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A little rant, unranked matches, a noobie getting matched against full team of pros


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I'm not one that likes to go around complaining, but this is something I really wanted to get off my chest. Two weeks ago something happened that just greatly discouraged me to keep playing sPvP and, although I love team based PVP modes, I find it hard to improve myself as a player if either most of the matches I get a team that its stomping, or, me and my team get pushed back and camped on our own respawn.

My guildies were playing sPvP in a premade team just to get the guild mission, so i just felt like playing some sPvP too just to pass the time. It happens that I, a Wolf lv 37 player, got matched against all of them, a full premade team of Dragon tier with at least lv 200 with years of experience on this game, and none of my teammates seemed like they werent even partnered with nobody, in conclusion, we just got beaten into oblivion.

My question is, for the sake of having low matching queue times, why do you make players get bitter and awful experiences like this one? why the heck did I end up beign matched against a full premade team of entirely expert players? I honestly prefer to have 20 min long queues until I get a decent match than just pressing the "Join" button and only expecting to have a noose ready for me at the very start of the game, its just not fair, and I do wonder how many times i've been thinking "what did I do wrong" or "how do I improve" when I just have been matched in unfair games like these.


Again, I dont like to complain, but this is just daunting and completely ruined my expectations of PvP.

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