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What would a Necromancer with Shortbow look like?



Thief (Medium Armor, stealthy class) uses Shortbow to access aoe damage, aoe condition damage, and a medium range teleport.

Ranger (Medium Armor, pet class) uses Shortbow to deal consistent damage with focus on condition while utilizing "flanking" to power up the pet.

Revenant (Heavy Armor, ? class) uses Shortbow to do aoe damage and condition damage.


All of these are medium range (900-1000). Adding context/information if you have any idea.

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Thematically Shortpow just doesn’t fit with a necromancer which is a spell caster.


But ignoring what would make sense, personally a shortbow necromancer would embed dark spells into the bow, imagine for a moment, Sylvanas Windrunner from WoW. She is a Banshe, and would imbue her arrows with dark spells, and have spells related to howling and screeching (fear comes to mind)


So a bow would be a utility weapon, used to CC goes with Fear, Ice or other dark spells.

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A necromancer would use his arrows as deathly spirit razors, slicing open rifts to the Mists, driving stakes into a foes spiritual form like a huge Voodoo doll, and cutting off strands of Life Force to better harvest them.


I would see shortbow as a medium range condi/utility weapon that focuses on debilitating, debuffing, and breaking down a single foe.

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I don't know about slicing open rifts to the Mists, but I definitely see shortbows acting as a conditioned based weapon with some mobility skills. It would probably have poisoned arrows, be able to immobilize, maybe have a leap back... and of course the ability to create a barrage like effect that has https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Summon_Madness instead of arrows.

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I love the idea of Sylvanas for our shortbow class, and I play Heroes of the Storm with her as my main Siege Hero. Would it have the same kind of concept as our underwater trident? If so, that would be insanely rad. Trident has it so that you have an auto attack that each ability can trigger on top of what it normally does (Trident 2 does basically an underwater axe 3 and sends an auto at each enemy hit, Trident 3 charges you at your target and sends these autos as you go (4 triggers), Trident 4 "sinks" your target and sends these autos as they sink (4 triggers), and Trident 5 creates a bubble that fires autos as it expands).






Would the kit function similarly to Kalista from League of Legends? Hitting an enemy creates stacks of (for sake of having a name) "Mist Razors" and your weapon skill 5 would rip them out of the pin-cushion (voodoo doll) for increased damage based on stacks?




Extending on the idea from Rhyse, maybe when you rip the stacks of "Mist Razors" it would barrage out at nearby enemies?





If I put all 3 of these ideas together (translated, I might be extrapolating/assuming too much):




Weapon skill 1: Necrotic arrow

Deal damage to target enemy, inflicting Torment. Add a stack of "Mist Razor" to the damaged target (Max number: X).


Weapon skill 2: Unholy Current

Deal damage to target enemy, shooting a Necrotic arrow and inflicting poison for each shot.


Weapon skill 3: Oppressive Cascade

Knock down target enemy and deal a condition on each successful follow-up shot, shooting a Necrotic arrow after every successful shot.


Weapon skill 4: Searing Beacon

Blast target enemy with a compact arrow of wailing death, applying burning and at the end of X pulses applying slow. Shoot a necrotic arrow for each pulse.


Weapon skill 5: Reaped Harvest

For each stack of "Mist Razor" on target enemy, deal damage and inflict cripple, chill, vulnerability, poison, torment, bleeding, and confusion.





Personally I like it. Hopefully I got the ideas right with the merge too. I suck at naming and numbers so I tried to make them unobtrusively not there.

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> @"Rhyse.8179"


> Would the kit function similarly to Kalista from League of Legends? Hitting an enemy creates stacks of (for sake of having a name) "Mist Razors" and your weapon skill 5 would rip them out of the pin-cushion (voodoo doll) for increased damage based on stacks?


I had an idea about that actually. It would be based on THEIR life force bar!


New mechanic: You can now see the Life Force of your targets. Out of combat, your life force quickly drops to zero. You must rebuild it in combat by stealing it from your targets. The target regenerates their LF by dealing damage to the Necromancer, or regens it naturally out of combat. "Soul Shroud" will contain unresistable (read: useful against bosses) debuffs and finishing moves that scale with the targets LF level. The idea is to focus on one target to keep their LF level as low as possible to maximize your finishers and debuffs. Attacking multiple targets is possible but your finishers will be less powerful because you can't keep all of their LF pools down.


