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A bit of a fan theory for Necro Elite specs


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So I've been thinking about the current elite specs and the themes of future elite specs that the necromancer could get. And I think I have a hypothesis on what the next one might be between 2 possibilities. But let me explain first what I'm thinking.


So you can call this a crackpot idea if you like, I don't mind, however anyone who heard about the scourge during the leak or somehow managed to keep themselves spoiler free until it was revealed would have thought that a necromancer that uses Sand with heat exhaustion and dehydration to be a bit of an odd choice for the necromancer. And honestly when I first read the leak back then I was in that camp of thinking "This is quite odd. Although the information we had then was quite different than the final product, being a Sand shroud type thing and all, but the overall aesthetic was the same.


Now why I bring scourge up is because although its theme does make sense for the area the players go into, but arena net could have made a minion master spec with it since Joko is a minion master but that's not the direction they went. Scourge actually matches thematically with the Horseman of Famine. And here is where we get into my crazy hypothesis. Or "fan theory". What we have so far is reaper which fits the horseman of death and scourge which fits horseman of famine there are 2 horsemen of the apocalypses left. War and and Conquest/Pestilence.


Pestilence is an easier fit for the necromancer and is likely the one to do with minions. Since the theme of death magic in GW1 was around infection, virulence and plague as well as minions this could easily be designed for necromancer to fit. Often Conquest is the horseman, depending on interpretation, however Pestilence works far better for necromancer. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/49593/the-deathcap-minion-master-elite-spec#latest (Shameless plug)


War was a bit harder to see since this could easily make the theory fall apart. But War and necromancers have gotten along quite nicely. As seen during winter's day with Balthazar helping Grenth against Dwayne during the festival so there is some relation. Along with necromancer being rather oppressive on WvW zergs, but that's more mechanical than theme. However while reading the Wiki on the horseman of war I noticed something interesting about it. The horseman of war is ready for the slaughter, to spill blood. I found this to be quite interesting as it is the interpretation of the vampire spec that people have asked for. The horseman using a sword as its weapon and blood being a primary theme of it.


It might just be a quiescence. But if not, this could be a very interesting way to round out the necromancer's theme. The Chill of death as bodies grow colder, the starvation tormenting the hungry, the infection spreading through crowded cities and the blood thirst wading into war. Of course if we get the ritualist elite spec this throws a wrench into the whole fan theory. But that would be an instance I'm happy to be wrong. What do you guys think? You think I'm on to something? do you like the idea of our theme being the four horsemen? Do you feel something else?

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crackpot theory is indeed the best way to describe this.


the dessert seems fitting for a necro theme as it's a barren wasteland and then there's joko, The Sulfurous Wastes and the realm of torment so dessert necro doesn't seem far fetched at all.

also i very much doubt anet is gonna do a minion spec given the mess of core minions and the state of minion AI (look at the constant complaining about scrapper for AI issues)

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A curious thought, could be a valid one. And I would love to see a virulence/plague themed elite spec.


Got another similar idea though. Elite specs explore various popular horror themes.

Reaper was the slow-moving ominous slasher movie horror that just doesnt stop.

Scourge was the Mummy with its sand shades and punishment curses and teleports via sand, asps and torment.


Next Elite spec, considering the potential direction of Cantha and/or Deep Sea Dragon, would be Lovecraftian horror with a madness and transformation theme, communing with ancient alien/otherworldly entities.

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Functional gaps left to fill for Necromancer may be 1) a tank (reliable aggro control, not just sustain), 2) a boon factory, 3) long range dps, and 4) high mobility but the need is not terribly high. Necro has power, condi, barrier, sustain, pets, and a few, minor mobility gimmicks. Some things like blocks, evades, shadows like clones, and heavy CC may never be a part of Necro.


What I do not expect to see are stronger condi dps and power dps builds than are available, now. Minions seem done short of an AI improvement. Barriers and Blood Magic support seems perfect for awkward PUGs like WvW.


Look for access to some other condi, old or new, that is difficult with current builds and something new to do with LF.


Arenanet will probably build a theme around the next, big map expansion. Get ready for an underwater elite. :-/



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> @"lakdav.3694" said:

> A curious thought, could be a valid one. And I would love to see a virulence/plague themed elite spec.


> Got another similar idea though. Elite specs explore various popular horror themes.

> Reaper was the slow-moving ominous slasher movie horror that just doesnt stop.

> Scourge was the Mummy with its sand shades and punishment curses and teleports via sand, asps and torment.


> Next Elite spec, considering the potential direction of Cantha and/or Deep Sea Dragon, would be Lovecraftian horror with a madness and transformation theme, communing with ancient alien/otherworldly entities.


A lovecraftian themed spec would be pretty sweet imo. Although i'm also a fan of the pod people, although that one is a bit of an oldie. We also have vampires, Zombies and such to think about which all fit a horror theme.

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> > @"lakdav.3694" said:

> > A curious thought, could be a valid one. And I would love to see a virulence/plague themed elite spec.

> >

> > Got another similar idea though. Elite specs explore various popular horror themes.

> > Reaper was the slow-moving ominous slasher movie horror that just doesnt stop.

> > Scourge was the Mummy with its sand shades and punishment curses and teleports via sand, asps and torment.

> >

> > Next Elite spec, considering the potential direction of Cantha and/or Deep Sea Dragon, would be Lovecraftian horror with a madness and transformation theme, communing with ancient alien/otherworldly entities.


> A lovecraftian themed spec would be pretty sweet imo. Although i'm also a fan of the pod people, although that one is a bit of an oldie. We also have vampires, Zombies and such to think about which all fit a horror theme.


so lovecraftian and gothic horror elite specs.


i don't see a vampire spec happening since it would probably just be blood magic 2.0 and neither do i see zombies happen (what could you really do with such a spec besides ninion master 2.0)

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