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Realm Avenger - Can it be reduced?


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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"OrchusGhole.9846" said:

> > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > > @"OrchusGhole.9846" said:

> > > > All you need to do is 1. join a guild that only admits one of the 5 meta builds, 2. run around in their pirate blob using zero tactical thinking spamming the same 2 aoe abilites over and over and over, 3. constantly verbally harass anyone who isn't using one of 5 said meta builds and dares to run close to your meta pirate blob, tell them to focus on downs, tell them they're useless, don't rally or rez them, and so on, 4. think you're at the height of achievement when you're really partially responsible for this game mode's slow death. After about a year of that, you should have your achievement.

> > >

> > > Lollll so bitter i smell a ranger.

> >

> > Ah so I guess you think a game mode that excludes 13 out of 18 specializations from being effective in large scale encounters is a well designed system?


> I have learned to have very low expectations for balance in MMOs so I'd say it's pretty well designed compared to the other MMOs I've played. But I also don't really care that much because I've always been able to quickly swap and learn to play something useful and wanted in every game mode I've ever played in every game I've ever played including this one. I've personally swapped mains 4 times since launch. If you can't be bothered to try to learn to play something other than ranger in WvW even when it's been transparently clear that it's mostly useless and unwanted by pretty much every WvW guild since launch then I think that's on you.


Nah, I'm pretty sure that's on the people who created the entire class to be useless in that given situation. Funny how you vaguely insult me like I'm an idiot who can't learn a new class, as if GW2 is some monumentally complicated game to be proficient at, but that's the typical mindset with you guys and exactly what I'm talking about, as if you somehow think ranger is the ONLY class I've ever played in this game. You haven't offered any insight, just veiled insults, which means you responded to me simply to harass someone voicing concerns about problems they have with gameplay, not to offer anything meaningful. Pretty toxic, don't you think? Of course in your effort to troll me, you've completely missed the point which is this; meta pirate ship WvW is BORING AS HELL and caters to the laziest and most brainless approach to a WvW game there could possibly be. There is absolutely zero tactical thinking, zero variety to how battles are won; stack up, mash the same AoE buttons as you move about in a blob comprised of less than a third of the possible specs in the game, and of course it gives rise to obnoxious elitists who slowly kill the game with their toxic exclusionary behavior. And don't pretend the problem is exclusive to rangers, because you know it isn't.

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> @"OrchusGhole.9846" said:

> All you need to do is 1. join a guild that only admits one of the 5 meta builds, 2. run around in their pirate blob using zero tactical thinking spamming the same 2 aoe abilites over and over and over, 3. constantly verbally harass anyone who isn't using one of 5 said meta builds and dares to run close to your meta pirate blob, tell them to focus on downs, tell them they're useless, don't rally or rez them, and so on, 4. think you're at the height of achievement when you're really partially responsible for this game mode's slow death. After about a year of that, you should have your achievement.


takes more skill to work as a team than as an individual.

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> @"shiri.4257" said:

> > @"OrchusGhole.9846" said:

> > All you need to do is 1. join a guild that only admits one of the 5 meta builds, 2. run around in their pirate blob using zero tactical thinking spamming the same 2 aoe abilites over and over and over, 3. constantly verbally harass anyone who isn't using one of 5 said meta builds and dares to run close to your meta pirate blob, tell them to focus on downs, tell them they're useless, don't rally or rez them, and so on, 4. think you're at the height of achievement when you're really partially responsible for this game mode's slow death. After about a year of that, you should have your achievement.


> takes more skill to work as a team than as an individual.


I haven't said a single thing about playing as an individual in WvW. I'm saying the skill and teamwork required to run a blob of 5 classes around a map spamming AoE is equivalent to the skill required to slam my face into the keyboard, both of which result in a boring mess that lacks in variety and thought.

