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> @"yann.1946" said:

> > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > > > @"yann.1946" said:

> > > > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > > > > I did B1 yesterday and tried B2. B1 was pretty much ok, but multiple usage of the sword-skill probably isn't intended? B2 pissed me off though. You'd think they learn from community-backlash about balancing, but apparently they don't. It's really, really, really bad game-design to create a dps-check where one class blatantly and by a large margin outperforms other classes. It's somewhat acceptable at bosses like KC, Matthias or Cairn, since these have rather lenient enrage-timers, but for the love of god, not at an encounter which is a dps-check so that stacking a certain class basically turns the encounter into easy mode - especially a class that is broken anyway concerning its dps-potential in real scenarios. It's even more stupid since the encounter has a CM.

> > > >

> > > > I do wonder if it is not also because people are still learning the encounter. So people perform worse on hard classed

> > >

> > > I don't think so. Mirage is OP at this encounter due to the nature of how a Mirage "dodges" and due to the nature of the conditions a Mirage provides. Mirage's dodging mechanics lead to a lot of bonus dps in comparison to other classes due to how AoE- and thus dodge-heavy the encounter is. Also, both confusion and torment lead to a lot of bonus-damage due to how the bosses behave.

> >

> > Mirage is pretty nice on that boss(es), but you actually **do not have to dodge at** all for the whole encounter. Already saw some CM videos where they only used power classes, so it should be fine.


> Yeah this was also part of my reasoning, we don't know yet how much of the fight can be distorted etc.

> I'm guessing the big circle attack with the first largos can by ignored by stability.


Nah, just stand on the outer side of the circle and you won't be kicked. The closer to the middle the harder you will fly. Bubbles you can just step out. And jump over Shockwave.... No dodging required

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> @"Amineo.8951" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > Since I'm not willing to spend any more time to train and learn the encounters what are the current prices to buy the bosses and/or full clear?


> You buy bosses now? That's hilarious.


Haven't yet but it could be a very reasonable option for my near future in this game. Look, I've cleared every wing several times, have over 1k LI/D (or leggy armor respectively) and no longer the time and willingness to spend (waste) my time practicing & wiping for several hours. Priorities are changing and if you can climb up the job ladder it's more worth - in my opinion - than being at eye level with gamers that spend a lot of the day in a video game.

I enjoyed the past years but now it's just the "chasing the carrot" over and over again. Since I have the money (fractaling a lot in the past + tp stuff) it's easier to get some of the fancy shinies via buying than the hard way. I still like the game and I know there are a lot people like me that don't want to miss out specific items for example raid related ones.

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I dont understand the reasoning of some people who criticise that the wing is not hard enough. What should matter the most is wether the fights are interesting and fun.


For those "the harder the better"-people they could implement a boss with just tons of untelegraphed OHKO's and it would be the best boss for them? I dont really understand...


I personally like the lighter theme of the raid, the environments are really nice. Bosses are interesting, although i havent seen anything from the 3rd one yet.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> Since I'm not willing to spend any more time to train and learn the encounters what are the current prices to buy the bosses and/or full clear?


The prices are outrageous. I have seen boss 1 normal mode going for 770 mc. I would not suggest anyone to pay such prices for something that is little more than a dps golem.


> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> I don't like this wing, it's too hard, Qadim is the hardest boss ever, worse than Dhuum. First 2 bosses are doable but still harder than any first-two-bosses of any other wing with the exception of SH.


You cannot be for real, several groups finished all cms in the first night after they were fixed. That was a lot faster than dhuum and dhuum cm.

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> @"Jojo.6140" said:

> I dont understand the reasoning of some people who criticise that the wing is not hard enough. What should matter the most is wether the fights are interesting and fun.


> For those "the harder the better"-people they could implement a boss with just tons of untelegraphed OHKO's and it would be the best boss for them? I dont really >understand...


