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Scourge makes PvP not fun.


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> @bluff.8962 said:

> Im playing my power Reaper through this season and last Thursday (9/21) I worked my way up to T1 Platinum over the course of 150ish games. Since PoF I'm now about to be silver. Basically the other team gets a scourge and I'm dragging my team down by playing the class I enjoy the most. To remedy the situation since PoF i have taken every single Condi clear and transfer I can get my hands on.


> Nothing works.


> I have tried a few games with scourge and won quite easily. Button mashing the F skills isn't my style. I agree with the OP


I feel basically the same way. I have HoT and PoF, but I really enjoy vanilla burn guard. I worked my way from Silver to T1 Plat, as well, using this f2p build. But my last game filled with Scourges and Spellbreakers really highlighted how useless I was. It's not that the new classes are unkillable (although it feels like it sometimes), but moreso that ever since PoF, my favorite fun build has no place anymore.



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A big problem with scourge is that it's another "piano build" that is effective by simply standing on point and mindlessly buttonmashing abilities like a deranged hyena. I just played scourge today and was killing people I wasn't even paying attention too. Far too rewarding for far too little effort. It's also too good of a counter to melee and too shitty against ranged.


Hard counters are bad for the game.


By only good at one thing you mean making all melee builds (except maybe SB) obsolete?


Only reason SB is viable against it is because of condi reflect + resistance.


It's funny that people complain about resist on SB when if it didn't have it it would be 100% unviable low tier build right now.





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crying at the Forums when somthing is new is beyond me, but then I guess ppl have to have something to do. Maybe play and get better ? avoid standing in the shades or deal with situation from range or take out the Ele thats teaming up with the Scourge first instead of hitting the Scourge. So many simple solutions and so much more viable things to do then come here and complain. Yes Scourge is strong as so many diffrent variation of classes has bin in the past. Idk if should cry or laugh here so I just leave I guess

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> @Parlance.9584 said:

> When I made this thread, I admit I was pretty salty.

> But after making a Scourge and getting all the way from the bottom of gold 1 to almost plat I have to say that anyone who thinks this class isn't broken is delusional.


That's funny since I did that trying out firebrand guard, spellbreak war, hybrid druid and deadeye thief. it is almost as if you understood your class's role, you will have an easier time climbing the ladders.



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> @Lan.1968 said:

> > @Parlance.9584 said:

> > When I made this thread, I admit I was pretty salty.

> > But after making a Scourge and getting all the way from the bottom of gold 1 to almost plat I have to say that anyone who thinks this class isn't broken is delusional.


> That's funny since I did that trying out firebrand guard, spellbreak war, hybrid druid and deadeye thief. it is almost as if you understood your class's role, you will have an easier time climbing the ladders.




I am not good at this game. There is a reason I was in gold 1.

I main a bunker druid and I understand it's role yet I dont climb the ladder very much. I dont really understand the scourge's role other than "big damage" and i win like every game.

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> @Kuya.6495 said:

> I find that a support firebrand can handle keeping condis off the team even if there are two scourges. Only issues I've found is that teammates don't always stay near me for the cleanses and i have to chase after them.


> but: 5 condi conversion on resolve 5, 3 on resolve 2, 2 on mantra of lore, resistance on courage 4, and in addition, shout cleanses if you decide for extra cleanse.


> it's bunker guard 2.0


Hoo-whee, I had to log in for this one. Based on what you said, I am quite sure that you fought scourges that are as skillful as necro NPC in the mists. The condi convert is 5 every 8 seconds. Scourge can pulse conditions every second, guess what wins. In an even duel of two people on the same skill level, scourge won't have a hard time with a bunker FB, I've seen it on high ranked pvp.

