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Balance downstates


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INB4 just stomp and get gud also with powercreep downstate dies in 2 sec


OK after this is said Downstates are unbalanced there is NO reason that some downstates are stronger than other. Downstate should only provide a CC and a selfrezz a last chance to avoid a stomp or a death.


Warriors, Ranger, Mesmer, Necromancer


vs useless downstates Guardian, Thief, Engi, Ele. Rev, the under powered downstates are fine no need to buff them


but for nothing in the world should a ranger be able to get up from a downstate while being cleaved or a warrior getting up and pushes rampant elite ( i know the warrior downstate can be a tactical disadvantage but also a huge advantage depending on the situation) The Mesmer downstate has a huge burst from the illusion, which can down a thief in 1 shot.


Classes are not balanced with downstates in mind so there is no reason to loose a fight 1v1 because one class goes down I survive with 20% health only to get killed by a powerful downstate that's not how it should be.


Often enough I down the necro only to need leave the cap for 5 sec to wait for my healing skill so i can stomp or cleave him down.


My wish is Downstates get more balanced they where designed with roleplay character but not with fair pvp in mind


thank you and have a nice day





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if a warrior uses vengance AND rampage during it you should be thanking him for giving you a free win, not complaining. literally just run around and dodge his ccs for a bit because he cant contest point and he has just wasted his elite's cd on top of bleeding himself out longer.


the only downstate that's overtuned is ranger's, and the only downstate that's basically useless is rev's

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> INB4 just stomp and get gud also with powercreep downstate dies in 2 sec


> OK after this is said Downstates are unbalanced there is NO reason that some downstates are stronger than other. Downstate should only provide a CC and a selfrezz a last chance to avoid a stomp or a death.


> Warriors, Ranger, Mesmer, Necromancer


> vs useless downstates Guardian, Thief, Engi, Ele. Rev, the under powered downstates are fine no need to buff them


We not going to end on Ty have a good day, no we need to talk about this because it's no way you can argue that the downstates are too OP. if anything the only op one would be ranger, MAYBE. only cause the ranger pet is temporarily invincible if they swap them while downed and use "Lick Wounds". You can't CC the ranger pet to stop them from Ressing. other than that all the downstates are fairly balanced pertaining to the class. Warriors get 1 last stand with 25% chance to res IF they kill something , and a knock down(that sounds logical to a warrior perspective) / Guardian gets a knockback and a Light combo field that revives for a percentage / Thief can go stealth or throw out crippling blades and they can port/ Mesmer creates clones and have an assassin clone that does considerably a good amount of damage/ Engineer uses pulls and explosion knock-back/ Ranger has a daze and a pet res / Elementalist can go into mist form and move ( i dont know what they could do to this but they can be immobed while downed and render Mist form useless; if anything they should remove the immob while turning into mistform) / Necro Has a Fear and a condition field they place on the player and revenant has an energy burst that can do fairly good damage and a knockback. They are all fairly good.

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The only things about downstate I want changed are:

- The rediculous amounts of damage necro does in downstate. It already inherently heals itself with the #1 (which is great for PvE), but in pvp it can almost 100-0 squishies just from downstates, especially with some procs

- Mesmer clone doing more than 10k damage. I am not sure why mesmers should also have near 1-shot level of damage from a stupid downstate clone.

- Ele downstate...probably shouldn't be able to take portals. This is a really high level play that was relevant in the past, but it seems a little OP that you can portal to complete safety and get a res if you coordinate it well. Just having a guaranteed interrupt + the ability to relocate is already one of the strongest pvp downstates.

- Ranger pet-res bug. The generally pet res-rate is probably too high as well. It was balanced around core pets which were relatively easy to kill, but newer pets are basically unkillable tanks, and the ranger can even swap it.


In general downstate is pretty well balanced, but these things stand out to me.

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> @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> if a warrior uses vengance AND rampage during it you should be thanking him for giving you a free win, not complaining. literally just run around and dodge his ccs for a bit because he cant contest point and he has just wasted his elite's cd on top of bleeding himself out longer.


> the only downstate that's overtuned is ranger's, and the only downstate that's basically useless is rev's


u run around and doge and cc IS IF u are at a good state after a 1v1 alos u may cant cap while run as well

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> @"BlackBeard.2873" said:

> The only things about downstate I want changed are:

> - The rediculous amounts of damage necro does in downstate. It already inherently heals itself with the #1 (which is great for PvE), but in pvp it can almost 100-0 squishies just from downstates, especially with some procs

> - Mesmer clone doing more than 10k damage. I am not sure why mesmers should also have near 1-shot level of damage from a stupid downstate clone.

> - Ele downstate...probably shouldn't be able to take portals. This is a really high level play that was relevant in the past, but it seems a little OP that you can portal to complete safety and get a res if you coordinate it well. Just having a guaranteed interrupt + the ability to relocate is already one of the strongest pvp downstates.