For some people hard is a necessary but not sufficient condition for fun. I.e for some people, all fun bosses are hard, but not all hard bosses are fun. Bosses that are easy are often boring. MO is easy, bounty trains are easy, and they are also boring for many of these players.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> I did B1 yesterday and tried B2. B1 was pretty much ok, but multiple usage of the sword-skill probably isn't intended? B2 pissed me off though. You'd think they learn from community-backlash about balancing, but apparently they don't. It's really, really, really bad game-design to create a dps-check where one class blatantly and by a large margin outperforms other classes. It's somewhat acceptable at bosses like KC, Matthias or Cairn, since these have rather lenient enrage-timers, but for the love of god, not at an encounter which is a dps-check so that stacking a certain class basically turns the encounter into easy mode - especially a class that is broken anyway concerning its dps-potential in real scenarios. It's even more stupid since the encounter has a CM.


I actually think this a great thing. First of all the b2 dps check is really very loose. The more difficult part of that fight is to have balanced dps on the last part on both bosses rather than the actual amount of damage. Otherwise the needed dps can be done with any dps comp. That being said yes scourges and mirages are better for the specific boss. And I actually think this is VERY good game design. Favoring some classes (without making them necessary) it is a great way to incentivize diversity of builds and strategies and keep your clears fresh in the long run. If all bosses favored a few specific classes it would be an issue. But bosses have good variety and there is good diversity on bosses favoring different classes.


Plus doing the same thing over and over as a dps becomes old very soon. Any variety helps things be kept fresh and makes for better players with more general knowledge of the game instead of incentivizing one trick pony players.


As for the CMs having specific comp being absolutely better is sth you cannot avoid unless you trivialize CMs. CM are supposed to be harder and reward researching, experimenting and optimality. Thus in the end you will have required classes and comps.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > Since I'm not willing to spend any more time to train and learn the encounters what are the current prices to buy the bosses and/or full clear?


> The prices are outrageous. I have seen boss 1 normal mode going for 770 mc. I would not suggest anyone to pay such prices for something that is little more than a dps golem.


That's for now. Demand is high, and supply is low, and most buyers can't actually estimate the prices yet. It's going to go down in the future - especially for the first 2 bosses.


As for quadim and dhuum comparison... yes, i expect w6 will be easier for the top tier players. Not necessarily for those below then, though. Both fights operate on somewhat different types of difficulty, so i can easily see many people for whom dhuum will be much easier. Dhuum has more oneshot mechanics and those where a mistake of one player can cause a group wipe, but is mostly static, with no big damage flying around and difficulty being very unevenly placed, and much lower if you are there just to stack and dps. On Quadim there is usually a possibility of ressing, as you don't die instantly, you just might get a lot of damage. On the other hand, there's a _lot_ of that damage to go around, and the whole fight is much more mobile, with more phases, party splitting and individual actions. And there's the new aggro mechanic, that a lot of players seem to have a lot of trouble with. A lot of the responsibility usually taken by tank alone is now shared by the whole group.



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Another issue I have with this raid wing, it is barely giving good achievement rewards anymore, comparing to old raids.


W1: 91 AP, 4 mastery points and 3 boxes of raider supplies. Valeguard and Gorseval give 10 AP each, Sabetha 15 AP

W2: 107 AP, 6 mastery points, 5 boxes of raider supplies. Sloth and Matthias give 15 AP each + 3 "CMs" 15 AP each

W3: 107 AP, 4 mastery points, 6 boxes of raider supplies. Escort, KC, Xera give 15 AP each, castle 10 AP

W4 (arguably the easiest raid): 155 AP, 4 mastery points, 4 boxes of raider supplies. Each nm boss is 10 AP, each CM 15 AP (+50 for having all)

W5: 115 AP, 1 mastery point, 0 boxes of raider supplies. Each boss and event is 10 AP, and 2 CMs for 15 AP each


Now W6 has only 79 AP, 2 mastery points, 0 boxes of raider supplies and 1 ugly as hell chair with low polygon count. Each boss is only 5 AP, even CMs only 5 AP.

