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Powerful Synergy


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Does anyone use this?


I mean blast finishers can be ok, but whirl and projectile finishers are all pretty underwhelming. What are some ways this could be made better?


Idea: Have you blast finishers activate on multiple combo fields.

E.g. There's a smoke field and water field overlapping eachother. Blasting it will heal in an AOE and gain stealth.

E.g. there's a fire, ice, and lighting field overlapping eachother. Leaping through it will grant you fire aura, ice shield, and a dazing attack.

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it is only used in raids because this trait grants a very small dmg increase over the other two grandmasters. If you even take tactics anymore, depends on the build. That said your proposal would not make this skill any better, because in raids/fractals you'd still gain no dmg increase and for open world pve/ pvp and wvw it would also still suck because warrior has almost no fields to use it for.

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I use it almost all the time as bs in PvE. The only time I sawp to PS trait is when there is no druid/might source.

It is very nice trait for fast prestacking, but for in-combat purposes, it's pretty bad as grandmaster trait.

As mentioned above, there is 0 use for this when playing solo and in group it's pretty much insignificant in combat.

What about adrenaline gain when executing any combo finisher and sharing gained auras to allies around? Aura share is probably not warrior-ish, but oh well... :D

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