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Core necro PVE build discussion


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Hi folks,


let's bring some theorycrafting here but first rules!

-Not for Open World, only for Dungeon,Fractals, ugh Raids

-Dont flame please, lets keep discussion without hating one and another.

-Yes I know every build here will be outperformed by Reaper or Scourge but lets try, I believe core can have some nice builds for End game.


- So first Power Core http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQRBHhdu1IJN0Sj10gjNwejjchiWGrRzOvilYKgBQDsCA-jxRBABPcSAoU9D80PAwTAwSVQuS5HjKBJFAnDtA-e

So basicaly 2 reaper builds in 1 build, As weapons i pick Axe for both and Horn for CC and life force and Focus for LF and vulns . IDK if dagger is good mabye for LF generation but

thats all. Utilities Are wells and signet for power dmg and golem. Same as for well reaper. I didnt think much about rotation but it will be WH5-> swap F4 Axe2-> both dmg wells->

Shroud and spam AA and count for another Axe2 F4 WH5 Axe 2 and again AA.

Pros I would say are Rez power, Tankiness, ez rotation, good CC, party lifesteal+dmg buff from lifesteal, lot of vulnerability

Cons are low dmg right we know, not much of boon support

I had Idea of dropin wells for minions but wells are better (protection, do what you want they have to do)


- Condi build http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQRArY7YjM0QbNWdDe3A/NOqFKabMHXbMEGhUA21BwMA-jBhAhAA6HsVCCq8DS9HSBAxYL-e

well I'm not gonna lie. I have a huge problem with this because shroud is here against us because while you are in shroud you cannot stack bleeds. Maybe go more hybrid with power or get rid of expertise for raw condi dmg? idk which is better option. Mabye in shroud use only DS2+DS3+DS5 and out but then Is mandatory to drop Dhummfire for Death Preception.


- Tank/support http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNArYWn0ICN2gl2Ae3A83gjahKGCjQKA76AICmp9aHFA-jBxZgAiaCAU+hqE8X9HSBAxYL-e

well I tried to bring something condi oriented for support cuz Epi, if you have some Condi DMG it's still pretty good if you can help with adds. Trait "Blood Bond" have loong CD i think

15 seconds will be nice. You will do some dmg you will be target cuz toughness and everytime you you will be in shroud signets will be on CD and after leave you heal.


So tell me your build, tell me if you know what works good. Tell me what change. I still feel like Death Shroud is always DPS and utility loss.

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Core condi:

I think condi build gain more from BM than spite (main traits that you seek are dagger trait and mark on dodge)

You'd probably take terrifying descent over chilling darkness.

Dhuumfire might be tempting but it's not something to be taken, Death perception is probably your best pick in soul reaping for condi build since you'll basically only use shrd#2, #3 and #5.

Shadow fiend would probably be replaced by either wurm or corrupt boon (even if there is no boon to corrupt, you can still maintain 4 bleed and 2 poisons stacks with it I guess)

Something along this line:



You'd probably start in staff:

Mark of blood

corrupt boon x2

BiP x2


putrid mark

switch to scepter

grasping dead

Enfeebling blood

feast of corruption

enter shroud




leave shroud

auto or grasping dead or corrupt boon if out of CD

deathly swarm after corrupt boon

enter staff

mark of blood


reaper's mark


Putrid mark

mark of blood

enter shroud


leave shroud

switch to scepter

grasping dead

feast of corruption


... etc.


All of this is close range... obviously what else with all those range skills.

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> @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> So tell me your build, tell me if you know what works good. Tell me what change. I still feel like Death Shroud is always DPS and utility loss.


That's because it is. It's one of the reasons Core is so bad.


That said, I suspect the best DPS Core can get will be from Curses/Condi with BIP, Plaguelands and Epidemic. Never use shroud, except to prevent going down.


I appreciate the effort, but there is simply no way that Core necro is competitive. It just doesn't have the damage application.

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> @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> > @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> > So tell me your build, tell me if you know what works good. Tell me what change. I still feel like Death Shroud is always DPS and utility loss.


> That's because it is. It's one of the reasons Core is so bad.


> That said, I suspect the best DPS Core can get will be from Curses/Condi with BIP, Plaguelands and Epidemic. Never use shroud, except to prevent going down.


> I appreciate the effort, but there is simply no way that Core necro is competitive. It just doesn't have the damage application.


It looks like for Power shroud AA is good but thats all. DS4 have longer CD but it looks it have more pulses then REaper or Scourge.

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> @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> > @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> > > @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> > > So tell me your build, tell me if you know what works good. Tell me what change. I still feel like Death Shroud is always DPS and utility loss.

> >

> > That's because it is. It's one of the reasons Core is so bad.

> >

> > That said, I suspect the best DPS Core can get will be from Curses/Condi with BIP, Plaguelands and Epidemic. Never use shroud, except to prevent going down.

> >

> > I appreciate the effort, but there is simply no way that Core necro is competitive. It just doesn't have the damage application.


> It looks like for Power shroud AA is good but thats all. DS4 have longer CD but it looks it have more pulses then REaper or Scourge.


Power shroud auto is funny to surprise thiefes with in wvw. But out of that, it's easy dodge able and does way to less dmg.

For the amount of casttime.


If you put this skill in ele it would be great, but in necro it's just not good. Because ele has way more dmg modifiers.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> > > @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> > > > @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> > > > So tell me your build, tell me if you know what works good. Tell me what change. I still feel like Death Shroud is always DPS and utility loss.

> > >

> > > That's because it is. It's one of the reasons Core is so bad.

> > >

> > > That said, I suspect the best DPS Core can get will be from Curses/Condi with BIP, Plaguelands and Epidemic. Never use shroud, except to prevent going down.