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> I haven't said a single thing about playing as an individual in WvW. I'm saying the skill and teamwork required to run a blob of 5 classes around a map spamming AoE is equivalent to the skill required to slam my face into the keyboard, both of which result in a boring mess that lacks in variety and thought.


It takes more skill to slam your face into the keyboard and not get injured than to bring a viable class and build to a zerg fight or a roaming fight respectively.



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> @"OrchusGhole.9846" said:

> Nah, I'm pretty sure that's on the people who created the entire class to be useless in that given situation. Funny how you vaguely insult me like I'm an idiot who can't learn a new class, as if GW2 is some monumentally complicated game to be proficient at, but that's the typical mindset with you guys and exactly what I'm talking about, as if you somehow think ranger is the ONLY class I've ever played in this game. You haven't offered any insight, just veiled insults, which means you responded to me simply to harass someone voicing concerns about problems they have with gameplay, not to offer anything meaningful. Pretty toxic, don't you think? Of course in your effort to troll me, you've completely missed the point which is this; meta pirate ship WvW is BORING AS HELL and caters to the laziest and most brainless approach to a WvW game there could possibly be. There is absolutely zero tactical thinking, zero variety to how battles are won; stack up, mash the same AoE buttons as you move about in a blob comprised of less than a third of the possible specs in the game, and of course it gives rise to obnoxious elitists who slowly kill the game with their toxic exclusionary behavior. And don't pretend the problem is exclusive to rangers, because you know it isn't.


You don't like the meta? Too bad. You think it's too simple? Too bad. You don't want to play something other than your ranger? Too bad. Get kicked then.


You don't have the right to be included in anything. No one has any responsibility to play the game with you if they don't want to. No one owes you a single minute of their time.


I don't have any amazing insight to offer you here just a simple truth: fix up or get kicked by most squads.


But to quote the great movie Blade: "there always some motherfucker trying to ice skate uphill."

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"OrchusGhole.9846" said:

> > Nah, I'm pretty sure that's on the people who created the entire class to be useless in that given situation. Funny how you vaguely insult me like I'm an idiot who can't learn a new class, as if GW2 is some monumentally complicated game to be proficient at, but that's the typical mindset with you guys and exactly what I'm talking about, as if you somehow think ranger is the ONLY class I've ever played in this game. You haven't offered any insight, just veiled insults, which means you responded to me simply to harass someone voicing concerns about problems they have with gameplay, not to offer anything meaningful. Pretty toxic, don't you think? Of course in your effort to troll me, you've completely missed the point which is this; meta pirate ship WvW is BORING AS HELL and caters to the laziest and most brainless approach to a WvW game there could possibly be. There is absolutely zero tactical thinking, zero variety to how battles are won; stack up, mash the same AoE buttons as you move about in a blob comprised of less than a third of the possible specs in the game, and of course it gives rise to obnoxious elitists who slowly kill the game with their toxic exclusionary behavior. And don't pretend the problem is exclusive to rangers, because you know it isn't.


> You don't like the meta? Too bad. You think it's too simple? Too bad. You don't want to play something other than your ranger? Too bad. Get kicked then.


> You don't have the right to be included in anything. No one has any responsibility to play the game with you if they don't want to. No one owes you a single minute of their time.


> I don't have any amazing insight to offer you here just a simple truth: fix up or get kicked by most squads.


> But to quote the great movie Blade: "there always some kitten trying to ice skate uphill."


When did I say I had the "right" to anything kid? WTF are you on about? Thanks for the psycho analysis but you can shove it. I'm talking about the DEVELOPERS' responsibility to create classes in a way that make them useful in WvW, which was supposed to be the biggest draw of the game. The developers OWE their customers because we paid for the game. Does that not make sense to you? I mean if that's how they're going to do it, just put a disclaimer when you start a character that says "Not Viable In Large Scale WvW" so people don't waste their time and money. I also never stated that I don't want to play anything other than my ranger. I'm saying it's a problem that the majority of specializations in the entire game are useless in the central PvP conflicts. I don't see how that's unreasonable to voice that concern.


