian, Engi, Ele i find i want different Fkeys assigned for their individual specific skills. This was possible in WoW but its frozen here in GW2. ANd maybe a throw back to GW1 where you could choose from hundred? :D of different skills you're locked to just 5 depending on your weapon. I personally don't mind this, i think it simplifys the clutter.

2)Housing, Housing, Housing. Being able to have you own house you can decorate, or have extra storage or something similar to ArchAge where you could do both of those plus plant and grow stuff around it. Whether this is "open world" housing or modified "Instanced villages" where you're not bound by a party in order to view. The thing i loved about archage was being solo player having the ability to wander around freely and look at other peoples homes! In GW2 you can't do this and are bound by the party system to go into other personal instances, which isn't a problem now, but it the make them able to decorate would be. Decoratign a house is much like decorating your toon. You're in a multiplayer game where your toon can be seen by many. Your house is just another extension of that, especially with the ability to decorate it. Of course not everyone cares about decorating. So maybe there would also still be personal instances for those player to use instead, helping reduce the open world availibity- idk(i'm brainstorming on the fly here) :D. These homes/ villages would become central hubs away from cities are replace the scrolls system that replaced guildhalls btw.

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> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> From me an absolute NO to game-supported griefing aka player killing. It's the reason I left BDO right after hitting lvl 50 and never returned.


> As for the open world: Different zones in the world have different population densities. Is there any game that found a solution for balancing population in every area of an open world? I haven't seen any yet.



true open world may have to be server based population

Maybe some maps are instanced megaserver and some smaller continents are open world server based- but that would lead to problems when your friends are on dif servers?


idk maybe i'm thinking about it wrong, but you could still have instanced continents with open world maps/countries on it!

Like you can't swim from one continent to another but you can go further out in the water and there's not an immediate invisible wall. These seas areas could be modified later for new landmasses or small hidden treausures, but you'd have to wp or take a portal to get to another continent. Then within that continent the maps would be open to each other.


and then when your swiming way out far from land and hit that inviisble wall, the whole wall is a giant portal and as soon as you touch it you'd ported into the next continent map still way out in the ocean. unlike the wall that kicks you back now or kills you.

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@"Pimpology.6234" @"Donari.5237" I actually didn't really see it from those points of views, Waypoints i kind of agree on now someones gone deeper into detail without the constructive criticism. And i totally agree! Maybe less is slightly a bad idea.. Maybe faster mounts an less Waypoints would balance it? Trying to think of ways around the issue.. I'm glad people actually agree on some of my points at least though.. Just keep in mind, none of this is being thought of as being added to GW2, but instead an entirely new Guild Wars game all together.. Not a GW2.5 for everyone that keeps comparing these ideas to the current game..

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> GW3 with the current market, beyond unlikely.

GW3 is years, YEARS away from being playable. Theres several more xpacs at least with this engine. It's not like it would happen in the next 5 years, think more like 10-20 years from now and by then many things will change. And who knows if the current game engine even needs to be upgraded. It all depend on what they want to accomplish i guess.



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> @"iLLUMiNARSTiE.5017" said:

> @"Carighan.6758" This is why i listed it as **OPTIONAL**. A system that doesn't effect players that don't upgrade this mastery.. Or cross a border and player killing is allowed? Theres plenty of ways to implement ideas so that it satisfies everyone.. We can't expect Guild Wars DEV's to fail just because another company have? For all you know, Anet could be MMO GOD in the next few years :tongue:


The idea of system is good for the community to brainstorm on, the implementation of it is problematic which also is what people are commenting on. Mastery might not be the best method, but hey someone else come up with something better. brainstorm away!

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> @"titje.2745" said:

> why gw3? i don’t want to do all over again. cost much time to build something nice in an mmo. even if you don’t spend irl money. and guildwars 2 is good enough. also graphics. when i sometimes see screenshots of ppl with 4k monitor it’s beautiful. anet better create new things for guildwars 2 instead of new start. then it feels like a small game (content) but instead guildwars 2 get bigger every time. yes more fps is welcome. but if we get dx 12 like battlefield and get many direct x errors i am happy to stay with dx9.


I would hope GW2 fully explores all the other landmasses in the world before venturing to GW3. The only reason i see going to GW3 is a totally new game engine allowing players access to much, much more. Personally i think GW2 is going the blizzard route and trying to succeed with new xpacs instead of a totally new game.

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I will be blunt...if ArenaNet does reach the point it can develop and maintain another MMO without having to send GW2 to the curb, I believe they should start up a new story entirely. Guild Wars was great, Guild Wars 2 is great...Guild Wars 3 would be too much. However, the MMO market is saturated right now...sadly it is mostly with bad ports from Korea based on a P2W + soulless grind system. I love that GW2 actually got rid of this, granted RNG is still as big of a pain as it has ever been.


