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Eastern area of the current world map.


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The map has been expanded a lot to the east but it's never been explored before.

Do you think ANet will do something with the eastern area at all? any lore of the eastern area of Tyria & Elona?


What kind of theme of civilization you think will fit the are?


For me, perhaps it is nomad/mongol Charr.

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We know that the Blood Citadel, capital of the Blood Legions, is east of the Blazeridge Mountains. Presumably the Ash Legion territories are somewhere there, too. In theory, the charr would have been unabated if they moved east or south from where they started, while they were stopped by humans and norn in their expansion west, so they could have expanded greatly over there for all we know.


Dzalana east (and north) of Vabbi is supposedly where harpies and heket invaded Vabbi and Kourna from, and I want to say there was lore of it being full of canyons.


Beyond that, we don't really know much of anything.

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> @"yefluke.3168" said:

> well... that's a lot to fill.... :#

Not really. Primordus is below central Tyria, and Jormag is just to the north in the Far Shiverpeaks, besides us going to wherever bubbles is, they would have to expand the map by very little before GW2's story is done.


You also have to remember that, since planets are not flat, any attempt to make a flat map results in massive distortion. Most of the area north of Kryta is far smaller then it appears, as seen in this ideo.


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I wonder, is the world of Tyria larger than the world of Azeroth, or Atreia?


What is the diameter of Tyria?


I mean, that is a seemingly easy answer a developer could give, provided there is a consensus on what the diameter of Tyria is going to be. On the other hands, this would allow us to calculate accurate overland travel times taking into account the curvature of Tyria and compare that with travel times from the novels and stories, which may end up alienating the writers, or bog them down with so many details.


Also, there's something wrong with the map texture cutoff point. This is no problem on a texture file, depending on how the wrapping/unwrapping works, but it looks like the map is looping in the north-south edges. It also seems to be looping on the west-east edges, which is fine on a spherical world. But a geometrical figure that loops on both north-south and east-west edges of the map is a torus, not a sphere.

Tyrians use globes, though, so I guess this has more to do with the texture rule, that a texture is supposed to tile, which can be achieved in the GNU Image Maniplulation Program* or Photoshop, by duplicating the image, moving the edges into visible space and modifying the image, so that the texture properly tiles. Save, use an offset when applying the texture and done. Perfect map of Tyria on a globe.


*Why would you kitten me on that acronym?

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"yefluke.3168" said:

> > well... that's a lot to fill.... :#

> Not really. Primordus is below central Tyria, and Jormag is just to the north in the Far Shiverpeaks, besides us going to wherever bubbles is, they would have to expand the map by very little before GW2's story is done.


> You also have to remember that, since planets are not flat, any attempt to make a flat map results in massive distortion. Most of the area north of Kryta is far smaller then it appears, as seen in this ideo.




Arid, Wetland and Howling Peninsular are quite big... Arid already bigger than the whole F2P map.

They can even make a new game base on those maps. Wondering if we killed all the elder dragons would affect those areas...


I hope ANet would tease some rumors / details about all these unexplored area... may be by Zephyrite since they are flying all around the world?

We already have airships (a lot of airships) in game. it makes no sense that we do not contact other places at all...


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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> So, since we have nothing much to go on, any completely unfounded speculations? Brand new races or villains?


Fan theory: Rytlock is a cub of Bangar Ruinbringer. That's part of the reason why he avoids the Red Citadel. Going there may lead to him slaying and subsequently replacing his sire, condemning him for deskwork for the rest of his life. And since so far even Blood Legion officers hate deskwork the Imperator may actively provoke his cub into doing so.


Other theory: East of Blood Legion may be lands of 'lesser legions', which ranges from seminomadic charr to hidden jungle charr tribes? Further east we may find the ruins of old forgotten civilizatzions, giants, and finally the ocean.

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> @"yefluke.3168" said:

> I hope ANet would tease some rumors / details about all these unexplored area... may be by Zephyrite since they are flying all around the world?

> We already have airships (a lot of airships) in game. it makes no sense that we do not contact other places at all...

Well, there is that one human in the Order of Whispers who is very obviously not Canthan or Elonan, but also acts entirely clueless to the typical workings of Kryta, and who has a heavy implication of being from somewhere else. The original map texture shows trade routes not connected to Elona/Cantha/Tyria going from the Battle Isles to the southern area of the "Wetlands" landmass, so its very possible there is a 4th human civilization in that area.


> @"Castigator.3470" said:

> Other theory: East of Blood Legion may be lands of 'lesser legions', which ranges from seminomadic charr to hidden jungle charr tribes? Further east we may find the ruins of old forgotten civilizatzions, giants, and finally the ocean.

One thing that has always interested me is that, assuming the other Legions control an area equal to that of Ascalon, the full Charr Empire must be massive. However, at no point do the Charr ever mention, or even hint at, there being anything of note on their far borders. The Charr have never been particularly forthcoming about what its like in their lands, but one would think if they knew of some race whose development was on par with the five races they would mention it. This leads me to presume that, outside the Charr, the areas to the east are largely nothing but more tribalistic societies like the Grawl, Harpies, Hylek, etc., at least within the immediate areas around the Charr Empire.

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Castigator.3470" said:

> > Other theory: East of Blood Legion may be lands of 'lesser legions', which ranges from seminomadic charr to hidden jungle charr tribes? Further east we may find the ruins of old forgotten civilizatzions, giants, and finally the ocean.

