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Will we eventually get some new content?


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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> Honestly all I want at this point is to be able to farm goe or gift of maguuma or gift of the desert with wvw currencies instead of having to do map completes. That change alone would get me playing a lot more. **New maps can be cool as long as they don't make another desert bl.**


Be careful. At the rate they're going, we might get one with a Branded theme and have to use mounts to move around.



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> @"LaGranse.8652" said:

> And fractal players would hate it. We don't need to ruin the fractal players experience for our own gain. Also to fight PvE builds with your WvW build does not sound fun, no real challenge in it.


> ANet is working on the WvW restructing so you will see large WvW changes when that comes out


Where is the evidence that content is coming with alliances?


The novelty of the new system won't last long.


Where's the maps, mechanics, etc.?

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> @"Tinnel.4369" said:

> > @"LaGranse.8652" said:

> > And fractal players would hate it. We don't need to ruin the fractal players experience for our own gain. Also to fight PvE builds with your WvW build does not sound fun, no real challenge in it.

> >

> > ANet is working on the WvW restructing so you will see large WvW changes when that comes out


> Where's the maps


why would they want a repeat what happened with the dessert bl

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Look, DBL needed more than tweaks. They've tried to fix it up, but it's like trying to get the siding straight on a house with a sinking foundation . Not gonna happen. The entire node cap system (keeps. Towers and Camps) was pushed to the edges of the map to make room for the center event. The center event WAS the map and it never worked, not once. Rather than fix it, it was removed leaving most of the map a pretty wasteland with the afterthought capture circuit around the edges the only thing it had to offer. They later added bloodlust, but the keeps and towers will stay badly placed. And the keeps in the bottom of holes? *facepalm* show me one real castle in a hole, you can't, because it's dumb.


Ever watch Gordon Ramsey at work? He fixes expensive restaurants that think being expensive makes their food desirable. And they all seem surprised that the slop they dish out isn't drawing customers . Well, I watched the Livestream reveal and the devs that made DBL had the same look as Ramsey's guests. Anet dished out some slop with DBL and blaming the customers for not lining up to buy it is pure BS.



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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> Honestly all I want at this point is to be able to farm goe or gift of maguuma or gift of the desert with wvw currencies instead of having to do map completes. That change alone would get me playing a lot more. New maps can be cool as long as they don't make another desert bl.


I never really knew how much I wanted this.


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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> Considering how people reacted the last time they added something to WvW (refusing to use it out of spite rather than adapting to it), I wouldn't get my hopes up.


maybe they should actully listen to the comunity before adding stuff next time!!!!! instead of just adding something they think its cool, even tho they dont play WvW, but they clearly know better right!!!

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Flat and bland are good things.


Flat is good because faux-3D games don't handle vertical difference well.


Bland is good because loading your antique engine with lots of effects and artifacts causes lag.


The original maps were designed by people that knew PvP and it shows. DBL was made by a (capital A) Artist who made a pretty thing that isn't especially functional.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> Considering how people reacted the last time they added something to WvW (refusing to use it out of spite rather than adapting to it), I wouldn't get my hopes up.


Yeah and maybe the next time I see Ben and Jerry's Lobster and Caramel Ice Cream I should force myself to eat it until I like it.

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> @"Rampage.7145" said:

> > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > Considering how people reacted the last time they added something to WvW (refusing to use it out of spite rather than adapting to it), I wouldn't get my hopes up.


> maybe they should actully listen to the comunity before adding stuff next time!!!!! instead of just adding something they think its cool, even tho they dont play WvW, but they clearly know better right!!!


Listening to the community is not a great idea ie those stupid polls. How bout getting people in charge of wvw that are actual experts and play the gamemode

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"Rampage.7145" said:

> > > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > > Considering how people reacted the last time they added something to WvW (refusing to use it out of spite rather than adapting to it), I wouldn't get my hopes up.

> >

> > maybe they should actully listen to the comunity before adding stuff next time!!!!! instead of just adding something they think its cool, even tho they dont play WvW, but they clearly know better right!!!


> Listening to the community is not a great idea ie those stupid polls. How bout getting people in charge of wvw that are actual experts and play the gamemode


You don't get the impression turnover is kinda high? I mean, Karl seemed like the new kid back in 2015 and now he's in charge of balance... And still seems like the new guy <,<


I kinda think "experts" in RvR are hard to come by.. And the money, recruiting effort and attention, absolutely goes to living story.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> Look, DBL needed more than tweaks. They've tried to fix it up, but it's like trying to get the siding straight on a house with a sinking foundation . Not gonna happen. The entire node cap system (keeps. Towers and Camps) was pushed to the edges of the map to make room for the center event. The center event WAS the map and it never worked, not once. Rather than fix it, it was removed leaving most of the map a pretty wasteland with the afterthought capture circuit around the edges the only thing it had to offer. They later added bloodlust, but the keeps and towers will stay badly placed. And the keeps in the bottom of holes? *facepalm* show me one real castle in a hole, you can't, because it's dumb.


> Ever watch Gordon Ramsey at work? He fixes expensive restaurants that think being expensive makes their food desirable. And they all seem surprised that the slop they dish out isn't drawing customers . Well, I watched the Livestream reveal and the devs that made DBL had the same look as Ramsey's guests. Anet dished out some slop with DBL and blaming the customers for not lining up to buy it is pure BS.




Well actually: https://www.google.com/search?q=predjama+castle&client=firefox-b&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiykaLZ4sfdAhUHTsAKHZ9MCBUQ_AUIDigB&biw=1920&bih=938


It's built into the cave.

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> @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> PoF is nothing but PvE content and new specializations.


> Here's an idea, allow wvw players to invade fractal instances of pve players of other servers to PK them. I would enjoy the hell out of that.


Go play other games like DarkSouls or other MMO if you want to kill players doing dungeons/pve

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> @"SloRules.3560" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > Look, DBL needed more than tweaks. They've tried to fix it up, but it's like trying to get the siding straight on a house with a sinking foundation . Not gonna happen. The entire node cap system (keeps. Towers and Camps) was pushed to the edges of the map to make room for the center event. The center event WAS the map and it never worked, not once. Rather than fix it, it was removed leaving most of the map a pretty wasteland with the afterthought capture circuit around the edges the only thing it had to offer. They later added bloodlust, but the keeps and towers will stay badly placed. And the keeps in the bottom of holes? *facepalm* show me one real castle in a hole, you can't, because it's dumb.

> >

> > Ever watch Gordon Ramsey at work? He fixes expensive restaurants that think being expensive makes their food desirable. And they all seem surprised that the slop they dish out isn't drawing customers . Well, I watched the Livestream reveal and the devs that made DBL had the same look as Ramsey's guests. Anet dished out some slop with DBL and blaming the customers for not lining up to buy it is pure BS.

> >

> >


> Well actually: https://www.google.com/search?q=predjama+castle&client=firefox-b&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiykaLZ4sfdAhUHTsAKHZ9MCBUQ_AUIDigB&biw=1920&bih=938


> It's built into the cave.


Built into a cave in the side of a vertical cliff.....

Is that the bottom of a hole like Fire keep or a valley like Air in your honest opinion?


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