> > >

> > > I appreciate the effort, but there is simply no way that Core necro is competitive. It just doesn't have the damage application.

> >

> > It looks like for Power shroud AA is good but thats all. DS4 have longer CD but it looks it have more pulses then REaper or Scourge.


> Power shroud auto is funny to surprise thiefes with in wvw. But out of that, it's easy dodge able and does way to less dmg.

> For the amount of casttime.


> If you put this skill in ele it would be great, but in necro it's just not good. Because ele has way more dmg modifiers.


The thread is about PvE and I doubt that life blast in it's current state is "good" for PvE.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> > > > @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> > > > > @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> > > > > So tell me your build, tell me if you know what works good. Tell me what change. I still feel like Death Shroud is always DPS and utility loss.

> > > >

> > > > That's because it is. It's one of the reasons Core is so bad.

> > > >

> > > > That said, I suspect the best DPS Core can get will be from Curses/Condi with BIP, Plaguelands and Epidemic. Never use shroud, except to prevent going down.

> > > >

> > > > I appreciate the effort, but there is simply no way that Core necro is competitive. It just doesn't have the damage application.

> > >

> > > It looks like for Power shroud AA is good but thats all. DS4 have longer CD but it looks it have more pulses then REaper or Scourge.

> >

> > Power shroud auto is funny to surprise thiefes with in wvw. But out of that, it's easy dodge able and does way to less dmg.

> > For the amount of casttime.

> >

> > If you put this skill in ele it would be great, but in necro it's just not good. Because ele has way more dmg modifiers.


> The thread is about PvE and I doubt that life blast in it's current state is "good" for PvE.


That's what the second part was meant to be. Pve

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > > @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> > > > > @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> > > > > > @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> > > > > > So tell me your build, tell me if you know what works good. Tell me what change. I still feel like Death Shroud is always DPS and utility loss.

> > > > >

> > > > > That's because it is. It's one of the reasons Core is so bad.

> > > > >

> > > > > That said, I suspect the best DPS Core can get will be from Curses/Condi with BIP, Plaguelands and Epidemic. Never use shroud, except to prevent going down.

> > > > >

> > > > > I appreciate the effort, but there is simply no way that Core necro is competitive. It just doesn't have the damage application.

> > > >

> > > > It looks like for Power shroud AA is good but thats all. DS4 have longer CD but it looks it have more pulses then REaper or Scourge.

> > >

> > > Power shroud auto is funny to surprise thiefes with in wvw. But out of that, it's easy dodge able and does way to less dmg.

> > > For the amount of casttime.

> > >

> > > If you put this skill in ele it would be great, but in necro it's just not good. Because ele has way more dmg modifiers.

> >

> > The thread is about PvE and I doubt that life blast in it's current state is "good" for PvE.


> That's what the second part was meant to be. Pve


Well i'd have to disagree, the reason it would be great on an ele would be because the ele have other aoe to tic at the same time, ultimately life blast wouldn't excite any ele out of that. Quite a few of elementalist (we are talking about core here) are dependant on which element the elementalist is in. In the end if we add the damage modifiers elementalist shouldn't be far from core necromancer.


After looking at it, necromancer's traits also have the advantage to not be to spread out. On ele, there is the potential for more modifier but ironically there are better options.


NB.: if you replace staff water auto by life blast you might end up with something huge I guess.

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Are you asking because you don't have the expansions (I've noticed your condi build isn't using viper), or just for the heck of it?


some might stacks, party rezes, and vuln stacking, about as useful as you'll get on a power core for groups



for condi, same comment as above.

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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> Not related to PvE, but Ive been seeing more and more core necro’s roaming in WvW (EU). Didnt realize that became a thing.


That's because you are way more tanky than on reaper and scourge. You still do decent dmg but it's not nearly as good as with elite equipped.

But in nowadays meta, where everyone tries to oneshot you, it's an okayish build.

Especially because almost noone knows, how to play against it, because it's been long, that people played core

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > Not related to PvE, but Ive been seeing more and more core necro’s roaming in WvW (EU). Didnt realize that became a thing.


> That's because you are way more tanky than on reaper and scourge. You still do decent dmg but it's not nearly as good as with elite equipped.

> But in nowadays meta, where everyone tries to oneshot you, it's an okayish build.

> Especially because almost noone knows, how to play against it, because it's been long, that people played core


Yea, Im one of those. I joined after HoT so rarely played and encountered core professions. That Death shroud 2 and 5 really caught me off guard.


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> @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> > @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> > So tell me your build, tell me if you know what works good. Tell me what change. I still feel like Death Shroud is always DPS and utility loss.


> That's because it is. It's one of the reasons Core is so bad.


> That said, I suspect the best DPS Core can get will be from Curses/Condi with BIP, Plaguelands and Epidemic. Never use shroud, except to prevent going down.


> I appreciate the effort, but there is simply no way that Core necro is competitive. It just doesn't have the damage application.


True story i remember someone told me about a build involving core to counter certain builds, and it does work.The ranged attacks from core were countering pre pof builds fairly well at keeping range.Then again:it wasn't on ranked, just unranked practicing.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > Not related to PvE, but Ive been seeing more and more core necro’s roaming in WvW (EU). Didnt realize that became a thing.


> That's because you are way more tanky than on reaper and scourge. You still do decent dmg but it's not nearly as good as with elite equipped.

> But in nowadays meta, where everyone tries to oneshot you, it's an okayish build.

> Especially because almost noone knows, how to play against it, because it's been long, that people played core


LF decay rate in Reaper Shroud and barrier's peakiness is definitely one factor in favor of Death Shroud.


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