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Open World Duel option - Yay / Nay / Who cares ?


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> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > This can only work if it's isolated from the rest of the non PVPers, I suggest using the Mega Server to make new maps that World PVP Squads would populate, then these maps would have to be redesigned to be more like WvWvW maps in that case.

> >

> > And wouldn’t that pull players out of WvW, possibly causing that part of the game to fail?

> >

> > The whole game would need to be redesigned to handle it. There aren’t enough WvW/pvp players to make it worthwhile.


> Hasn't it already failed, that's why they're getting rid of servers and making it Guild vs Guild to revitalize it?


If WvW has already failed from lack of interest then why would redesigning the PvE part of the game to make more open world WvW be a success?

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No...please no. I have terrible memories of open-world PVP in SWTOR...and one funny/frustrating memory. Spoiler'd for length.

>! This was years ago, before PVP/PVE instances were implemented and level cap was introduced. I was just doing my story quests, and a max-level character on the opposing faction came speeding over and swiftly slaughtered me and my companion. My character was level 20-ish something (this was on Tatooine, a lower-level planet), and maximum level was, at the time, 65 or so. I couldn't do a lick of damage to this guy even to defend myself. Sigh. Fine. I revived right there - and got killed again. He'd gone into stealth and I didn't notice him waiting for me to revive. Revived again - killed again. So I waited a long, long time for the guy to leave so I could revive and then teleport to the nearest safe haven. He went away, thankfully without using stealth so I could see him leave, and I assumed he was gone. Revived...and here he comes speeding over the nearby hill, sprinting as fast as he's able, using speed boosts and everything, charging straight at me as I'm frantically yelling at the quick-travel button to go faster. I could practically _hear_ the maniacal war cries as he bull-rushed at me.


>! He managed to slaughter me again JUST as I teleported to safety. I arrived at the nearest outpost...dead.


>! I think I purposefully blocked from memory just how high my repair costs were...


So, uh, no thanks. I do not want to be slaughtered time and again. I'm already terrible at PVP, and I'd rather keep that experience to that part of the game - where I can at least a) learn how to not die so quickly, and b) gear/weapons are all level; it's purely skill (and possibly build) that separates the good from the bad players. If PVP were to be implemented in open-world...it wouldn't be pure skill. Those with the best gear would win, hands down, no matter the skill of their opponents. And that would hardly be fair, especially to low-level characters.

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> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > This can only work if it's isolated from the rest of the non PVPers, I suggest using the Mega Server to make new maps that World PVP Squads would populate, then these maps would have to be redesigned to be more like WvWvW maps in that case.

> >

> > And wouldn’t that pull players out of WvW, possibly causing that part of the game to fail?

> >

> > The whole game would need to be redesigned to handle it. There aren’t enough WvW/pvp players to make it worthwhile.


> Hasn't it already failed, that's why they're getting rid of servers and making it Guild vs Guild to revitalize it?


If you even remotely think this game has failed, google "Horizons".



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> @"vampirelazarus.9403" said:

> > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > @"vampirelazarus.9403" said:

> > > What is this, Eve Online?

> >

> > I don't see any spread sheets anywhere do you?


> Don't talk to the raiders :P


Most raiders don't spreadsheet.

However, it is still accurate because Dkeyz ...


But more accurately don't talk to trading post barons who have the entire API mapped to a spreadsheet so they can flip, Craft and Flip, or Convert Materials and Flip in a near endless cycle.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > > This can only work if it's isolated from the rest of the non PVPers, I suggest using the Mega Server to make new maps that World PVP Squads would populate, then these maps would have to be redesigned to be more like WvWvW maps in that case.

> > >

> > > And wouldn’t that pull players out of WvW, possibly causing that part of the game to fail?

> > >

> > > The whole game would need to be redesigned to handle it. There aren’t enough WvW/pvp players to make it worthwhile.

> >

> > Hasn't it already failed, that's why they're getting rid of servers and making it Guild vs Guild to revitalize it?