How the hell do you consider this an unreasonable expectation of a game? As if I'm some bad person for expressing my opinion about the current state of WvW in an online forum that exists specifically for that purpose. But I guess your attitude is that if someone doesn't agree with your assessment of things, or doesn't like the current state of WvW, then we're "**** trying to ice skate uphill" and deserve to be harassed and ridiculed.

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> @"shiri.4257" said:

> Every class is useful. it's when a player brings a roaming build to a zerg fight. and a zerg build to roam. The developers have made POF quite well. The players on the other hand...haven't fully developed.


Again, most classes don't have builds that are effective in large scale fights. And I can specifically tell you that the developers know quite well that WvW is a broken mutation of overpowered mechanics and brainless gameplay. Do you really think they intentionally designed WvW in a way that excludes the majority of classes and builds from a central attraction of their game and forces people to run around in a stack of AoE spamming cookie-cutter builds?

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> @"OrchusGhole.9846" said:

> > @"shiri.4257" said:

> > Every class is useful. it's when a player brings a roaming build to a zerg fight. and a zerg build to roam. The developers have made POF quite well. The players on the other hand...haven't fully developed.


> Again, most classes don't have builds that are effective in large scale fights. And I can specifically tell you that the developers know quite well that WvW is a broken mutation of overpowered mechanics and brainless gameplay. Do you really think they intentionally designed WvW in a way that excludes the majority of classes and builds from a central attraction of their game?


The majority of classes are included in large scale fights (Guardian, warrior, mesmer, necro, weaver, revenant, engineer) are 7 classes that compete for a 5 man party spot. 7 does seem like a majority. Perhaps the developers need a better tutorial for players to learn the mechanics and roles properly. I'd even argue a proper thief/ranger targetting specific enemy players have a strong role in zerg play (ie: driver/command squad sniping).

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> @"OrchusGhole.9846" said:

>But I guess your attitude is that if someone doesn't agree with your assessment of things, or doesn't like the current state of WvW, then we're "kitten trying to ice skate uphill" and deserve to be harassed and ridiculed.


I think that your gaming attitude as you've expressed it so far is in this thread is worthy of ridicule because it's like someone trying to ice skate uphill and blaming anyone who doesn't want to join them in the attempt or help them when they inevitably fail at it.

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eotm is no longer as populated and ppl are affected by the kd thing.


it wont be as easy as before but. if u join t2 - the 2nd ranked server is best choice. why


most enemies are blobs. not as.tactical as siege play. so will not be boring.


necro, ele - 2 fasted to get it. pew and survive. =)


u may get an average 100 to 600 tags a day.

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> @"shiri.4257" said:

> > @"OrchusGhole.9846" said:

> > > @"shiri.4257" said:

> > > Every class is useful. it's when a player brings a roaming build to a zerg fight. and a zerg build to roam. The developers have made POF quite well. The players on the other hand...haven't fully developed.

> >

> > Again, most classes don't have builds that are effective in large scale fights. And I can specifically tell you that the developers know quite well that WvW is a broken mutation of overpowered mechanics and brainless gameplay. Do you really think they intentionally designed WvW in a way that excludes the majority of classes and builds from a central attraction of their game?


> The majority of classes are included in large scale fights (Guardian, warrior, mesmer, necro, weaver, revenant, engineer) are 7 classes that compete for a 5 man party spot. 7 does seem like a majority. Perhaps the developers need a better tutorial for players to learn the mechanics and roles properly. I'd even argue a proper thief/ranger targetting specific enemy players have a strong role in zerg play (ie: driver/command squad sniping).


