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How do you handle dead eyes


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You don't after Toss Elixir U change :/


But in all seriousness. If they are targeting you just find cover and haze them with quickness and hip shot. If you are holosmith, save your burst for the team fight on point, don't try to chase you will waste your time. When you have 50% heat wait for the deadeye to target you and pop photon wall. Your goal should be to get a down, and quickly convert it, but you also cannot let the deadeye free cast.


As a scrapper, you are better off letting someone else haze the deadeye, while you provide projectile blocking. With the lack of a good ranged option you don't have many choices. You can try to time your electrowhirl but that is probably better used to dps and get downs.


As core. Good luck. Your only projectile mitigation is on shield and tool kit and all have long cool downs while not lasting very long.

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By the time I realize where they are I am already almost dead and just trying to get away. They like to camp on a ledge above the capture point. If I am fighting someone else, it is usually way too late. Regardless, I can't figure out how to decap the point they are camping. There are a few maps that have ledges that seem to be very beneficial for them. Their damage is so fast and range is crazy, plus invisibility, the only time I seem to be able to actually fight them is when they are moving points.

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It's pretty difficult.


The first thing I noticed is that you immediately have to switch targets to the deadeye as soon as they are on you. Any delay will likely result in your death.


From there, you just have to focus on hampering their ability to freecast. Rifle is ok for that task, but not great. You can also use line of sight to force them to relocate. Unfortunately with the Elixir U change, our biggest defense against them was lost.

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* Sneak Gyro, run to their approximate spot, blow sneak gyro early to avoid giving away position

* Detection Pulse to reveal, condi bomb them (blowtorch), frantically try and apply enough cover before they cancel the reveal and stealth again (static shot, throw wrench, start poison dart volley before they stealth so it keeps hitting them)

* Gear Shield, ready to dodge if DJ incoming

* dodge randomly anyway. sometimes it works

* with any luck, they're down to condi in stealth by now, wait for them to reveal and stomp

* lose the rest of the match because I'm playing condi scrapper in a power meta

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In low ranks it’s mostly necro, ranger and thief it seems. I have finally learned to somewhat deal with reaper onslaught. Deadeyes just destroy me most of the time as I am trying to cap and stay on point. Bad deadeyes are dead weight and good dead eyes are very effective. The good ones don’t seem to be that common though.

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You can either play core engineer or Scrapper. They're always a piece of cake for me.


Scrapper just hard counters Deadeyes because of the 6 second cooldown on Electro-whirl. Core engineer doesn't have the projectile reflect like Scrapper does, but if you're using Med Kit, you can create a Magnetic Aura if you switch to it. Helped me everytime to farm deadeyes, also Gear Shield with the reduced cooldown helps me survive their attacks. Last thing that can always help you is LoS.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> You can either play core engineer or Scrapper. They're always a piece of cake for me.


> Scrapper just hard counters Deadeyes because of the 6 second cooldown on Electro-whirl. Core engineer doesn't have the projectile reflect like Scrapper does, but if you're using Med Kit, you can create a Magnetic Aura if you switch to it. Helped me everytime to farm deadeyes, also Gear Shield with the reduced cooldown helps me survive their attacks. Last thing that can always help you is LoS.


If they're spamming TRB at you, sure, but the good ones will open with a stealth + quickness DJ(unblockable) or binding shadow when your stunbreak is down and you'll be dead before you get the chance to start reflecting.

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When you have to defend a node ... simply dont stay on the node, position yourself near pillar/rock/wall ... if Deadeye tries to decap, attack him. Dont fight him on bigger flat areas. Simply use the terrain.


If you Play necro you still have a hard time, but when you position yourself around some objects and are patient the deadeye wont get you that easy.

As a revenant stay near some pillar/rock/wall higher ground. There you wait until deadeye reveals and/or attacks you.

Then dodge/ block or go out of line of sight. Now you are infight and your energy bar goes up to 100% --> you are able to port to him and use a few skills when he shows up again = kill or deadeye leaves the fight. Dont waste your energy/ports at the start of the fight.



In Teamfights there should be at least 1 person that pressures the enemy deadeye so he cant burst your teammates.



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It is mostly trying to decap when they are camping on ledge above mid on sky hammer map. It seems impossible. Just getting up the stairs you take a ton of damage or around the corner. Can’t even target as they are in stealth and most aoe attacks can’t hit on top of the ledge. Exception being mortar kit. This is one of those situations where mine kit would be awesome to have.

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> @"Tehologist.5841" said:

> By the time I realize where they are I am already almost dead and just trying to get away. They like to camp on a ledge above the capture point. If I am fighting someone else, it is usually way too late. Regardless, I can't figure out how to decap the point they are camping. There are a few maps that have ledges that seem to be very beneficial for them. Their damage is so fast and range is crazy, plus invisibility, the only time I seem to be able to actually fight them is when they are moving points.


