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Invocation (Empty Vessel trait change)


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Hey everyone,


So I was thinking about the Revenant in PvP for a while and the big gap between Condi and DPS, Bunker etc. I tried many different builds. Some of them worked great, some not really. I came to the conclusion that whenever I swap Invocation for something else my build lacks Stunbreak and suffers very badly because of it.

My suggestion is to change the Empty Vessel trait to something different and give that passive Stunbreak on legend swap to Elite Specialization Traitlines.


**Empty Vessel trait suggestions (On legend swap)**:

- Increase statistics related to current legend on swap: Power (Shiro), Condi Damage (Mallyx), Toughness (Jalis), Healing Power (Ventari), Kalla (Ferocity), Glint (Concentration)

- On legend swap: Convert 1 - 2 conditions to boons related to the legend you are currently using.

- Reduce the cost of utility skills by 5%

- On legend swap: Gain resistance for 5 seconds


^ These can of course be changed, they are just suggestions. I'm thinking of what would fit the theme most.


This would allow Elite Spec's Traitlines to have that Stunbreak on legend swap.

Since everyone has (at least one) Elite Specialization this would encourage people to use them. These are an upgrade to the class so it would make sense if that (in my opinion) strong trait came with an Elite.

I thought of adding some more condition cleanse/ transfer/ convert to the Invocation traitline so it wouldn't suffer that much from taking away its strong point. I think that this can be the move to make other specializations fun and viable in PvP. Revenant's Stunbreaks are very energy-expensive (beside Herald) and at the same time really important. Imagine if you didn't have to take the Invocation (if you don't want to) and play with your build some more because you don't have to worry about that sweet Stunbreak. Every Legend has some sort of condition-removing ability. I think that DPS Shiro builds would stay the same because of the Cleansing Channel trait, so no worries - now it could have some condi convertion!


**My point is - every legend and build would benefit from this and this wouldn't change the way you play Revenant!**


Hope you like this idea and feel free to say what you think!

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Sorry i'm going to be **THAT** guy :p, representing that massive legion of core Revenants out there... This change would not benefit core builds!


I don't particularly mind removing the stunbreak from the invocation traitline, as i don't much care for having stunbreaks linked to traits in the first place. Although Empty Vessel is a very strong trait. Instead of moving it as a new/merged trait to the e-spec traitlines, I'd rather our current stunbreak skills be _slightly_ improved (-5 energy cost would already make rev a lot stronger TBH.) , or a 4th utility added if necessary. But i think revenant is in a pretty good place when it comes to stunbreaking, and other classes generally also have a traitline that is used in most builds.


Currently Shiro's Riposting Shadows is very solid. Mallyx's Pain Absorption is _ok_ too, but i'd move the stunbreak to Unyielding Anguish myself. Ventari needs a stunbreak to begin with, and i still don't quite understand why Jalis has it on the elite skill at a whopping 40 energy. It has stability generation i guess... but still feels kind of bad to play with personally. Glint arguably has one of the best stunbreaks, and Kalla's while expensive is very powerful too.


Looking at the replacement suggestions, i think most of the changes to Empty Vessel would just make Revenant _more_ reliant on invocation. Everybody likes stat increases and due to cleanses being in short supply unless playing Ventari, people would drop most other traitlines in a heartbeat i imagine.


I do appreciate the effort to make more builds viable! Mabey instead of changing Empty Vessel we could make the other traitlines and legends more interesting/viable, just my thoughts.

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Hey, thanks a lot for making your point! I totally get it and I think that you have some cool ideas.

I know that the Core Revenant also needs a stun break but I just wanted to see if it's possible to make some builds viable - without using Invocation at all. It's a free stun break and other builds could very benefit from that.

The best option would be if the Empty Vessel trait was built in to mechanic of legend swapping. But we all know that this could be really powerful.

I'd love to see that the Invocation isn't a must have for PvP/WvW modes if you still want to be a killer (or whatever role you might take!) ^^

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