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Would spend money for more cosmetic options.

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In a game where the end game focus is primarily on cosmetics, I find it amazing that the only way to customize a character is by mix and match armor and dye, as well as some super expensive non-customizable infusion effects.


I would gladly pay money for a content pack that would include any or all of the following:


1. Dyeable weapons.


2. Dyeable backpieces.


3. Rings, necklaces and earrings that are visible and dyeable on characters.


4. Particle effects on weapons and armor that are transferable to other equipment by storing them and applying them to new gear via the wardrobe system.


5. Dyeable weapon/armor/backpiece particle effects.


6. Dyeable Infusion/aura effects that are unlockable in the wardrobe and can be applied to all characters once unlocked.


7. Footfalls that are unlockable account wide via the wardrobe.


8. Dyeable footfall effects.


9. Option to select multiple footfalls, one for right foot and one for left.


10. Dyeable Particle effects for mounts that can be unlocked and swapped between them.


11. Option to toggle day night modes on legendaries to lock the effect you want in place. (Ie. Eternity: locked permanently to daytime mode).


Yah this would be worth almost the cost of an expansion pack for me.


Think of how many legendaries you would craft/buy if you could unlock the footfalls or particle effects or auras from one weapon or armor and apply it to your other characters weapon and armor, and then dye those effects to accommodate the theme of that character.

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I too find it alarming that Fashion Wars doesn't even offer dye-able weaps/backs. The alternative head on an outfit idea is also one I've long wanted to see as well. I guess we never will, but it severely limits the customizable options in a game all about customizing your appearance.

Now instead of making a toon that looks cool and looking for a suitable weapon, I've come to realise you have to start with the weapon and design your appearance around that.

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Let's put it this way, for example:


I would consider buying stuff like new unique projectile animations for my ranged weapons (like ice arrows for my bows) however, I think the option to change projectile animations itself and unique projectile animations for already unlocked weapons (like the plasma bullets from HOPE) should be an integral part of the game and not something you have to unlock though additional purchases.

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