> - Ranger pet-res bug. The generally pet res-rate is probably too high as well. It was balanced around core pets which were relatively easy to kill, but newer pets are basically unkillable tanks, and the ranger can even swap it.


> In general downstate is pretty well balanced, but these things stand out to me.


in general everything is quite balanced till something stand out and thats what balance is for.



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> @"Sazukikrah.5036" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > INB4 just stomp and get gud also with powercreep downstate dies in 2 sec

> >

> > OK after this is said Downstates are unbalanced there is NO reason that some downstates are stronger than other. Downstate should only provide a CC and a selfrezz a last chance to avoid a stomp or a death.

> >

> > Warriors, Ranger, Mesmer, Necromancer

> >

> > vs useless downstates Guardian, Thief, Engi, Ele. Rev, the under powered downstates are fine no need to buff them

> >

> We not going to end on Ty have a good day, no we need to talk about this because it's no way you can argue that the downstates are too OP. if anything the only op one would be ranger, MAYBE. only cause the ranger pet is temporarily invincible if they swap them while downed and use "Lick Wounds". You can't CC the ranger pet to stop them from Ressing. other than that all the downstates are fairly balanced pertaining to the class. Warriors get 1 last stand with 25% chance to res IF they kill something , and a knock down(that sounds logical to a warrior perspective) / Guardian gets a knockback and a Light combo field that revives for a percentage / Thief can go stealth or throw out crippling blades and they can port/ Mesmer creates clones and have an assassin clone that does considerably a good amount of damage/ Engineer uses pulls and explosion knock-back/ Ranger has a daze and a pet res / Elementalist can go into mist form and move ( i dont know what they could do to this but they can be immobed while downed and render Mist form useless; if anything they should remove the immob while turning into mistform) / Necro Has a Fear and a condition field they place on the player and revenant has an energy burst that can do fairly good damage and a knockback. They are all fairly good.


how can I have a discussion when ur premise is in no way i can argue that something is OP?


I guess u play warrior so be honest how often do u kill enemies after u get up again from ur downstate ? 1 time every 10 matches? I play guardian u know how often i kill someone while in downstate ? 1 every 1000 when there is a cliff

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The idea of the down state is to make the game more intense this feature is part of gw 2 since the promotion of the game, There are also clases which have a really hard time without it like Ele and Thief.


What me comes to mind with this topic how can some people execute the finisher in pvp under 1 sec ? I saw a lot of them in pvp.

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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> (...)

> What me comes to mind with this topic how can some people execute the finisher in pvp under 1 sec ? I saw a lot of them in pvp.


Quickness used to speed up your finisher. It doesn't anymore though, so that's not possible today.


Daredevil has that special elite where you can finish quicker. And retargeting during the animation works too.


If you go more into detail what you observed, I am sure someone can help you better. :smile:

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Ranger is the only class with an imba downstate in that it can ignore cleaving and has the potential to deny stomp twice.


A strong hit from downstate isn’t a big deal, you can avoid it like anything else.


To much healing or sustain, being the cause of majority of issues, is biggest problem in a 1v1. If a guard downs an ele or a mes just after being downed themselves odds are guard gonna win, but I hardly see a reason to balance downstate fights.


Every class should be entitled to 1 deny, and 1 decently strong attack or heal, or some variation of that. (Like 2 denies but weak attacks.) and in no case should a class be able to out heal autos.

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> INB4 just stomp and get gud also with powercreep downstate dies in 2 sec


> OK after this is said Downstates are unbalanced there is NO reason that some downstates are stronger than other. Downstate should only provide a CC and a selfrezz a last chance to avoid a stomp or a death.


> Warriors, Ranger, Mesmer, Necromancer

L.M.A.O!!! Mesmer has THE worst down state kit! The Mesmer hate has reached a new level people! Lets buckle up and enjoy the ride.

First off Mesmers have ZERO control over where deception ports them. On top of this you can tell which downed Mesmer is the real one, because they have the red skull(?) icon over their head. There is ZERO reason as to why you should be confused as to which downed Mesmer is the real one! Seconded; Mind blast does next to no damage, especially if you simply don't attack. Third; Phantasmal Rogue is awful, it only does semi good damage IF (this is a BIG if) it hits you from behind. The issue with this, is that it RANDOMLY spawns near the target and has a CAST TIME/animation (i.e. a delay before it attacks). This means if you're not mindlessly swinging away you'll notice the phantasm before it hits and be able to avoid it.

Currently Ranger has the most "OP" down state strictly because of the ability to have their pet heal them.


Edited: Spelling errors.


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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> INB4 just stomp and get gud also with powercreep downstate dies in 2 sec


> OK after this is said Downstates are unbalanced there is NO reason that some downstates are stronger than other. Downstate should only provide a CC and a selfrezz a last chance to avoid a stomp or a death.