> If WvW has already failed from lack of interest then why would redesigning the PvE part of the game to make more open world WvW be a success?


What makes you think I'm advocating it I only suggested how it could possibly be implemented, I'm a PVE Care Bear?

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> No...please no. I have terrible memories of open-world PVP in SWTOR...and one funny/frustrating memory. Spoiler'd for length.

> >! This was years ago, before PVP/PVE instances were implemented and level cap was introduced. I was just doing my story quests, and a max-level character on the opposing faction came speeding over and swiftly slaughtered me and my companion. My character was level 20-ish something (this was on Tatooine, a lower-level planet), and maximum level was, at the time, 65 or so. I couldn't do a lick of damage to this guy even to defend myself. Sigh. Fine. I revived right there - and got killed again. He'd gone into stealth and I didn't notice him waiting for me to revive. Revived again - killed again. So I waited a long, long time for the guy to leave so I could revive and then teleport to the nearest safe haven. He went away, thankfully without using stealth so I could see him leave, and I assumed he was gone. Revived...and here he comes speeding over the nearby hill, sprinting as fast as he's able, using speed boosts and everything, charging straight at me as I'm frantically yelling at the quick-travel button to go faster. I could practically _hear_ the maniacal war cries as he bull-rushed at me.

> >!

> >! He managed to slaughter me again JUST as I teleported to safety. I arrived at the nearest outpost...dead.

> >!

> >! I think I purposefully blocked from memory just how high my repair costs were...


> So, uh, no thanks. I do not want to be slaughtered time and again. I'm already terrible at PVP, and I'd rather keep that experience to that part of the game - where I can at least a) learn how to not die so quickly, and b) gear/weapons are all level; it's purely skill (and possibly build) that separates the good from the bad players. If PVP were to be implemented in open-world...it wouldn't be pure skill. Those with the best gear would win, hands down, no matter the skill of their opponents. And that would hardly be fair, especially to low-level characters.


>! I have almost the same memory of SWTOR-- and in the exact same spot too-- except my ganker was at the level 55 cap and I was on my first lvl. 28 gunslinger who I abandoned shortly after that. Scary that it took them until KOTFE to fix the problem :p The only difference was, I only got slaughtered once. After that, I spent 20+ minutes dancing in the cantina, trying to figure out how to unflag myself for PVP since the server wouldn't let me. Ah, Harbinger, I don't miss you one bit! Amusingly enough, a couple of months later I actually went into Outlaws' Den with a max-leveled commando doing one of the microbinocular quests after that and was left totally alone even though I can't PVP my way out of a paper bag. That stupid Czerka quest was the worst :-1:


In the wise words of Meghan Trainor, "My name is no, my sign is no, my number is no." No to PVP gankboxes. If I want to be ganked, all I have to do is head into WvW.

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> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > > > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > > > This can only work if it's isolated from the rest of the non PVPers, I suggest using the Mega Server to make new maps that World PVP Squads would populate, then these maps would have to be redesigned to be more like WvWvW maps in that case.

> > > >

> > > > And wouldn’t that pull players out of WvW, possibly causing that part of the game to fail?

> > > >

> > > > The whole game would need to be redesigned to handle it. There aren’t enough WvW/pvp players to make it worthwhile.

> > >

> > > Hasn't it already failed, that's why they're getting rid of servers and making it Guild vs Guild to revitalize it?

> >

> > If WvW has already failed from lack of interest then why would redesigning the PvE part of the game to make more open world WvW be a success?


> What makes you think I'm advocating it I only suggested how it could possibly be implemented, I'm a PVE Care Bear?


So you’re not for it and you think the WvW version has failed but you’re suggesting a way to revamp the game (at great expense I might add) so that the few people who want this can have it, even though it probably will end up as empty as WvW.


/shrug. Ok.


[/looks at signature. Thinks about adding a note to not encourage ideas you don’t believe in.]

