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Reaper's Shroud


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> @"phs.6089" said:

> I don't play necro and know very little. Just outta match in spvp. Is it possible to get Reaper's Shroud every single time your HP drops to 2%? Given you are under lots of pressure.


You can activate Reaper shroud at any time while its off cooldown no matter how low your hp is be it 2% or 1% so long as you have at least 10% life force built up.

As others stated there is a trait that will do it for you should your hp hit 0 and you have at least 10% although its not that good due to the rest of the traitline being so bad.

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> I remember taking that trait during my retrial of pvp in the hot era, I got a pm from one of my opponents threatening to report me for hacking because that trait lol.


If anything confirms that a trait line is bad it's this comment right here.


Death Magic is so bad and under-utilised that no one knows what the traits do...

PMSL. :p

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> @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> The Death Magic line is pretty good in a sense. At one point in time I witnessed Kronos dueling a Mesmer using this traitline for Condi cleanse and it did very well. I’ve adjusted my own reaper build with this traitline and the Condi removal helps a lot when trying to sustain in general.


But I almost only meet power builds 95% of the time.

Gimmicky traitline that definetly needs an Overhaul

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> I don't play necro and know very little. Just outta match in spvp. Is it possible to get Reaper's Shroud every single time your HP drops to 2%? Given you are under lots of pressure.


Unholy Sanctuary proc's when you reach 10% health, iirc. It will stuff you in shroud where you can stay until LF runs out. US also includes a small amount of healing once per second.


The more important aspects of US are that it will get you into shroud even if shroud is on cool down from just being used and shroud-related traits also proc if they are not on their own cool-downs.


US is like a, "let me do one more thing before I die," trait but its weakness is Life Force generation: to get the most value, you need constant LF generation. Without LF, it is weaksauce.


US can be useful in ultra-casual trash-mob farming events.

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