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Sun's Refuge Portal Scroll [Merged]


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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> Its function is on the Spearmarshall's Plea, though. I don't know if it is there before you finish all the posters because I forgot to check. But for space conserving, there you go!


It is there before you finish all the posters. I haven't done all of them yet (only the ones in Jahai Bluffs) but the option appeared on the Spearmarshal's Plea after I cleared Sun's Refuge in the story.

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> @"ktsigkas.6174" said:

> you guys shouldve made this instead an account wide WP unlocked to suns refuge


This. I was hoping for a WP that didn't cost money to go to and not another, oh look, something else that takes up inventory space item. Since the novelty tab is quite nice, maybe a portal scroll tab for all the permanent items like the LWS scrolls to help free up some space? I understand wanting sales on account wide inventory slots but the amount of fodder I have filling up said tabs along with my bank is starting to get ridic after two expansions.

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> @"Deepcuts.9740" said:

> Correction: was too tired to realize that you were NOT talking about the new map Jahai Bluffs.

> I do apologize.

> I was talking about the one for Jahai Bluffs and NOT Sun's Refuge.


Oh booo. Yeah I got that one right away. Got my hopes up for a second. All good though.

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> @"Purgatori.3645" said:

> I flew around the new map last night and got some POI and Vistas etc so is Sun's Refuge part of the personal story that I havent done yet? Because I used my Spearmarshalls thingy to teleport to Vabbi when I logged in and didnt have the option to go to Sun's Refuge. Im thinking its content I havent done yet ... ?


Yeah it's unlocked as part of the story.

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