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > > > > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > > > > This can only work if it's isolated from the rest of the non PVPers, I suggest using the Mega Server to make new maps that World PVP Squads would populate, then these maps would have to be redesigned to be more like WvWvW maps in that case.

> > > > >

> > > > > And wouldn’t that pull players out of WvW, possibly causing that part of the game to fail?

> > > > >

> > > > > The whole game would need to be redesigned to handle it. There aren’t enough WvW/pvp players to make it worthwhile.

> > > >

> > > > Hasn't it already failed, that's why they're getting rid of servers and making it Guild vs Guild to revitalize it?

> > >

> > > If WvW has already failed from lack of interest then why would redesigning the PvE part of the game to make more open world WvW be a success?

> >

> > What makes you think I'm advocating it I only suggested how it could possibly be implemented, I'm a PVE Care Bear?


> So you’re not for it and you think the WvW version has failed but you’re suggesting a way to revamp the game (at great expense I might add) so that the few people who want this can have it, even though it probably will end up as empty as WvW.


> /shrug. Ok.


> [/looks at signature. Thinks about adding a note to not encourage ideas you don’t believe in.]


I'm not the OP I only suggested how it could work.


I'm not the one who declared WvWvW dead, multiple WvWvWers claimed that prior to the rewards patch, ANet obviously believes it's broken or they wouldn't be scrapping servers and introducing WvWvW guilds in a Guild vs Guild system.


I'm only regurgitating what I've read else where, I'm sure you've read the same threads and ANet statements I have. I guess you're just looking for a fight or something, I mean I fail to see how you would achieve this since again I'm a PVE person but if you want to ruin your night by getting agitated by all means (I'll just chill over here with my popcorn while running the laugh track in the back ground).

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > > > > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > > > > This can only work if it's isolated from the rest of the non PVPers, I suggest using the Mega Server to make new maps that World PVP Squads would populate, then these maps would have to be redesigned to be more like WvWvW maps in that case.

> > > > >

> > > > > And wouldn’t that pull players out of WvW, possibly causing that part of the game to fail?

> > > > >

> > > > > The whole game would need to be redesigned to handle it. There aren’t enough WvW/pvp players to make it worthwhile.

> > > >

> > > > Hasn't it already failed, that's why they're getting rid of servers and making it Guild vs Guild to revitalize it?

> > >

> > > If WvW has already failed from lack of interest then why would redesigning the PvE part of the game to make more open world WvW be a success?

> >

> > What makes you think I'm advocating it I only suggested how it could possibly be implemented, I'm a PVE Care Bear?


> So you’re not for it and you think the WvW version has failed but you’re suggesting a way to revamp the game (at great expense I might add) so that the few people who want this can have it, even though it probably will end up as empty as WvW.


> /shrug. Ok.


> [/looks at signature. Thinks about adding a note to not encourage ideas you don’t believe in.]


I think I know half of why you're annoyed with me, since this post is now in the PVP section you thought I was trolling around since I'm a PVE guy; when I originally responded to the OP this was posted in General Chat.


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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> No...please no. I have terrible memories of open-world PVP in SWTOR...and one funny/frustrating memory. Spoiler'd for length.

> >! This was years ago, before PVP/PVE instances were implemented and level cap was introduced. I was just doing my story quests, and a max-level character on the opposing faction came speeding over and swiftly slaughtered me and my companion. My character was level 20-ish something (this was on Tatooine, a lower-level planet), and maximum level was, at the time, 65 or so. I couldn't do a lick of damage to this guy even to defend myself. Sigh. Fine. I revived right there - and got killed again. He'd gone into stealth and I didn't notice him waiting for me to revive. Revived again - killed again. So I waited a long, long time for the guy to leave so I could revive and then teleport to the nearest safe haven. He went away, thankfully without using stealth so I could see him leave, and I assumed he was gone. Revived...and here he comes speeding over the nearby hill, sprinting as fast as he's able, using speed boosts and everything, charging straight at me as I'm frantically yelling at the quick-travel button to go faster. I could practically _hear_ the maniacal war cries as he bull-rushed at me.