> One thing that has always interested me is that, assuming the other Legions control an area equal to that of Ascalon, the full Charr Empire must be massive. However, at no point do the Charr ever mention, or even hint at, there being anything of note on their far borders. The Charr have never been particularly forthcoming about what its like in their lands, but one would think if they knew of some race whose development was on par with the five races they would mention it. This leads me to presume that, outside the Charr, the areas to the east are largely nothing but more tribalistic societies like the Grawl, Harpies, Hylek, etc., at least within the immediate areas around the Charr Empire.


well ash do love to keep secrets so nothing is off the table

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> One thing that has always interested me is that, assuming the other Legions control an area equal to that of Ascalon, the full Charr Empire must be massive. However, at no point do the Charr ever mention, or even hint at, there being anything of note on their far borders. The Charr have never been particularly forthcoming about what its like in their lands, but one would think if they knew of some race whose development was on par with the five races they would mention it. This leads me to presume that, outside the Charr, the areas to the east are largely nothing but more tribalistic societies like the Grawl, Harpies, Hylek, etc., at least within the immediate areas around the Charr Empire.


Well, it should be kept in mind that when the charr were spreading, they were conquerers who killed the original inhabitants or enslaved them. So any race they met prior to the fall of Flame Legion (if not even still now) would have been destroyed or forcibly devolved in culture. So talking about their other lands admits them as massive war criminals to other Central Tyrian races, which can greatly damage their reputation. Especially if any such actions were post-Flame Legion since they (and ArenaNet given the Orr "fractal" in Jahai) seem to love branding all evil deeds of the charr as Flame Legion actions.


Further, since the Blood Legion holds territory north of Ascalon and has their capital citadel east of the Blazeridge, that would mark the Blood Legions' territory as larger than Ascalon. Nearly double in size.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Well, it should be kept in mind that when the charr were spreading, they were conquerers who killed the original inhabitants or enslaved them. So any race they met prior to the fall of Flame Legion (if not even still now) would have been destroyed or forcibly devolved in culture. So talking about their other lands admits them as massive war criminals to other Central Tyrian races, which can greatly damage their reputation. Especially if any such actions were post-Flame Legion since they (and ArenaNet given the Orr "fractal" in Jahai) seem to love branding all evil deeds of the charr as Flame Legion actions.

Entirely true, but, what from lore we have, the only races that ever gave the Charr a real fight were the Forgotten and Humanity. While I don't contest that they destroyed many other races they came across, I find it unlikely that any of them were ever at the same level as the two previously mentioned, and were most likely the tribalistic groups we see dominate most other races on the Tyrian world.

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > Well, it should be kept in mind that when the charr were spreading, they were conquerers who killed the original inhabitants or enslaved them. So any race they met prior to the fall of Flame Legion (if not even still now) would have been destroyed or forcibly devolved in culture. So talking about their other lands admits them as massive war criminals to other Central Tyrian races, which can greatly damage their reputation. Especially if any such actions were post-Flame Legion since they (and ArenaNet given the Orr "fractal" in Jahai) seem to love branding all evil deeds of the charr as Flame Legion actions.

> Entirely true, but, what from lore we have, the only races that ever gave the Charr a real fight were the Forgotten and Humanity. While I don't contest that they destroyed many other races they came across, I find it unlikely that any of them were ever at the same level as the two previously mentioned, and were most likely the tribalistic groups we see dominate most other races on the Tyrian world.


The only lore we really got on "the races charr have fought" mainly comes from The Ecology of the Charr, which never covers eastern expansion. There's really no discussion on eastern expansion at all, really. Whether this is because ANet didn't want to write them into a set direction before really fleshing out the idea, or if it's because the charr never expanded east is unclear.


Also, keep in mind that the Forgotten and humanity (and norn) were a threat to charr a thousand years ago. Before they developed the magic and technology used to defeat humanity. If conquests east were "recent" relatively, then the charr would be at a higher level than when first entering conflict with Forgotten and humans. On top of that, it's known that the charr and dwarves battled each other - how much is unclear mind you - but the dwarves never mentioned as a race that "gave the charr a real fight".

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I’d really love multiple expansions about the Charr. One I could see coming soon (maybe even next?) is north, one of the only areas with a name already, the blood legion homelands, and it goes into most likely a rebelling blood legion seeking to destroy other races and legions to establish an empire. I mean, in recent years the humans have unleashed the white mantle, Balthazar, and Joko, and the sylvari are all sorts of twisted and dangerous, so... blood legion could reasonably back out of all negotiations. An expansion detailing the Charr society more (as it functions, less history).


Then, at least one more to the east over, or maybe including, the blazeridge mountains, although those have their own lore worth its own expansion. Show us more Charr lands, probably ash legion territory, and give us deeper history on what exactly the Charr have done and what’s over there (and of course a villain, would be cool to see new races in crazy new lands)

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To be fair, once the charr have reached sufficient technological advancement, they can just plant their flag on supposed virgin soil and begin colonizing with little to no regard for any potential natives. And they have reached a pre WWI military technology, so they're definitely advanced.

This may play out more like the roman colonization, where settlers and charr veterans move to these sparsely populated areas to build ranches and cultivate more farmland, which serves to establish a charr population and claim "wild" lands. The charr industry is already established, but the Legions may have a need to expand their food production. This turns their fortresses into towns and cities over time, similar to Ashford Forum which has expanded to house crafting facilities and even a small arena for entertainment.

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