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Let us queue for fractal, dungeon and raid parties - like unranked/ranked PvP


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> @"mrauls.6519" said:

> It has been great reading everyone's comments - keep it up. For those against it: How did an MMO like WoW make dungeon and raid finder work? Why wouldn't it work for GW2?


> I feel like group finders for content should be a basic QOL for today's MMO's.


It won't work, because experienced players, those who play this content on a daily/weekly basis, aren't going to use it actively. Why? Same reason they put requirements in their LFGs - to avoid being grouped up with inexperienced players who will hinder their clears.

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I think the main goal here would be to make building/getting into pug groups more efficient than it is right now. I have very strong feelings about the time it takes to line up 10 people into a proper spec/role. My groups usually burn up 45 mins to an hour just organizing. And truth be told, 90% of the pugs that I run with never pm me again. They want to experience the content, get their collections done and never clear the wing again. I assume it is at least somewhat related to not wanting to sit in a squad for an hour before they can actually play the game and progress their account. I love the ideas that Cyninja has brought up in his threads - some LFG redesign and QoL changes would be a beautiful thing. Note that nothing in this thread is asking for the raid content to be easier - just to make the group-building process more streamlined so that more people can have more time to sink their teeth into this great content.

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> @"mrauls.6519" said:

> It has been great reading everyone's comments - keep it up. For those against it: How did an MMO like WoW make dungeon and raid finder work? Why wouldn't it work for GW2?


> I feel like group finders for content should be a basic QOL for today's MMO's.


Because it other mmos the tank/healer/dps trinity is clearly defined for every boss so when you queue you select which of the 3 you are to fill a slot and the group finder puts you in the appropriate team with others. In Guild Wars 2 not only tanks and healers vary by a huge margin, but even dps builds are meta on one boss and horrible on another boss. Cairn favors condition damage, while Vale Guardian power damage for example. Xera requires a proper tank, but Slothasor doesn't. And let's not forget the "extras", like extra reflections required for Matthias, a hand kiter for Deimos, boons strip for Vale Guardian and so on. There is no one-composition to rule them all in Guild Wars 2.


In pure trinity games, when you select you are a tank/healer or dps, you are expected to closely perform at a specific level, regardless of the encounter (with exceptions of course). In contrast, in Guild Wars 2, a D/D Deadeye is excellent damage dealer, but they won't be as good if they need to go to Greens on Vale Guardian, so build performance depends heavily on the encounter, which means for a group finder to actually work, they'd need a separate version for each boss. For example, if you queue randomly for Deimos, it will need to have a "hand kiter" slot because it's essential to have one, or a boon stripper for Vale Guardian. These restrictions don't exist in other games which is why random group finders work in other games.

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