> >!

> >! He managed to slaughter me again JUST as I teleported to safety. I arrived at the nearest outpost...dead.

> >!

> >! I think I purposefully blocked from memory just how high my repair costs were...


> So, uh, no thanks. I do not want to be slaughtered time and again. I'm already terrible at PVP, and I'd rather keep that experience to that part of the game - where I can at least a) learn how to not die so quickly, and b) gear/weapons are all level; it's purely skill (and possibly build) that separates the good from the bad players. If PVP were to be implemented in open-world...it wouldn't be pure skill. Those with the best gear would win, hands down, no matter the skill of their opponents. And that would hardly be fair, especially to low-level characters.


That must of been a very long time ago in SWTOR.. the PvP openworld areas on Illum, Tatooine and that stinky, fume ridden planet (name escapes me right now) have been empty for years.. but yeah they were nothing more than gankers paradise, especially as there used to be chests in those areas that had high end gear pieces in them... that was the only real reason players went there and why gankers hid there - - so agree don't even consider it in this game.

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Adding a few FFA pvp maps to open world would be great, but converting what already exists in open world to pvp would be a disaster - and I am saying this as someone who LOVES open world ffa style pvp games.


The issue is GW2 open world maps are currently designed around meta events and cooperation to achieve just about anything. If ffa pvp was added to any of this, it would allow extreme griefing of the global quests to the point where major events like Mouth of Mordremoth would become unplayable.



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> @"ChosenOnes.9571" said:

> Build OPEN-PVP in game and everybody will play it!

Some might enjoy it but just like every other open-world FFA game, you would need to create separate instances for those who want to participate and those wanting to just to get on with the PVE content. Now this isn't an issue but it's also a massive waste since those "pk" instances would only contain pvp players looking for fights. After some time, the community will naturally gravitate to one or two locations for "open world PK" and the rest of the maps would be empty. It's no different to having the current FFA arena in the pvp lobby.


> GW2 is such a great game, but the aspect that pvp is only for "pros" is disturbing the experience.

Who's stipulated that it's for "pros"? The pvp scene on GW2 is not influenced by gear (unless you're talking about wvw) so there is no entry barrier there. Yes it certainly helps to practice and improve your play but as far as I know, all tiers are fairly well populated.


> If pvp would be open like in "Bless online" , everybody would play it.

I'll be honest, Bless online has some massive issues to address (but we won't go into those). Besides which, it's hardly the first MMO with open-world PK. So many others like TERA (for example)had this option but the important thing is, _it's been there from the launch of the game_. Introducing it to the GW2 community at this point could be very dangerous from a dev side since it would be controversial and highly disruptive. As you can see from other comments, there would be a backlash and as much as I like and support GW2, being brutally honest, Anet cannot afford to have its' population drop.


The current FFA arena (which has been recently improved) provides a suitable space for small scale brawls. WvW provides the theater for larger scale "war". We have access to private arenas and group/solo queues.

Although everyone's ideas are appreciated, in this game there is a stable and structured way to pvp and given the age of GW2 I would personally say, it's too late to consider implementing OWPK.


> Thank you

You're welcome :wink:


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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> So considering the fact that there are already at least two options available to accomplish dueling I think ... more thinking less typing is in order.


Would you mind elaborating on those options?


PvP has build restrictions

Guild arena needs a guild, a guild hall and enough players to build the arena plus a guild invite

WvW is dictated by server linkings


I'm thinking, but I can't think of those 2 viable dueling options you mentioned?

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Batel.9206" said:

> > No...please no. I have terrible memories of open-world PVP in SWTOR...and one funny/frustrating memory. Spoiler'd for length.