To bring it back in line all the normal modes in w6 should give 10 AP and the CMs 15 AP. Then we would have only a total of 124, which seems fair in comparison to the others

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well the ap I think is weight with the raid difficulty. when I look at each ap, eg 5 ap etc.. I know it must be easy raid.. since the other raid wings has more ap. that's how I see it. I was a bit disappointed with the AP too. I only need b3cm to complete all the achievement now xD which I doubt I can find people to do it at my playtime but let see.

And yeh i do think the reward and the chair can be better. Overall it's a fun wing ... I don't quite like b3, maybe still too early to say. I'm going to give it a couple more weeks to see. Pugging raids is not so fun.

I like reward from w5 eg oblivion, armour pieces, dhuum chair etc.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> Another issue I have with this raid wing, it is barely giving good achievement rewards anymore, comparing to old raids.


> W1: 91 AP, 4 mastery points and 3 boxes of raider supplies. Valeguard and Gorseval give 10 AP each, Sabetha 15 AP

> W2: 107 AP, 6 mastery points, 5 boxes of raider supplies. Sloth and Matthias give 15 AP each + 3 "CMs" 15 AP each

> W3: 107 AP, 4 mastery points, 6 boxes of raider supplies. Escort, KC, Xera give 15 AP each, castle 10 AP

> W4 (arguably the easiest raid): 155 AP, 4 mastery points, 4 boxes of raider supplies. Each nm boss is 10 AP, each CM 15 AP (+50 for having all)

> W5: 115 AP, 1 mastery point, 0 boxes of raider supplies. Each boss and event is 10 AP, and 2 CMs for 15 AP each


> Now W6 has only 79 AP, 2 mastery points, 0 boxes of raider supplies and 1 ugly as hell chair with low polygon count. Each boss is only 5 AP, even CMs only 5 AP.

> To bring it back in line all the normal modes in w6 should give 10 AP and the CMs 15 AP. Then we would have only a total of 124, which seems fair in comparison to the others

And here i thought you said this wing was laughably easy. Not that i disagree with the AP, mind you, but still...


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> @"thrag.9740" said:

> For some people hard is a necessary but not sufficient condition for fun. I.e for some people, all fun bosses are hard, but not all hard bosses are fun. Bosses that are easy are often boring. MO is easy, bounty trains are easy, and they are also boring for many of these players.


Hmm i see, i think i understand now :)


> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> Now W6 has only 79 AP, 2 mastery points, 0 boxes of raider supplies and 1 ugly as hell chair with low polygon count. Each boss is only 5 AP, even CMs only 5 AP.

> To bring it back in line all the normal modes in w6 should give 10 AP and the CMs 15 AP. Then we would have only a total of 124, which seems fair in comparison to the others


Well, the raid has been shipped together with the ls-episode and they said they only have a fixed AP-budget. Since the ls-episode gave more AP than usual, they probably had to reduce the amount given in the new raid a bit.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"Amineo.8951" said:

> > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > Since I'm not willing to spend any more time to train and learn the encounters what are the current prices to buy the bosses and/or full clear?

> >

> > You buy bosses now? That's hilarious.


> Haven't yet but it could be a very reasonable option for my near future in this game. Look, I've cleared every wing several times, have over 1k LI/D (or leggy armor respectively) and no longer the time and willingness to spend (waste) my time practicing & wiping for several hours. Priorities are changing and if you can climb up the job ladder it's more worth - in my opinion - than being at eye level with gamers that spend a lot of the day in a video game.

> I enjoyed the past years but now it's just the "chasing the carrot" over and over again. Since I have the money (fractaling a lot in the past + tp stuff) it's easier to get some of the fancy shinies via buying than the hard way. I still like the game and I know there are a lot people like me that don't want to miss out specific items for example raid related ones.


I am kinda in the same boat. I did b1+2 with friends and we started b3, and i just thought if i should really do the same again as all wings before, wiping with pugs after hours of wiping just cause some cant get down the mechanics? I will probably buy the cms later as well, for the same reasons you mentioned. The time i would waste in raids by now are better spended in rl or other activities, or i just do some chilled farm where i can stop in the middle instead of locking 5 hours of a evening without breaks.

Time is changing and we with it. I also enjoyed my 2 years in which i raided, but its enough for me.