Besides, even if some FB's find themselves in a teamfight on F3 tome to counter scourge, you are completely vulnerable to power damage that spellbreakers or any other power build brings in plenty. Aegis doesn't work, as a random fart in the wind can blow it off, following a few K hit to the face. I've tried bunker guard on FB and it is horrible. Even though I can heal through F2 it is situational, I put myself at risk because then I am vulnerable to long range attacks or even close range. Even if I drop F2 for F3 I won't have healing. Once I got back to my lovely hammer build that recently got buffed with radiance, I mostly have no real issue with firebrands be it damage or bunker variant. What is even better? When I see them pop tomes, especially F1, it feels like the FB is saying "please end me because I can't rotate tomes on demand and I have no weapon to defend myself at this very moment" and that's pretty much my experience so far.


As for scourges, in a teamfight I let them get chomped on a little bit by the team, perhaps wait for their desert shroud to pass and then blow the combo. In 1v1 situations (depends on stuff like cooldowns and rotation) I either go full monkey-crazy wombo combo in 1-2 seconds and run away after they pop shades and then go back in a while, or get the heck out of their way if I don't have condi cleanses / blinds ready for a fight.

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> @Parlance.9584 said:

> > @Lan.1968 said:

> > > @Parlance.9584 said:

> > > When I made this thread, I admit I was pretty salty.

> > > But after making a Scourge and getting all the way from the bottom of gold 1 to almost plat I have to say that anyone who thinks this class isn't broken is delusional.

> >

> > That's funny since I did that trying out firebrand guard, spellbreak war, hybrid druid and deadeye thief. it is almost as if you understood your class's role, you will have an easier time climbing the ladders.

> >

> >


> I am not good at this game. There is a reason I was in gold 1.

> I main a bunker druid and I understand it's role yet I dont climb the ladder very much. I dont really understand the scourge's role other than "big damage" and i win like every game.


Making the assertion that your lack of knowledge to the classes and pvp itself and is still able to climb ladders does not mean the class itself is significantly overpowered. At the very least, you succeeded in fulfilling in what scourges are supposed to do by accident, which led your team to victory. However, my point is any class is capable of climbing when you put some time and effort to understand how to play them, which in turn meant scourge is not actually "oppressing" other classes as some have stated on the forums.

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> @Lan.1968 said:

> > @Parlance.9584 said:

> > > @Lan.1968 said:

> > > > @Parlance.9584 said:

> > > > When I made this thread, I admit I was pretty salty.

> > > > But after making a Scourge and getting all the way from the bottom of gold 1 to almost plat I have to say that anyone who thinks this class isn't broken is delusional.

> > >

> > > That's funny since I did that trying out firebrand guard, spellbreak war, hybrid druid and deadeye thief. it is almost as if you understood your class's role, you will have an easier time climbing the ladders.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I am not good at this game. There is a reason I was in gold 1.

> > I main a bunker druid and I understand it's role yet I dont climb the ladder very much. I dont really understand the scourge's role other than "big damage" and i win like every game.


> Making the assertion that your lack of knowledge to the classes and pvp itself and is still able to climb ladders does not mean the class itself is significantly overpowered. At the very least, you succeeded in fulfilling in what scourges are supposed to do by accident, which led your team to victory. However, my point is any class is capable of climbing when you put some time and effort to understand how to play them, which in turn meant scourge is not actually "oppressing" other classes as some have stated on the forums.


Yeah, i accidentally learned the proper use of scourge within my first game so well that I was able to gain over 300 rating with it. Total accident.

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> @Parlance.9584 said:

> Title.

> I see a lot of threads on here saying "oh you can just avoid the circles!" The circles are literally the size of a point. Not only that, but they have a bunch of other tiny circles that they spread around the point to keep you from getting close to it.

> 90% of games I play are predetermined by who has a scourge on their team, and if 1 team gets lucky and has 2 scourges on their team its game over.

> It's not fun to fight, and it's not fun to play matches around 1 class. It's the equivalent of that Bunker Rev build except you will actually die.


Solution: make the circles larger.

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> @Parlance.9584 said:

> Title.

> I see a lot of threads on here saying "oh you can just avoid the circles!" The circles are literally the size of a point. Not only that, but they have a bunch of other tiny circles that they spread around the point to keep you from getting close to it.