> > >! This was years ago, before PVP/PVE instances were implemented and level cap was introduced. I was just doing my story quests, and a max-level character on the opposing faction came speeding over and swiftly slaughtered me and my companion. My character was level 20-ish something (this was on Tatooine, a lower-level planet), and maximum level was, at the time, 65 or so. I couldn't do a lick of damage to this guy even to defend myself. Sigh. Fine. I revived right there - and got killed again. He'd gone into stealth and I didn't notice him waiting for me to revive. Revived again - killed again. So I waited a long, long time for the guy to leave so I could revive and then teleport to the nearest safe haven. He went away, thankfully without using stealth so I could see him leave, and I assumed he was gone. Revived...and here he comes speeding over the nearby hill, sprinting as fast as he's able, using speed boosts and everything, charging straight at me as I'm frantically yelling at the quick-travel button to go faster. I could practically _hear_ the maniacal war cries as he bull-rushed at me.

> > >!

> > >! He managed to slaughter me again JUST as I teleported to safety. I arrived at the nearest outpost...dead.

> > >!

> > >! I think I purposefully blocked from memory just how high my repair costs were...

> >

> > So, uh, no thanks. I do not want to be slaughtered time and again. I'm already terrible at PVP, and I'd rather keep that experience to that part of the game - where I can at least a) learn how to not die so quickly, and b) gear/weapons are all level; it's purely skill (and possibly build) that separates the good from the bad players. If PVP were to be implemented in open-world...it wouldn't be pure skill. Those with the best gear would win, hands down, no matter the skill of their opponents. And that would hardly be fair, especially to low-level characters.


> That must of been a very long time ago in SWTOR.. the PvP openworld areas on Illum, Tatooine and that stinky, fume ridden planet (name escapes me right now) have been empty for years.. but yeah they were nothing more than gankers paradise, especially as there used to be chests in those areas that had high end gear pieces in them... that was the only real reason players went there and why gankers hid there - - so agree don't even consider it in this game.


Spoiler tagging the below, since it's pretty long, convoluted, and has nothing to do with GW2:


>! There used to be a bug in SWTOR that auto-flagged anyone AOEing a PVP-flagged character even in PVE areas. So what would happen in this one Republic quest area just outside Outlaw's Den was that a PVP-flagged stealth character (usually a Sith Assassin) would park him/herself inside some unsuspecting low-level Republic character's AOE field when (s)he was trying to kill droids in one of the planetary quests. Then, the assassin would gank the lowbie, and said poor lowbie would end up flagged until he/she did some weird alchemy to end the flag condition. You were usually flagged for a minimum of five minutes after your last action against another player, so if you were as unfortunate as @"Batel.9206" was, you could be slaughtered over and over. Supposedly they'd fixed it around the time Shadow of Revan was released, but I'd heard some people still suffered for at least a year after that.

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I don’t understand what you people have against it? Obviously if it would be implemented it would come with an option to disable getting 1v1 requests. So why do you care so much about not having it in game if you are literally to 0 percent affected by it?

I know there is wvw but the maps are hella ugly and I would love to have a duel option while waiting for certain meta events to start etc rather than waiting 10 minutes doing nothing.

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> @"juhani.5361" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Batel.9206" said:

> > > No...please no. I have terrible memories of open-world PVP in SWTOR...and one funny/frustrating memory. Spoiler'd for length.

> > > >! This was years ago, before PVP/PVE instances were implemented and level cap was introduced. I was just doing my story quests, and a max-level character on the opposing faction came speeding over and swiftly slaughtered me and my companion. My character was level 20-ish something (this was on Tatooine, a lower-level planet), and maximum level was, at the time, 65 or so. I couldn't do a lick of damage to this guy even to defend myself. Sigh. Fine. I revived right there - and got killed again. He'd gone into stealth and I didn't notice him waiting for me to revive. Revived again - killed again. So I waited a long, long time for the guy to leave so I could revive and then teleport to the nearest safe haven. He went away, thankfully without using stealth so I could see him leave, and I assumed he was gone. Revived...and here he comes speeding over the nearby hill, sprinting as fast as he's able, using speed boosts and everything, charging straight at me as I'm frantically yelling at the quick-travel button to go faster. I could practically _hear_ the maniacal war cries as he bull-rushed at me.