Yeah, part of it is probably knowing which maps have ledges that are particularly beneficial for them. Capricorn and Foefire seem to be particularly good for them, since they have ledges that are difficult to reach quickly and it's hard to block their line of sight. While all of the maps in ranked have some sort of ledge over mid at least, on most of them it's easier to either get to the DE or LOS them.


The maps where DEs have been most oppressive in my experience tend to be Capricorn, Foefire, and to a lesser extent, Coliseum (this can depend on the team, since the ledges on Coliseum are relatively easy to get to, but if nobody thinks to rush the DE, the DE can cause a lot of pain... and rushing the DE is probably better left to more duelling-oriented builds). In other maps, the tighter confines around the points and, in some cases, availability of cover reduces their impact. So voting against these maps might help if you're really having trouble with them so you can get some experience dealing with them under more favourable circumstances. Problem is, of course, that these are fairly popular maps generally, so they'll probably come up anyway.

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DE is a bit of a pain, because of the camping. I try to hide behind pillars and larger objects to ruin their LoS, so they have to relocate. When I know I am targeted, Bulwark Gyro toolbelt, after that the regular bulwark gyro. That buys me enough time to get out of their range. Hammer 2 and 4 also work good. Sneak gyro is a great help to get to their spot, just make sure you destroy it, before you get close. Sneak Gyro toolbelt helps to deal with their stealth. The pull from tool-kit is also quite helpful to get them off the ledges, just make sure you burn their stun-breaker with another ranged CC. We sometimes get them downed at their hiding spot, so the function gyro has some work.


Good thing with such overly powerful classes, they die fast.



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I switched to holo from scrapper recently. Reaper pressure was too hard to handle without ranged attacks. Now I am having issues with deadeyes on certain maps. It almost feels like people are playing dead eyes to counter necros and I am seeing both in large numbers. I really wish had weapon swap on scrapper. Rifle and hammer would help so much.

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> @"Tehologist.5841" said:

> I switched to holo from scrapper recently. Reaper pressure was too hard to handle without ranged attacks. Now I am having issues with deadeyes on certain maps. It almost feels like people are playing dead eyes to counter necros and I am seeing both in large numbers. I really wish had weapon swap on scrapper. Rifle and hammer would help so much.


I think Deadeye would still be plentiful without Scourge. Theif has always been a popular profession, due in part to it's ability to stealth. I think Deadeye increased its appeal because sniper pew pew. Even if there were fewer Scourges folks would likely still play Deadeye in large numbers due to its stealth abilities and having one of the longest ranges in the game, only being matched by Ranger.

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If you don't have any shadow steps to burst them, you're better off going out of sight, they'll tease you from every sides and out of every stealth, they will keep spamming DJ and 3 until you have nothing left, so you have to manage your dodges carefully (Which is dumb IMO.).


The unblockable is pretty stupid and has no risks or requirements to be achieved, so you're forced to keep your evades only for the big DJ's and the telling is when they have max Malice, there's an effect within the mark you'll notice.


Be wary they also don't lose Malice until they hit you with it, so your only way out of it is to wait out the mark which will reset malice, however they can most likely use it again once it runs out, only having to build up their malice.


Tbh, if it ever happens that they have to mark you more than once, it's up for wonder why the deadeye is still alive even.

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I have been somewhat successfull against deadeyes using Elixir S (immune+stealth), line of sight and Shield as offhand weapon for the reflect on Shield-4 and the block on Shield-5 - you could also run Photon Wall (I prefer running Elixir C tho, against condi)


I'm still Gold 1 however... So maybe my success against DE are due to bad players

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Shield does nothing against their unblockables. It also means you lose out on range against them as you are forced to use pistol or sword. I don’t have an issue fighting them, they are squishy. The issue is decapping when they are camped on a platform on some maps. Stealth stops you from targeting and their range + unblockables can kill you very fast often before even see them. I have yet to find a strategy that consistently works for this scenario.

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Lately there's been a DE camping WvW spawn so I usually just swap my Elixir C for Utility Goggles for the toolbelt reveal. Most DEs rely on the dodge stealth before the elite skill if they are running it so that will give you enough time to lock them down. I mostly have been playing Holo so with that you really just need to stick to them and keep pressuring or chain CC them. I also run sword/shield so dodge the DJ then shield reflect the follow up while moving closer.


If you use rifle I'd recommend running tools trait line with Lock On because that will give you access to 2 forms of reveal that easily work with rifle and don't share a CD. One reveal if you hit them while in stealth and another for CCing them.

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