> Warriors, Ranger, Mesmer, Necromancer


> vs useless downstates Guardian, Thief, Engi, Ele. Rev, the under powered downstates are fine no need to buff them


> but for nothing in the world should a ranger be able to get up from a downstate while being cleaved or a warrior getting up and pushes rampant elite ( i know the warrior downstate can be a tactical disadvantage but also a huge advantage depending on the situation) The Mesmer downstate has a huge burst from the illusion, which can down a thief in 1 shot.


> Classes are not balanced with downstates in mind so there is no reason to loose a fight 1v1 because one class goes down I survive with 20% health only to get killed by a powerful downstate that's not how it should be.


> Often enough I down the necro only to need leave the cap for 5 sec to wait for my healing skill so i can stomp or cleave him down.


> My wish is Downstates get more balanced they where designed with roleplay character but not with fair pvp in mind


> thank you and have a nice day







Warrior and Necromancer have the worst downstates alongside Revenant. Warrior's stomp prevention is single target, and is counted by blind, block, stability, projectile reflection or destruction, line of sight. Vengeance is rarely useful and usually all it does is prolong your respawn time. There are occasional times when it can be useful. When I down a warrior. 1v1 I always try to rot them and I always have a huge smile on my face when they vengeance hoping to get the kill. Revenants have the same problem as warrior but it isn't countered by projectile hate. Necromancer downstate is single target, has a HUUUGE tell (The biggest by a huge margin), and can be countered by line of line of sight, blind, block, stability, resistance and condition cleanse.


Engineer is on the low tier as well, but at least their second downstate skill can help prevent a stomp as well.


Guardians are rock solid at downstate and by and large where most classes should be. AoE stomp prevention, not vulnerable to things like projectile hate or line of sight or resistance or condition cleanse, with little wind up as well (But still enough to be reacted to). Their three skill does a ton of healing and can help them win downed races.


Thieves and elementalists are too capable of preventing a stomp, but on the other hand they are extremely susceptible to downstate cleave compared to everyone else.


Mesmer downstate is 2nd best, with a guaranteed stomp prevention so strong it counters the Sword of Reaper in Colosseum. It's 3 skill is absurdly lethal. Like ludicrously so.


Rangers are grossly over powered in downstate. Unambiguously the best. Not only can they maintain good pressure on you just because of their pet, their 2 skill is the best in the game AoE that comes out so fast it can't be reacted too. Also almost all of them run Smoke Scale who always seem to use their passive knockdown skill to interrupt stomps. Plus their third downstate skill is so absurdly overpowered that it means you can never rot a ranger's body. And you can't just interrupt the pet either at the pet immediately continues rezing the ranger.

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perhaps pvp and pve need a split in downstate skills.


classes are not build with downstate in mind so its not like class A is weaker than class B so class A gets a better downstate


Downstates are like racial skills, Racial skills where nerfed at some point Downstate was never touched again but it should have.


There is no reason that classes getting a big advantage over other in downstates, that's like in real life boxing the referee start counting 20-0 and for other 5-0 before u be called K.O.


I saw videos on youtube where Mesmers be chased by a thief never hitting the thief than getting downed and while the thief wanted to stomp BOOM illusion downed him, Mesmer wins. Thats something the game does not need.


I change the ranking now


# God : Ranger


# Top tier: Mesmer, Warrior, Necromancer

( i didnt had mesmer in top tier is because its on very low health while in downstate but some reasons like one shot and the ability to avoid the reaper in the Arena map are huge imbalances)


#Fine classes: Guardian, Ele, Thief, Rev, Engi.....


My wish is get rid of downstates which has a high attack power, and a high selfrezz power with more than 2 ccs

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> perhaps pvp and pve need a split in downstate skills.


> classes are not build with downstate in mind so its not like class A is weaker than class B so class A gets a better downstate


> Downstates are like racial skills, Racial skills where nerfed at some point Downstate was never touched again but it should have.


> There is no reason that classes getting a big advantage over other in downstates, that's like in real life boxing the referee start counting 20-0 and for other 5-0 before u be called K.O.


> I saw videos on youtube where Mesmers be chased by a thief never hitting the thief than getting downed and while the thief wanted to stomp BOOM illusion downed him, Mesmer wins. Thats something the game does not need.


> I change the ranking now


> # God : Ranger


> # Top tier: Mesmer, Warrior, Necromancer

> ( i didnt had mesmer in top tier is because its on very low health while in downstate but some reasons like one shot and the ability to avoid the reaper in the Arena map are huge imbalances)


> #Fine classes: Guardian, Ele, Thief, Rev, Engi.....


> My wish is get rid of downstates which has a high attack power, and a high selfrezz power with more than 2 ccs


This is a joke right?

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I hate how in downstate even if you win a 1v2, unless you have an invuln or stab ready (even after the tough fight), the enemy will get rezzed and you will still lose.


Downstates should be much weaker in general. Especially thieves', mesmer's and ranger's (gotta love his interrupt, on top of the pet randomly knocking me down, on top of the occasional entangling vines proc).

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