> > > >!

> > > >! He managed to slaughter me again JUST as I teleported to safety. I arrived at the nearest outpost...dead.

> > > >!

> > > >! I think I purposefully blocked from memory just how high my repair costs were...

> > >

> > > So, uh, no thanks. I do not want to be slaughtered time and again. I'm already terrible at PVP, and I'd rather keep that experience to that part of the game - where I can at least a) learn how to not die so quickly, and b) gear/weapons are all level; it's purely skill (and possibly build) that separates the good from the bad players. If PVP were to be implemented in open-world...it wouldn't be pure skill. Those with the best gear would win, hands down, no matter the skill of their opponents. And that would hardly be fair, especially to low-level characters.

> >

> > That must of been a very long time ago in SWTOR.. the PvP openworld areas on Illum, Tatooine and that stinky, fume ridden planet (name escapes me right now) have been empty for years.. but yeah they were nothing more than gankers paradise, especially as there used to be chests in those areas that had high end gear pieces in them... that was the only real reason players went there and why gankers hid there - - so agree don't even consider it in this game.


> Spoiler tagging the below, since it's pretty long, convoluted, and has nothing to do with GW2:


> >! There used to be a bug in SWTOR that auto-flagged anyone AOEing a PVP-flagged character even in PVE areas. So what would happen in this one Republic quest area just outside Outlaw's Den was that a PVP-flagged stealth character (usually a Sith Assassin) would park him/herself inside some unsuspecting low-level Republic character's AOE field when (s)he was trying to kill droids in one of the planetary quests. Then, the assassin would gank the lowbie, and said poor lowbie would end up flagged until he/she did some weird alchemy to end the flag condition. You were usually flagged for a minimum of five minutes after your last action against another player, so if you were as unfortunate as @"Batel.9206" was, you could be slaughtered over and over. Supposedly they'd fixed it around the time Shadow of Revan was released, but I'd heard some people still suffered for at least a year after that.


ha I remember that bug.. and outlaws den was always nothing more than a gankers park .. bug or no bug. The planetary quests/droid parts quests etc were placed there to try and get it busy there I think.. but it never worked.

Much the same as it would not work in GW2.. players would avoid it if they were not of a pvp nature, gankers would end up feasting on their own tears or fall asleep due to inactivity.. so yeah, no leave it well out of gw2 I say.

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> @"Nash.3974" said:

> I don’t understand what you people have against it? Obviously if it would be implemented it would come with an option to disable getting 1v1 requests. So why do you care so much about not having it in game if you are literally to 0 percent affected by it?

> I know there is wvw but the maps are hella ugly and I would love to have a duel option while waiting for certain meta events to start etc rather than waiting 10 minutes doing nothing.


duelling is not the same as openworld anything goes pvp.. duelling is by consent.. no harm in duelling

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> @"Nash.3974" said:

> I don’t understand what you people have against it? Obviously if it would be implemented it would come with an option to disable getting 1v1 requests. So why do you care so much about not having it in game if you are literally to 0 percent affected by it?

> I know there is wvw but the maps are hella ugly and I would love to have a duel option while waiting for certain meta events to start etc rather than waiting 10 minutes doing nothing.


If there was an opt out in the options, I'd probably be for adding dueling. But when there isn't, it's a giant pain in the you know what. I hate to bring up SWTOR again, but duel spam was hideous and you couldn't opt out. Tython was awful for it before level sync-- you'd decline, then another invite would bring your system to a halt, decline... rinse and repeat ad nauseam.


