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Kung Fu Tea Promotion [Merged]

Gaile Gray.6029

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> @"Vyrulisse.1246" said:

> Finally managed to get my twitter linked and now I see the promotion for the outfit is gone. Fantastic. Great job guys! You really nailed this one. Yeah I'm miffed. I give my data and get NOTHING in return. You sold us all out. Even worse for EU/AUS players who also signed up for this complete with translated advertisements in their launchers only to be told later that they are not a part of this.


You might want to give your friends list and activity a look. The short time it showed I could connect to twitter it said it would follow people (presumably their own feed).


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Yeah... this is a pretty big mess up. The changing of details was likely a one sided move from that KFT company (highly illegal too). I imagine they will get quite an earful for such treachery from anet. I am confident that this will be revoked within the next day or two and EVERYONE will be able to get the heroic upgrade in the end.

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> @"Tsar CUBE.9281" said:

> Yeah... this is a pretty big mess up. The changing of details was likely a one sided move from that KFT company (highly illegal too). I imagine they will get quite an earful for such treachery from anet. I am confident that this will be revoked within the next day or two and EVERYONE will be able to get the heroic upgrade in the end.


Hopefully. I fulfilled my part of the deal and installed their app and let them connect to my instagram. Now I am just waiting on their part of the transaction to give me the DLC and upgrade my FTP account.

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> @"Ythamios.8593" said:

> This is bad move from ArenaNet for EU community , since we see a lot of people with this outfit on EU Servers


As one of these people who managed to get the code. I may be on the EU server but I live in the US. Don’t assume for one minute that everyone who is on the EU server lives in the EU.


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> @"Alga.6498" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > Maybe Anet could partner with Starbucks next time, so we can all get our sippy sippy on while gaming!


> Or they will partner up with McDonalds! :lol:

> Atleast they are world-wide!


> _"Hi, can I have a Big Mac and Co, also.... a promocode to GW2, please?"_

> ???


Here in Iceland, we no longer have McDonald's... :3


But yeah, at this point... just mail in-game the outfit and HE to everyone who ever bought the core game and/or either expansion... and maybe some Gems as an apology... and in the future, ANet, think twice before making another promotion that entices cyber-bandits and their bots while discriminating your real, long-time fans and paying-customers upon which country they live in.

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Not if in the end to solve that your app is bad bad, Kung fu tea has modified the conditions, once you have extracted the information from the accounts of the people, now it is no longer valid outside of NA ........and Anet doesn´t say anything about it.


It is a shame what is happening. A great way to waste a good promotion, to despise those of us who are not from NA and to divide the community. Reddit and other social networks are burning. You can do something soon because it gets out of hand.


For my part or distribute it to everyone as it should or will not have a euro more, and enough of contempt for the community, which in ES we all take them .... neither translated the voices, nor the books, or CM, nor can participate in contests .... in order .. And there are things that can not solve them alone or to do so they have to fight a lot and it does not come out profitable, but this is not the case.



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What is this, ArenaNet? Suddenly this is entirely for US customers only? If you happen to be anywhere else in the world, you're out of luck? Who cares about all of your players in various other countries, right? Suddenly we're told "No outfits (or Heroic codes) for you!" You straight up had us provide a third-party company with access to **private details** for this promotion, and now we suddenly don't get anything in return? What about the fact that people who were lucky enough to grab a key outside of the US before this complete mess paused the entire promotion, had no problems redeeming these keys (and I'm happy for them). There sure were no restrictions then. Why has this suddenly been changed?


![](https://i.imgur.com/QKRmsvZ.jpg "")

_Image Source: [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10156907246883933 "https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10156907246883933")_


You promoted this to the entire world in the launcher. Now you've conveniently removed it. It was never said to be US-only for the "DLC codes", that was **only** for the Deluxe sweepstakes, which already excluded everyone outside of said country for a big part of the actual promotion. At the very least the "DLC codes" were a little consolation when you couldn't participate in the sweepstakes. I don't see how this can result in anything but a tarnished reputation for you as a company. You straight up went ahead and irked off plenty of customers outside of the United States. I sure feel unfairly treated. Should I trust you in the future? You pretty much deceived me into providing a third-party company with my private details, because I wanted to play by the rules and not create a dummy account to get keys.. based on **your** advertised promo in the launcher.