But yeah, I like the idea of a fresh new MMO with no sub fee, just not a pathetic rip from a game that scores low in its original form. Granted, I understand that the P2W and Grind is actually enjoyed in other parts of the world...just not so much here.

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> @"moonstarmac.4603" said:

> I will be blunt...if ArenaNet does reach the point it can develop and maintain another MMO without having to send GW2 to the curb, I believe they should start up a new story entirely. Guild Wars was great, Guild Wars 2 is great...Guild Wars 3 would be too much. However, the MMO market is saturated right now...sadly it is mostly with bad ports from Korea based on a P2W + soulless grind system.


If GW3 is too much, Arena Net should look into GoT then. The games that have been made so far underwhelm and are just really bad. Buy the rights or w/e and create something amazing for them. Anet's Art work on GW2 would just be a wonderful match with the Game of Thrones HBO series. And while the game would most likely be set in the past it still seems Epic.

OR even look at making a STARGATE SG1 MMORPG based on the television series - you'd have a HUGE dedicated fan base that's been wanting this game for years, that would pre-purchase stuff right this instant. :D Easy Money! You have 10 years of tv shows to draw story from plus potentially an unlimited number of worlds to create new content and ideas.


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I stopped at you mentionning BDO : graphics are bad besides the high res textures for characters. Have you even paid attention to the godawful draw distance and pop-in ? It kills my eyes and is to me and many others a huge deal breaker ruinning the immersion.


No true endgame pve content. Way too grindy, pay 2 win cash shop, afk farming. So on and so forth.


There’s a reason why it did not worked well in its own country and lost quite a lot of people with the recent update making it clear about the P2W aspect.

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@"Scar.1793" Maybe you shouldn't of stopped reading there.. Unfortunately, you did. And in-turn, made your entire comment irrelevant. I point out everything you just said, except for the new remaster update. But even that is irrelevant because i'm not praising the game at all. BUT... You'd know that if you actually read what i said.. You just jumped in, heard BDO, got triggered. And then decided to flip out and point out everything that I've already pointed out, that's wrong with the game.


Go back and read it and stop being a big baby.. Then come back with a legit opinion or feedback.. Because nothing you said was valid in any way, shape, or form.


Kinda awkward...

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> @"iLLUMiNARSTiE.5017" said:



No. Rather update this game's engine to DX 11 and keep enhancing the game's content.


> Some of you may be aware of an MMO called Black Desert Online(BDO)?

> It's a pretty cool game to say the least.. Graphically intense, very competitive, really good combat, openworld..

> [...] It has a REALLY BAD RNG Pay to win system [...]


You forgot:

- a most awful UI

- extremely sexist drawing of female characters

- unbalanced professions (which are also strictly bound to gender)

- terribly childish NPC animations

- mediocre controls

- mixing a classic medieval-style look with contemporary Asian manga art (disgusting)

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> @"iLLUMiNARSTiE.5017" said:

> @"Scar.1793" Maybe you shouldn't of stopped reading there.. Unfortunately, you did. And in-turn, made your entire comment irrelevant. I point out everything you just said, except for the new remaster update. But even that is irrelevant because i'm not praising the game at all. BUT... You'd know that if you actually read what i said.. You just jumped in, heard BDO, got triggered. And then decided to flip out and point out everything that I've already pointed out, that's wrong with the game.


> Go back and read it and stop being a big baby.. Then come back with a legit opinion or feedback.. Because nothing you said was valid in any way, shape, or form.


> Kinda awkward...


I’m glad I did because OP was about taking some ideas from this pos. Thank you for making my eyes and soul bleed.


Also, nice edit. :wink:


PS: you may have liked or may like BDO but it’s no thanks to a magic mojo that people here are cold to the idea of taking anything from it, and most asian MMOs for that matter. There’s a reason why we play gw2 instead of the clones with japanese girl screams.

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> @"Pimpology.6234" said:

> GW3 is years, YEARS away from being playable. Theres several more xpacs at least with this engine. It's not like it would happen in the next 5 years, think more like 10-20 years from now and by then many things will change. And who knows if the current game engine even needs to be upgraded. It all depend on what they want to accomplish i guess.


Is it?


Because we don't know. I've heard my guild speculate that GW2's development seems to have "slimmed down", which was probably the whole point of streamlining and formularizing the LS episodes the way they did, needs less people in each team to develop.


Plus, the game is 6y old now, it wouldn't be uncommon if they started development of a sequel right after PoF released if they decided to only run 1-2 xpacks after that. So you're probably (but probably only!) correct insofar that it'd be an easy 2-4 more years of development until release, but we could see the first announcements and hype soon enough if it's more on the 2-3 years side.


They might have started GW3 development even before PoF, after all.

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