Open world PVP is another beast entirely. We're talking you get fresh out of killing your tutorial mission beastie, then there's someone or a party of someones ready to smash you flat before you've even accepted your first level or starter weapon. Just no.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"juhani.5361" said:

> > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > @"Batel.9206" said:

> > > > No...please no. I have terrible memories of open-world PVP in SWTOR...and one funny/frustrating memory. Spoiler'd for length.

> > > > >! This was years ago, before PVP/PVE instances were implemented and level cap was introduced. I was just doing my story quests, and a max-level character on the opposing faction came speeding over and swiftly slaughtered me and my companion. My character was level 20-ish something (this was on Tatooine, a lower-level planet), and maximum level was, at the time, 65 or so. I couldn't do a lick of damage to this guy even to defend myself. Sigh. Fine. I revived right there - and got killed again. He'd gone into stealth and I didn't notice him waiting for me to revive. Revived again - killed again. So I waited a long, long time for the guy to leave so I could revive and then teleport to the nearest safe haven. He went away, thankfully without using stealth so I could see him leave, and I assumed he was gone. Revived...and here he comes speeding over the nearby hill, sprinting as fast as he's able, using speed boosts and everything, charging straight at me as I'm frantically yelling at the quick-travel button to go faster. I could practically _hear_ the maniacal war cries as he bull-rushed at me.

> > > > >!

> > > > >! He managed to slaughter me again JUST as I teleported to safety. I arrived at the nearest outpost...dead.

> > > > >!

> > > > >! I think I purposefully blocked from memory just how high my repair costs were...

> > > >

> > > > So, uh, no thanks. I do not want to be slaughtered time and again. I'm already terrible at PVP, and I'd rather keep that experience to that part of the game - where I can at least a) learn how to not die so quickly, and b) gear/weapons are all level; it's purely skill (and possibly build) that separates the good from the bad players. If PVP were to be implemented in open-world...it wouldn't be pure skill. Those with the best gear would win, hands down, no matter the skill of their opponents. And that would hardly be fair, especially to low-level characters.

> > >

> > > That must of been a very long time ago in SWTOR.. the PvP openworld areas on Illum, Tatooine and that stinky, fume ridden planet (name escapes me right now) have been empty for years.. but yeah they were nothing more than gankers paradise, especially as there used to be chests in those areas that had high end gear pieces in them... that was the only real reason players went there and why gankers hid there - - so agree don't even consider it in this game.

> >

> > Spoiler tagging the below, since it's pretty long, convoluted, and has nothing to do with GW2:

> >

> > >! There used to be a bug in SWTOR that auto-flagged anyone AOEing a PVP-flagged character even in PVE areas. So what would happen in this one Republic quest area just outside Outlaw's Den was that a PVP-flagged stealth character (usually a Sith Assassin) would park him/herself inside some unsuspecting low-level Republic character's AOE field when (s)he was trying to kill droids in one of the planetary quests. Then, the assassin would gank the lowbie, and said poor lowbie would end up flagged until he/she did some weird alchemy to end the flag condition. You were usually flagged for a minimum of five minutes after your last action against another player, so if you were as unfortunate as @"Batel.9206" was, you could be slaughtered over and over. Supposedly they'd fixed it around the time Shadow of Revan was released, but I'd heard some people still suffered for at least a year after that.


> ha I remember that bug.. and outlaws den was always nothing more than a gankers park .. bug or no bug. The planetary quests/droid parts quests etc were placed there to try and get it busy there I think.. but it never worked.

> Much the same as it would not work in GW2.. players would avoid it if they were not of a pvp nature, gankers would end up feasting on their own tears or fall asleep due to inactivity.. so yeah, no leave it well out of gw2 I say.


I never touched it aside from the microbinoculars thing. Blech. From what I understand, the whole reason the PVP servers collapsed was because the gankers got sick of feeding on each other. I'd hate to see that happen to this game. The community here is probably the best I've ever experienced in an MMO-- Secret World Legends probably comes in at a close second. Losing that would be sad.

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