At this point, while a nice gesture, even providing everyone with a Heroic key and outfit in-game to apologize for this mess is not really fixing the fact that you basically ended up tricking us into giving out our private information to a third-party company. That app got access to our details as well as our posts on linked social media (which I obviously understood was necessary to check for screenshots, so that's acceptable, but they got access nonetheless and we're getting nothing in return).

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Arena Net, taking multiple steps back yet again. It's stuff like this that makes questions like "will you buy the next expansion?" have such a big divide nowadays when people used to happily say yes immediately.


Worse part is that ANet has said NOTHING about this. They acted very quickly to fire an insane social justice berserker for insulting people on twitter, but this, something that affects everyone since they had to deal with an already sketchy app, gets NOTHING? They have the guts to advertise this for everyone, only to then backtrack and say it was U.S only?

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> @"brunoam.7391" said:

> So far they have not said anything?


My guess is that they are talking to lawyers and deciding what to do about KFT before making a public statement. I'd also guess that Gaile has told them things on the forums are a shit-storm and they need to say something, but has been told not to say anything until ANet finishes their discussion with the lawyers. Since ANet advertised this to non-US players intentionally, it stands to reason that they thought the t-shirt code/heroic edition stuff was going to be available to everyone. Either KFT lied to them, or no one thought to spell that out and make sure it actually would be available to everyone (lack of due diligence on ANet's part). Now, they're probably trying to decide if they keep going with the promo, if they cancel it, if they make the outfit available in the gem store, what kind of apology to issue, how to placate people, etc., and once they have that nailed down, they'll give Gaile the green light to post.

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Honestly, as EU citizen who actually took part in the promotion (not the US only sweepstake), and which didn't receive anything so far.... I find that they (both Anet as KFT) cannot change their terms midway their promotion because 1) there was no small letters with any terms stated they are entitled they can change the terms midway and we agree on it if we partake and 2) We gave our personal data in exchange for the 2 promotion codes (sweepstake, aka the picture with drink promo, excl to US).


In my opinion the ONLY thing Anet can do is to either give everyone that partook the promo (based on old and original terms (it was even advertised alike in launcher of EU, incl in languages like German) the Heroic package. In either form:


1) Roll back ALL redeems of the Heroic Account since promo started (both US and outside), or at least the F2P account goes into fully unlocked version part of this (if this is the issue they are having with this package). If this is not possible they can only do option 3 else its advantage. The items like boosters, outfits, etc from this package stay as is..

2) Give every player (US and outside) the content of the package seperately instead of bundled in the heroic package form. And leave the account upgrade out (if this is the issue they are having with this package).

3) Just continue the promo in the old form and give full access to the original Heroic Package to both US as outside. ***


And the t-shirt promo should just go like it was to every player either from US as outside. ***


*** This was based on the terms the promotion was advertised as originally, and therefore is the deal everyone accepted when they shared their private data of their social

network accounts.

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> @"brunoam.7391" said:

> So far they have not said anything?

The last *official* response I can find is Gaile saying she would provide more information as soon as they have it. That was on Monday but I don't know what time. (If I'm wrong and there's been more official info provided, please correct me but I believe that is the current state of things.) Hopefully more information will be coming soon.

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At this point I am guessing lawyers from the two companies are involved so we probably will not hear from anet until kft says something. Before it was a botched launch but it was clear to everyone that anet had nothing to do with it, it was all kft's stuff. Now though, kft is changing the terms of the deal that they struck with anet (I am guessing less signups means less money anet gets for the codes). If so, kft is in breach. Now not only that, but they are dealing with breach of contract with app users and the EU GDPR as well .... this whole thing was a rather predictable mess.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> At this point I am guessing lawyers from the two companies are involved so we probably will not hear from anet until kft says something. Before it was a botched launch but it was clear to everyone that anet had nothing to do with it, it was all kft's stuff. Now though, kft is changing the terms of the deal that they struck with anet (I am guessing less signups means less money anet gets for the codes). If so, kft is in breach. Now not only that, but they are dealing with breach of contract with app users and the EU GDPR as well .... this whole thing was a rather predictable mess.