For the prices: i would recommend to wait maybe for some months until they go down. Its not like we have any pressure in getting it anyway :).

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > Another issue I have with this raid wing, it is barely giving good achievement rewards anymore, comparing to old raids.

> >

> > W1: 91 AP, 4 mastery points and 3 boxes of raider supplies. Valeguard and Gorseval give 10 AP each, Sabetha 15 AP

> > W2: 107 AP, 6 mastery points, 5 boxes of raider supplies. Sloth and Matthias give 15 AP each + 3 "CMs" 15 AP each

> > W3: 107 AP, 4 mastery points, 6 boxes of raider supplies. Escort, KC, Xera give 15 AP each, castle 10 AP

> > W4 (arguably the easiest raid): 155 AP, 4 mastery points, 4 boxes of raider supplies. Each nm boss is 10 AP, each CM 15 AP (+50 for having all)

> > W5: 115 AP, 1 mastery point, 0 boxes of raider supplies. Each boss and event is 10 AP, and 2 CMs for 15 AP each

> >

> > Now W6 has only 79 AP, 2 mastery points, 0 boxes of raider supplies and 1 ugly as hell chair with low polygon count. Each boss is only 5 AP, even CMs only 5 AP.

> > To bring it back in line all the normal modes in w6 should give 10 AP and the CMs 15 AP. Then we would have only a total of 124, which seems fair in comparison to the others

> And here i thought you said this wing was laughably easy. Not that i disagree with the AP, mind you, but still...



It is easy, but I am not sure yet if it is the easiest wing so far. The crown for that might stay with w4. Depends what kind of strategies lfg pugs come up with in the coming weeks.


> @"RaidsAreEasyAF.8652" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > Ah yes w4 is not hard too but has 155 ap... Wonder why w6 only has half the ap .. they should probably explain the reason xD


> 25 of those are from the second CM title, which they added later on.

Indeed, but they could just have made it 0 AP I suppose


> @"Jojo.6140" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > Now W6 has only 79 AP, 2 mastery points, 0 boxes of raider supplies and 1 ugly as hell chair with low polygon count. Each boss is only 5 AP, even CMs only 5 AP.

> > To bring it back in line all the normal modes in w6 should give 10 AP and the CMs 15 AP. Then we would have only a total of 124, which seems fair in comparison to the others


> Well, the raid has been shipped together with the ls-episode and they said they only have a fixed AP-budget. Since the ls-episode gave more AP than usual, they probably had to reduce the amount given in the new raid a bit.


I saw that dev post. But given that raids are a totally different part of the game than the LS episodes, it would be silly if they are included in the same AP budget (which in itself is a silly thing to have) as LS episodes. If they insist on using AP budgets rather than scaling them with time/effort/difficulty, then at least different kinds of content should have independend budgets. At this point Anet is putting the AP system more and more ad absurdum. 5min of dailies give 10 AP upto a cap of 15k. That are 100-150 LS episodes and raids worth of content updates at this point. So for players who arent capped yet 8 days of dailies equal clearing a full raid including cms. I could open a whole new discussion about this again, but it is probably not worth my time anymore at this point.

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> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > Now W6 has only 79 AP, 2 mastery points, 0 boxes of raider supplies and 1 ugly as hell chair with low polygon count. Each boss is only 5 AP, even CMs only 5 AP.

> > To bring it back in line all the normal modes in w6 should give 10 AP and the CMs 15 AP. Then we would have only a total of 124, which seems fair in comparison to the others


> Well, the raid has been shipped together with the ls-episode and they said they only have a fixed AP-budget. Since the ls-episode gave more AP than usual, they probably had to reduce the amount given in the new raid a bit.


How do you know they have a fix ap budget ?

Btw... This is easy wing as we speak but we still need people to play it. Yesterday we spent quite a while on b1 & b2 only.. ?

? I don't know probably I have been playing too much raid and I don't feel like to play much these days.. it doesn't matter how easy or hard it is. But this wing no doubt the most beautiful wing..

Yesterday we had a different encounter in the toy room lol it's hilarious. Very cheeky surprise ?

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