Nah, if you look over the history of this game and what has been meta for zergs then basically at any given time you've typically had about half the classes as either completely surplus to requirements (normally engy, ranger, thief) or only needed in tiny numbers like mes for a lot of the game, healing scrapper now, etc (and even then you don't actually 'need' things like a healing scrapper) , whilst at the other end you've normally had 1 or 2 classes required in vastly disproportionate numbers, to the point it has often been the case out of a 50 man blob 1 class could routinely account for 40% of the places (e.g - when 2 guards per party were standard in melee metas or after PoF with the Scourge AIDS) or 2 classes could easily account for over half the blob between them (guard + necro much of the time).


WvW class balance when considered over the life of the game is literally the worst I have ever seen in a game. Which of course isn't really a surprise, because basically they don't balance for WvW in any meaningful sense, they spent the first three years of the game balancing virtually entirely around PvP, then when they added raids they started balancing around that too, the odd crumb that is thrown in WvW's direction is never going to have any meaningful impact.


Which of course is one of the reasons the game mode is dead and why T1/T2 matchups comprised of 5-7 servers have less activity (and way less quality) than T3/T4 used to have with just 3 servers in a matchup.


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> @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > @"shiri.4257" said:

> > > @"OrchusGhole.9846" said:

> > > > @"shiri.4257" said:

> > > > Every class is useful. it's when a player brings a roaming build to a zerg fight. and a zerg build to roam. The developers have made POF quite well. The players on the other hand...haven't fully developed.

> > >

> > > Again, most classes don't have builds that are effective in large scale fights. And I can specifically tell you that the developers know quite well that WvW is a broken mutation of overpowered mechanics and brainless gameplay. Do you really think they intentionally designed WvW in a way that excludes the majority of classes and builds from a central attraction of their game?

> >

> > The majority of classes are included in large scale fights (Guardian, warrior, mesmer, necro, weaver, revenant, engineer) are 7 classes that compete for a 5 man party spot. 7 does seem like a majority. Perhaps the developers need a better tutorial for players to learn the mechanics and roles properly. I'd even argue a proper thief/ranger targetting specific enemy players have a strong role in zerg play (ie: driver/command squad sniping).


> Nah, if you look over the history of this game and what has been meta for zergs then basically at any given time you've typically had about half the classes as either completely surplus to requirements (normally engy, ranger, thief) or only needed in tiny numbers like mes for a lot of the game, healing scrapper now, etc (and even then you don't actually 'need' things like a healing scrapper) , whilst at the other end you've normally had 1 or 2 classes required in vastly disproportionate numbers, to the point it has often been the case out of a 50 man blob 1 class could routinely account for 40% of the places (e.g - when 2 guards per party were standard in melee metas or after PoF with the Scourge AIDS) or 2 classes could easily account for over half the blob between them (guard + necro much of the time).


> WvW class balance when considered over the life of the game is literally the worst I have ever seen in a game. Which of course isn't really a surprise, because basically they don't balance for WvW in any meaningful sense, they spent the first three years of the game balancing virtually entirely around PvP, then when they added raids they started balancing around that too, the odd crumb that is thrown in WvW's direction is never going to have any meaningful impact.


> Which of course is one of the reasons the game mode is dead and why T1/T2 matchups comprised of 5-7 servers have less activity (and way less quality) than T3/T4 used to have with just 3 servers in a matchup.



Agreed with the previous history of balance. HoT in particular was overall a low point. POF on the other hand has moved in a good direction. Yes some classes are mandatory to fill out the party comp (FB staple atm). However, the other 4 slots in zerg play can be filled out with the various classes based on needs. Currently a 50man omniblob can still be destroyed by 2 proper guild groups of 15-25. The issue here lies with which guild groups. Which can be further negated with a snipe support group (3-5). The issue is getting to that level of game play with whoever is on the map. IMO the wvw meta are 2 groups + 1 command squad snipe group. I'm not talking about even fights gvg etc. I'm just talking about wvw where anything goes and alot more needs to be accounted for in the quick changing environment of an engagement.