I'm guessing the same thing. And I'm also guessing Gaile has been asked/told to wait until they have a definitive plan/answer. I've been in this position before, and it's awful. I work at a college, and the college fired a professor right before a semester started, and cancelled all of his classes. We got (understandably) frantic and panicky emails from students who were in the cancelled classes and needed to find a replacement, but other classes were full. I was told not to reply to the students until the college had decided what to do, so I got to just sit there and watch my inbox fill up with angry and upset emails for almost a week before the college finally hired an adjunct and put all the students back in classes. All of the same stuff here, directed at me (I'm taking my business elsewhere, your college is trash, I waited weeks to get off the wait list and into this class, why aren't you answering my emails?????). I'm not saying this so people feel bad for me or anything. I'm just saying that sometimes someone who works for a company isn't allowed to address people's (valid) concerns, even if they want to, because someone higher up is calling the shots.

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> @"Jevati.4328" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > At this point I am guessing lawyers from the two companies are involved so we probably will not hear from anet until kft says something. Before it was a botched launch but it was clear to everyone that anet had nothing to do with it, it was all kft's stuff. Now though, kft is changing the terms of the deal that they struck with anet (I am guessing less signups means less money anet gets for the codes). If so, kft is in breach. Now not only that, but they are dealing with breach of contract with app users and the EU GDPR as well .... this whole thing was a rather predictable mess.


> I'm guessing the same thing. And I'm also guessing Gaile has been asked/told to wait until they have a definitive plan/answer. I've been in this position before, and it's awful. I work at a college, and the college fired a professor right before a semester started, and cancelled all of his classes. We got (understandably) frantic and panicky emails from students who were in the cancelled classes and needed to find a replacement, but other classes were full. I was told not to reply to the students until the college had decided what to do, so I got to just sit there and watch my inbox fill up with angry and upset emails for almost a week before the college finally hired an adjunct and put all the students back in classes. All of the same stuff here, directed at me (I'm taking my business elsewhere, your college is trash, I waited weeks to get off the wait list and into this class, why aren't you answering my emails?????). I'm not saying this so people feel bad for me or anything. I'm just saying that sometimes someone who works for a company isn't allowed to address people's (valid) concerns, even if they want to, because someone higher up is calling the shots.


Yes, I feel bad for Gaile too for about the same reason. Someone did a fubar and I was instructed not to do anything to help the clients even though I was their poc.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> At this point I am guessing lawyers from the two companies are involved so we probably will not hear from anet until kft says something. Before it was a botched launch but it was clear to everyone that anet had nothing to do with it, it was all kft's stuff. Now though, kft is changing the terms of the deal that they struck with anet (I am guessing less signups means less money anet gets for the codes). If so, kft is in breach. Now not only that, but they are dealing with breach of contract with app users and the EU GDPR as well .... this whole thing was a rather predictable mess.


Botched launcher... hmmm I am not buying that for one second, more like they never checked the detail of the promo properly before promoting through their own tools, .. ANET even took the trouble of getting the promo translated for specific EU language servers . so yes ANET are certainly not blameless in this mess, both parties have played a very poor hand here and yet again has the potential to turn ugly.

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > @"Squirrel.6318" said:

> > > I had my comments removed. lol Careful guys. You could possibly get banned for complaining. No more freedom of speech, lol probably US-only.

> >

> >

> > *sigh* I really wish people knew what 'freedom of speech' means before they complain about it. The only entity that can violate it is the government (and that is if you had the right in the first place, like it was in your country's bill of rights). Otherwise it is the golden rule, they that have the gold (ie, own the server resources) make the rules.


> The whole POINT of freedom of speech is to speak without fear of being censored, restrained or prevented. Hence the First Amendment in the U.S, so no. The point IS that the goverment [in this case ANet] should not censor people when they speak their mind [which ANet happily does when they disagree AND throw warnings into accounts to prevent them from speaking any further].


No, the point was to be able to speak without fear of the government and imprisonment. Anet is not the government, they are a company.