> 90% of games I play are predetermined by who has a scourge on their team, and if 1 team gets lucky and has 2 scourges on their team its game over.

> It's not fun to fight, and it's not fun to play matches around 1 class. It's the equivalent of that Bunker Rev build except you will actually die.


Scourge being fair or fun aside...


Scourge are a point control class with a point control mechanic. Why should they not be effective at suppressing a point?

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I say bring back Ventari Rev (RIP).

Energy Expulsion was a great way of knocking those scourges off the point without touching it yourself.

And Ventari had cool anti-condition skills to last and survive on a point contested by a Scourge.

But they removed Ventari Rev from the game because apparently it wasn't fun knocking people away of points.

Yet the answer you get to counter a Scourge is: "get off the point"

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> @Parlance.9584 said:

> You clearly haven't fought a scourge + healer combo. There is absolutely no chance of winning.

Actualy double scourge wins that matchup xD

But they realy should fix some of the bugs with scourge (for example f5 with 3 shades and scourge atm does 5 stacks burning and 25 torment instead of the 1 stack burning and 10 torment it is supposed to do)

once tehy fix that we can see where scourge stands, but tehy balanced themselves into a corner where scourge realy has to do gamechanging dmg or is just underpoweerd bacause of how easy it is to just focus them out of the game and outrotate them.


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> @Parlance.9584 said:

> > @Lan.1968 said:

> > > @Parlance.9584 said:

> > > > @Lan.1968 said:

> > > > > @Parlance.9584 said:

> > > > > When I made this thread, I admit I was pretty salty.

> > > > > But after making a Scourge and getting all the way from the bottom of gold 1 to almost plat I have to say that anyone who thinks this class isn't broken is delusional.

> > > >

> > > > That's funny since I did that trying out firebrand guard, spellbreak war, hybrid druid and deadeye thief. it is almost as if you understood your class's role, you will have an easier time climbing the ladders.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > I am not good at this game. There is a reason I was in gold 1.

> > > I main a bunker druid and I understand it's role yet I dont climb the ladder very much. I dont really understand the scourge's role other than "big damage" and i win like every game.

> >

> > Making the assertion that your lack of knowledge to the classes and pvp itself and is still able to climb ladders does not mean the class itself is significantly overpowered. At the very least, you succeeded in fulfilling in what scourges are supposed to do by accident, which led your team to victory. However, my point is any class is capable of climbing when you put some time and effort to understand how to play them, which in turn meant scourge is not actually "oppressing" other classes as some have stated on the forums.


> Yeah, i accidentally learned the proper use of scourge within my first game so well that I was able to gain over 300 rating with it. Total accident.


Well, considering how I did that getting wins for every class for the legendary backpiece achievement, I'd say climbing easily is very likely in lower elos since people aren't exactly too good with pvp yet.

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> @"R E F L H E X.8413" said:

> > @lysico.1297 said:

> > I am p/p thief and own them.. Longbow ranger and rifle warriors can do the same.. This is a L2P issue Parlance.. Not a class problem.


> P/P does a good job at shooting them down when they arent on you however I've had some run after me with their circle around them and they would get me almost everytime caused me to lose quite a bit of confidence on p/p. When they play really aggressive they can take down a pistol thief. P/P thief should also be played very aggressivley.


You had a necro run you down.... as a thief? I'm not even sure how to respond to that.

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> @Parlance.9584 said:

> > @lysico.1297 said:

> > I am p/p thief and own them.. Longbow ranger and rifle warriors can do the same.. This is a L2P issue Parlance.. Not a class problem.


> I'm really surprised that people do not think that this class is broken and then complain about other classes. LB ranger does not do the same thing. It doesn't spread 7 conditions to the entire enemy team and make the point untouchable, neither do rifle warriors.

> I personally dont have an issue with scourges because I play an anti scourge build, but for the other 4 dudes on my team thats not always the case.