Having a ranger or thief that are not focusing targets but rather picking off random pugs are pretty useless. However, being on the other end of a ranger focus when I'm commanding has merit. Not too many commanders or guild groups left that are open to "WvW game play."


I can probably count the number of commanders or guilds left on 1 hand that are willing to continue a wvw raid against multiple ajam guilds and driver snipe.

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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > @"Limodriver.4106" said:

> > join a fight guild with a uesfull class instead of a ranger?


> 800k kills with most hours on thief then ranger. It's purely a 'how long do you play' achieve


I'm inclined to think that it would take most rangers or thieves twice as long as you've played to get even half as many kills though. Most of them are complete trash.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"OrchusGhole.9846" said:

> >But I guess your attitude is that if someone doesn't agree with your assessment of things, or doesn't like the current state of WvW, then we're "kitten trying to ice skate uphill" and deserve to be harassed and ridiculed.


> I think that your gaming attitude as you've expressed it so far is in this thread is worthy of ridicule because it's like someone trying to ice skate uphill and blaming anyone who doesn't want to join them in the attempt or help them when they inevitably fail at it.


Your reading comprehension needs a lot of work. I never blamed anyone who enjoys the current meta, other than to say, quite correctly and from experience, that a restrictive meta kills game communities every, single, time, and the people participating in the meta game tend to be hostile to anyone outside of their box. I know entire guilds that have quit this game because the WvW meta is so restrictive and dominant, so don't pretend like it doesn't drive large amounts of people away from this part of the game.


I get it, you're playing WvW in the most effective and efficient manner possible, but personally I don't find what that has turned large scale WvW into to be especially interesting. You like the meta pirate ship blob WvW? Great, I couldn't care less. Go have fun with it. I don't like it, so I'm going to express that opinion, and "too bad" if you're triggered about someone having a negative opinion about something you like. Deal with it and move on. Funny that you've proven my point, because I never asked for your input, you simply saw that somebody had an opinion about the current meta that you don't agree with, and you decided to attack me personally with the usual nonsense that more or less amounts to "git gud, meta or beta, QQ moar rangers" which is the same crap we see in WvW every single night. Next time just be more concise with your mockery, and you can save us both some time. I don't show up in your meta discussion threads trashing the meta's because they like that aspect of the game, so I don't really see why you have such a problem with someone expressing a dislike for an aspect of gameplay in a product they paid for and invested time in.


With that said, sorry for hijacking this thread. I was just trying to express some frustration in a cynical manner while giving the OP the fastest and most effective path to this achievement, but apparently some people can't handle differing opinions.

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> @"OrchusGhole.9846" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > @"OrchusGhole.9846" said:

> > >But I guess your attitude is that if someone doesn't agree with your assessment of things, or doesn't like the current state of WvW, then we're "kitten trying to ice skate uphill" and deserve to be harassed and ridiculed.

> >

> > I think that your gaming attitude as you've expressed it so far is in this thread is worthy of ridicule because it's like someone trying to ice skate uphill and blaming anyone who doesn't want to join them in the attempt or help them when they inevitably fail at it.


> Your reading comprehension needs a lot of work. I never blamed anyone who enjoys the current meta, other than to say, quite correctly and from experience, that a restrictive meta kills game communities every, single, time, and the people participating in the meta game tend to be hostile to anyone outside of their box. I know entire guilds that have quit this game because the WvW meta is so restrictive and dominant, so don't pretend like it doesn't drive large amounts of people away from this part of the game.


> I get it, you're playing WvW in the most effective and efficient manner possible, but personally I don't find what that has turned large scale WvW into to be especially interesting. You like the meta pirate ship blob WvW? Great, I couldn't care less. Go have fun with it. I don't like it, so I'm going to express that opinion, and "too bad" if you're kitten about someone having a negative opinion about something you like. Deal with it and move on. Funny that you've proven my point, because I never asked for your input, you simply saw that somebody had an opinion about the current meta that you don't agree with, and you decided to attack me personally with the usual nonsense that more or less amounts to "git gud, meta or beta, QQ moar rangers" which is the same crap we see in WvW every single night. Next time just be more concise with your mockery, and you can save us both some time. I don't show up in your meta discussion threads trashing the meta's because they like that aspect of the game, so I don't really see why you have such a problem with someone expressing a dislike for an aspect of gameplay in a product they paid for and invested time in.