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > @"Squirrel.6318" said:

> > > I had my comments removed. lol Careful guys. You could possibly get banned for complaining. No more freedom of speech, lol probably US-only.

> >

> >

> > *sigh* I really wish people knew what 'freedom of speech' means before they complain about it. The only entity that can violate it is the government (and that is if you had the right in the first place, like it was in your country's bill of rights). Otherwise it is the golden rule, they that have the gold (ie, own the server resources) make the rules.


> The whole POINT of freedom of speech is to speak without fear of being censored, restrained or prevented. Hence the First Amendment in the U.S, so no. The point IS that the goverment [in this case ANet] should not censor people when they speak their mind [which ANet happily does when they disagree AND throw warnings into accounts to prevent them from speaking any further].


Wrong: Anet is a company not the government, companies have the right to control what is said on their property(in this case their server, or forum).

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > > @"Squirrel.6318" said:

> > > > I had my comments removed. lol Careful guys. You could possibly get banned for complaining. No more freedom of speech, lol probably US-only.

> > >

> > >

> > > *sigh* I really wish people knew what 'freedom of speech' means before they complain about it. The only entity that can violate it is the government (and that is if you had the right in the first place, like it was in your country's bill of rights). Otherwise it is the golden rule, they that have the gold (ie, own the server resources) make the rules.

> >

> > The whole POINT of freedom of speech is to speak without fear of being censored, restrained or prevented. Hence the First Amendment in the U.S, so no. The point IS that the goverment [in this case ANet] should not censor people when they speak their mind [which ANet happily does when they disagree AND throw warnings into accounts to prevent them from speaking any further].


> Wrong: Anet is a company not the government, companies have the right to control what is said on their property(in this case their server, or forum).


As can private individuals. Otherwise it'd be illegal for anyone in a country with free speech laws to tell their kids not to swear, or to refuse to discuss religion around the dinner table. Freedom of speech simply means you can't be arrested for your views, it doesn't mean anyone has to provide you with a platform to broadcast them, either in real life or online.


Although in at least some cases even for the government it's more nuanced than simply saying everything is allowed. For example the UK allows freedom of expression as part of the Human Rights Act but there's various things which are still not allowed, like threats of violence, abusive language and inciting terrorism. The government is still allowed to arrest you for those, because protecting other people is considered more important than your right to abuse them.

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > @"Squirrel.6318" said:

> > > I had my comments removed. lol Careful guys. You could possibly get banned for complaining. No more freedom of speech, lol probably US-only.

> >

> >

> > *sigh* I really wish people knew what 'freedom of speech' means before they complain about it. The only entity that can violate it is the government (and that is if you had the right in the first place, like it was in your country's bill of rights). Otherwise it is the golden rule, they that have the gold (ie, own the server resources) make the rules.


> The whole POINT of freedom of speech is to speak without fear of being censored, restrained or prevented. Hence the First Amendment in the U.S, so no. The point IS that the goverment [in this case ANet] should not censor people when they speak their mind [which ANet happily does when they disagree AND throw warnings into accounts to prevent them from speaking any further].


Um, no. Google what 'freedom of speech' means and I think you will be VERY suprised.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > At this point I am guessing lawyers from the two companies are involved so we probably will not hear from anet until kft says something. Before it was a botched launch but it was clear to everyone that anet had nothing to do with it, it was all kft's stuff. Now though, kft is changing the terms of the deal that they struck with anet (I am guessing less signups means less money anet gets for the codes). If so, kft is in breach. Now not only that, but they are dealing with breach of contract with app users and the EU GDPR as well .... this whole thing was a rather predictable mess.


> Botched launcher... hmmm I am not buying that for one second, more like they never checked the detail of the promo properly before promoting through their own tools, .. ANET even took the trouble of getting the promo translated for specific EU language servers . so yes ANET are certainly not blameless in this mess, both parties have played a very poor hand here and yet again has the potential to turn ugly.


Neither of us know what the terms of the agreement were. However I would be willing to bet they would not have spent the money to translate it if they knew it would be restricted. The cached screenshot of the tea website leads credence to that.

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