> Scourge is a low effort high reward class similar to burn guardian and I personally don't believe classes like that should offer anything to the team other than raw damage. If they have THAT much condition damage they shouldn't have the amount of zoning potential that they currently do.


> If you have to specifically spec your build around fighting 1 class, then its a class problem.




I'm not sure why that post got so many thumbs up, it seems like you didn't understand what he was saying.


He's saying that anyone with ranged attacks can deal with Scourge. Scourge traded off durability to get that power.

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So if you are sitting on a point and a scourge comes at you are you going to just let it decap?


Yes the 2-3 viable ranged power will likely win eventually but you are conceding the entire objective of conquest. Ranged builds also get completely wrecked by SB so good luck with that one.

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> @bluff.8962 said:

> Im playing my power Reaper through this season and last Thursday (9/21) I worked my way up to T1 Platinum over the course of 150ish games. Since PoF I'm now about to be silver. Basically the other team gets a scourge and I'm dragging my team down by playing the class I enjoy the most. To remedy the situation since PoF i have taken every single Condi clear and transfer I can get my hands on.


> Nothing works.


> I have tried a few games with scourge and won quite easily. Button mashing the F skills isn't my style. I agree with the OP


this is me too. i could destroy condi reapers easily on my power reaper before they even have the chance to enter shroud and/or burning all their shroud for nothing. i don't have a problem with 1v1 either but it's tougher on a reaper since you don't have much defense or block or anything and you're super slow.

i've yet to try scourge in sPvP cuz i can tell it's aids. i already got the spec in PvE and tried it to claim the gh. 5 mins later after i got the spec, even just smashing buttons, i had the highest dps in my squad. speechless. i could see all the torments, barriers and the sand thingies being horrible to other players. and i feel like people mainly hate reapers cuz they hate condis. and now scourge just intensified it. lol. i just wish they have more of a class balance between power and condi. so power players could still enjoy the game contents without feeling like they're left in the dust. sigh.

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Wait wait wait... Mesmer can 1 shot or 2 shots (with at least 3 different builds), Guardian can 1 shot or 2 shot (with at least 2 or 3 different builds), engi can AOE CC and burst every 10 sec and has more mobility than a war, war has mobility blocks and CC, Ranger has LB at distance and infinite condi cleans chain CC and is boring as hell, let's not start with thiefs (PP, DE, so long so forth)...


I was playing standard reaper this weekend just to see how it feels... and feels ridiculus to get 30 stacks of confusion against a Mirage (in less than 1 sec) and lose target every sec, get 40 stacks of burn ad 10 K of ticking burn against FB, to have perma resistance in war and blocks and more blocks, to have a gazele doing 40K cause we don't have evades anymore... To have a DE shooting for 15K/20K in range...


And the problem is scourge??? Wake up!! I was playing also duels with my scourge, it can be countered by ALL Classes, it's better than reaper in 1 vs 1 cause it can burst and getting the burst right fells good...

If Anet mess the scourge somehow it will kill necro again... THere are a lot of necros in PVP just because it's now a valid build for necro...


I also played PP thief when I saw 2 necros in the other team (Being a necro myself) nothing more fun than dry out a necro with the most noob build in the game... Spam 3 and necro is dead, avoid it when he uses barrier...


The problem is the Area covering for scourge?? I would change it everyday if we had any kind of defense... Any kind of block, more access to stability... I don't like the way scourge plays ... You guys are really blind... Play it a little bit, I was able to 1 vs 1 a scourge in reaper without major issues, just using my head a little bit...


So use your head instead to write in the forum.... I'm tired of ppl complaining and asking to nerf whatever other classes they do not play... I should be asking to nerf all other classes then... cause it's impossible to fight them as well...


My point is NERF would kill scourge... it needs a change in mechanics, the mechanics is really bad but also the mesmer mechanics, DH and FB mechanics,,,, and the list can go on...

We need more abilities as Fullcounter (but without the autoatck enable when using it)... We need more thinking in PVP... the only problem of full counter is that only war has access to it...


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