> With that said, sorry for hijacking this thread. I was just trying to express some frustration in a cynical manner while giving the OP the fastest and most effective path to this achievement, but apparently some people can't handle differing opinions.


Lol all this because i quite rightly sensed you were a mad ranger. Have fun getting kicked from every good guild and squad bro good luck on UD someday.


For anyone else actually interested in actually winning fights pro tip don't ever be this guy.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"OrchusGhole.9846" said:

> > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > > @"OrchusGhole.9846" said:

> > > >But I guess your attitude is that if someone doesn't agree with your assessment of things, or doesn't like the current state of WvW, then we're "kitten trying to ice skate uphill" and deserve to be harassed and ridiculed.

> > >

> > > I think that your gaming attitude as you've expressed it so far is in this thread is worthy of ridicule because it's like someone trying to ice skate uphill and blaming anyone who doesn't want to join them in the attempt or help them when they inevitably fail at it.

> >

> > Your reading comprehension needs a lot of work. I never blamed anyone who enjoys the current meta, other than to say, quite correctly and from experience, that a restrictive meta kills game communities every, single, time, and the people participating in the meta game tend to be hostile to anyone outside of their box. I know entire guilds that have quit this game because the WvW meta is so restrictive and dominant, so don't pretend like it doesn't drive large amounts of people away from this part of the game.

> >

> > I get it, you're playing WvW in the most effective and efficient manner possible, but personally I don't find what that has turned large scale WvW into to be especially interesting. You like the meta pirate ship blob WvW? Great, I couldn't care less. Go have fun with it. I don't like it, so I'm going to express that opinion, and "too bad" if you're kitten about someone having a negative opinion about something you like. Deal with it and move on. Funny that you've proven my point, because I never asked for your input, you simply saw that somebody had an opinion about the current meta that you don't agree with, and you decided to attack me personally with the usual nonsense that more or less amounts to "git gud, meta or beta, QQ moar rangers" which is the same crap we see in WvW every single night. Next time just be more concise with your mockery, and you can save us both some time. I don't show up in your meta discussion threads trashing the meta's because they like that aspect of the game, so I don't really see why you have such a problem with someone expressing a dislike for an aspect of gameplay in a product they paid for and invested time in.

> >

> > With that said, sorry for hijacking this thread. I was just trying to express some frustration in a cynical manner while giving the OP the fastest and most effective path to this achievement, but apparently some people can't handle differing opinions.


> Lol all this because i quite rightly sensed you were a mad ranger. Have fun getting kicked from every good guild and squad bro good luck on UD someday.


> For anyone else actually interested in actually winning fights pro tip don't ever be this guy.


Also funny because I've been in the meta game, which is the only reason I know how silly it is. Doesn't have anything to do with having a ranger toon, because meta excludes far more than just that class. But hey keep harassing people because they think this part of the game is lacking some serious polish, and here pretty soon you won't have any PUGs to roll over with your pirate ship meta blob. Then you'll just be 3 pirate ship meta blobs of the same 5 builds running circles around each other, unable to kill anyone unless they lag out of the blob into AoE instadeath, because there's certainly no skill or thought required to do what meta blobs do.

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> Support guard for 6 years most of which in WvW, you get low kills, low WXP, which means near impossible to reach and forever to rank up.


> If you want this achieve, you can't get it on support classes. Play a necro and tag everything


You know the first person to get the title played guard, there was reason pre-nerf staff on guard was referred to as the lootstick...

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