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New Revenant


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By endgame content I'm assuming you mean fractals and raids. If so, the answer is yes! You can play both of those modes as a revenant, though build options are a bit limited if you are going to be using LFG to find groups.


For leveling, just do things that you are interested in. Since GW2 gives you experience from lots of sources, exploring is a valid way to level up. If any event or object piques your interest, feel free to go investigate. Also, once you unlock them, dungeon runs give about a level for your daily clear.


My revenant is personally a Sylvari but Norn may also be an interesting race.



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> @"lombomon.7268" said:

> By endgame content I'm assuming you mean fractals and raids. If so, the answer is yes! You can play both of those modes as a revenant, though build options are a bit limited if you are going to be using LFG to find groups.


> For leveling, just do things that you are interested in. Since GW2 gives you experience from lots of sources, exploring is a valid way to level up. If any event or object piques your interest, feel free to go investigate. Also, once you unlock them, dungeon runs give about a level for your daily clear.


> My revenant is personally a Sylvari but Norn may also be an interesting race.




You god damn right mate


My Revenant is a human for a more rp/lorewise reason (and because my main races are humans/sylvari), because revenant is a nod to the gw1 ritualist and they channeled the power of the mist with spirits, ashes of heroes and much more, and my ritualist basicly was the hero of the entire world of gw1 (tyria,elona and cantha) and after that he vanished into the mists, free to roam the stars, but after he sensed his world in peril, he needed to answer the call as Tyrias "guardian". Yet durring his time in the mists he slowly lost his memories about his deeds and could even remember his own name and there was noone to know him, only his deeds, thus he had no choise but to live as a street rat, robbed of his sight as well. One night however, he began to hear whispers in his head. the voice felt familiar and apperently, it was the king of the dwarves jalis ironhammer. He told him about his deeds to the kings people and in turn he was allowed to utilize jalis powers. through his new formed connection with the mists he could now see even with his blind eyes and learned his name again,from the king, :Lyrias .However short time later, Shaemoor was attacked by centaurs and Lyrias had to answer the call. Together with his new found powers, he would defend Humanity and bring it to its former glory it had in the past.

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