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Best Way To Get Gear/Weapons

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> Do you have other characters that craft? That's one way. Do you want exotic or ascended (I know you said not top tier, did you mean not legendary or not ascended?) Doing the HoT and PoF stories can net you some good rewards and drops, plus map currency that you can exchange with specific vendors.


is legendary the highest or ascended? no crafting on any characters as yet either.



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Legendary and ascended gear are exactly the same and are the top tier gear. If you're looking for the 2nd best gear type, it's exotic gear/weapons which you can buy from the trading post unlike ascended which must be crafted. In my opinion, it's better to craft the gear so that you don't have to waste a lot of gold for getting that exotic gear. It may be the slower method, but it's cheaper than just buying the gear/weapons from the trading post. As for what stats to craft/buy, go with berserker gear. It's a lot faster to kill mobs with power damage than it is with condition damage in most cases.

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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> P2P-- simple




> @"InfiniteRetro.9865" said:

> hey folks. just wanted to ask, if you have a fresh 80 whats the best way to get gear/weapons? it doesnt have to be the top of the tier. is it through the market place? laurel purchases etc? just wanted to ask cos i have a few characters at 80 or on the way with some poverty stuff lol thanks:)


For starters, exotic gear should do. You can purchase lvl 80 exotic gear through the Trading Post, since you said you haven't leveled any crafting professions yet. **Careful**, though: Don't type in the prefix of the [stat combo](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Attribute_combinations#Three_attributes "stat combo") you are looking for (e.g., "Berserker"), but instead choose the filter to the left --> select "Exotic" rarity --> then select the three stats you want. You will find much cheaper gear that way. :)


Getting ascended armor and weapons won't be easy, but ascended trinkets you can get quite easily through Living World content (season 3 and 4).


P.S. Legendary and ascended is not "the same" in terms of functionality, but they share the same level of stats (the highest in the game).

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One thing to remember is that gear quality in this game is relatively simple. There are only two factors: the level requirement and the rarity. So it doesn't really matter where you get it - crafted gear is as good as drops from random enemies or dungeon gear or whatever else. That means the deciding factors in how to get it are what stats you want and what's easiest for you.


Some stat combinations are only available from certain places, so if you want a particular stat combination it's best to check where it comes from first. But if you're not sure yet, or there's a few you can use it might be best to decide what methods are easiest and then see which stats you can get that way.


This article covers everything you'll need to know, but as you might expect it's quite complicated: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Equipment_acquisition_by_stats


In brief the simplest methods are to buy it from the Trading Post with gold, from the temples in Orr with karma, from WvW vendors with badges of honour, get it from achievements or craft it. If you buy it from the Trading Post I strongly recommend you use the cog wheel menu next to the search bar to search using filters, it will find cheaper options than simply putting in the name of the stat combination you want.


Laurels are a good way to get ascended trinkets. If you've been playing for a while you should have enough laurels for at least a few pieces and that's much easier than getting ascended trinkets anywhere else (but bear in mind not all stat combinations are available that way).

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