1. Soul Barbs. Tear a rift in the mists with your arrow that rends the target's spirit. _Apply bleeding and torment, steals small amounts of LF. Pierces in a line._

2. Spirit Rend. Rend your target's spirit with razor bladed arrows from the Mists. _ Deals more damage and applies more Torment stacks the higher (not a typo) target's LF is. Steals LF based on damage done. _

3. Ghostly Embolism. Lodge a ghostly arrow in your targets spirit form, weakening their resolve. Applies Daze, Weakness, and Poison.

4. Soul Flay. Use multiple Mist arrows to sever chunks of your target's spirit form, and use their energy to aid allies. _Always get at least one chunk; sends the rest as ghostly projectiles that seek out allies (radius 400) and heal endurance. Gain extra LF if you are in range of any additional chunks._

5. Spirit Siphon. Fire an arrow that leaves a Mark; foes that trigger the Mark have their spirit pulled towards the Mists; foes with strong spirits are resistant to this attack. _Damage scales in inverse to the targets LF bar. Additional effects are cumulative - a target with 0% will suffer all effects. 75% LF - Applies Torment. 50% - Applies Chill. 25% - Applies Slow. 0% - Stuns._

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How about...


1. Necrotic Arrow ¾ Send out an arrow that bounces between and damages foes while granting you life force.

2. Arrow Cart ¾ 4¾ Send out a few arrows that bleed foes and grant regeneration to allies.

3. Chilly Arrow ¾ 16 Send arrows that chill and poison the target area.

4. Icky Arrows ¾ 20 Send arrows that transfer conditions from yourself to foes.

5. Scary Arrows ¾ 32 Send arrows that cause fear.

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> How about...


> 1. Necrotic Arrow ¾ Send out an arrow that bounces between and damages foes while granting you life force.

> 2. Arrow Cart ¾ 4¾ Send out a few arrows that bleed foes and grant regeneration to allies.

> 3. Chilly Arrow ¾ 16 Send arrows that chill and poison the target area.

> 4. Icky Arrows ¾ 20 Send arrows that transfer conditions from yourself to foes.

> 5. Scary Arrows ¾ 32 Send arrows that cause fear.


a staff copy utility weapon with under subpar damage and high cooldowns...... just sayin no thanks x.x but maybe you were being sarcastic with this

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I attempted to design an elite spec for Necro quite some time ago that used Shortbow.


The idea I had in mind was a spec that removed Shroud and replaced it with a "shadow realm traversal" type mechanic that would act like Shadow Step. Instead of being able to enter Shroud every 10 seconds, you could teleport every 10 seconds, on top of other skills that would benefit having no Shroud such as temporary evasion (think Distortion).


Since I intended the spec to be very mobile with skills that benefited from melee ranged attacks, I thought giving it a medium range weapon would be cool. Then I thought why not give it a Shortbow that gains an additional skill when at a distance of 130 from it's target? So when you're close enough, you can use your Shortbow as a melee weapon to maybe strangle or bash your target. At range, I figured it would be visually cool to have it float when firing it a bit like the Mesmer does with it's Greatsword. Maybe the Necro focuses dark energy around the bow and fires spectral arrows?


I dunno, I like the idea personally. As long as it doesn't look like normal arrows and such anyway.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> it'd be like a regular [insert weapon] imbued with the magic of [insert espec]-magic


I somehow read that as a regular _insect_ weapon lol. Now I'm thinking of necro short bow working like insect glave from monster hunter, with the espec being entomancer.


1 - dart bug: shoot a dart bug at your opponent to make them vulnerable

2 - weakening swarm: release a swarm of bugs at the target area, damaging and weaken foes

3 - corruption bug: fire a bug to corrupt 3 boons on your target.

4 - spike crawler: scatter spike crawler bugs on the target area to cripple and damage foes

5 - eye-eater bug: launch a bug at your target's eye blinding them constantly

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