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Holosmith - Static Elixirs is Broken. This is not fun at all. OP

Vieux P.1238

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > @"Tehologist.5841" said:

> > Holos have been nerfed to kitten. Quit trying to face tank them, some classes are just better at dueling. Moving to elixirs has hurt holo damage as static discharge is unpredictable and doesn’t hit half the time when tossing elixirs.


> Yep, they got nerfed so much to kitten that they are on Top Meta chart. That's how nerfed they got. Good point you bring up..good job.


Engis were always in the top charts of the meta since HoT. Whats your problem with them now?

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> @"Tehologist.5841" said:

> Holos have been nerfed to kitten. Quit trying to face tank them, some classes are just better at dueling. Moving to elixirs has hurt holo damage as static discharge is unpredictable and doesn’t hit half the time when tossing elixirs.


Every other build, with exception of reaper and core guardian (which are barely meta as they stand), was nerfed way more than holo. Way much more.


I think elixir s duration should be cut down to 3 secs. Also, while not engi exclusive, I think all passive invulnerability profs from all classes should be removed. Just increasing their CD is half backed work from Anet.

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> @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > @"Ario.8964" said:

> > > @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > > > @"Ario.8964" said:

> > > What if I say chrono bunker is dead?And reaper isnt that OP/annoying as holosmith is. And they dont have perma quickness as you claim , its only 3s pulse while in shroud .No reason to leave holo quickness uptime as it is

> >

> > Okay, then tell me this: why do you think quickness is the problem? How would reducing only quickness uptime fix holosmith? I will say with plenty of confidence that I can name a bunch of things that ought to be fixed but you seem pretty confident quickness is the problem so I would like to know why it is the only problem you see with holo.

> I see this as only one part of a problem . If anythin Id refer to @coro.3176 post .

> But hilarious that you say permaquickness is fine because reaper have pulsing quickness in shroud :)


I'm not calling it balanced, I'm calling it consistent. I'm all for toning down holo's quickness duration (I don't think it'll have that huge of an effect overall since most of holo's burst now is coming from static discharge which is unaffected by quickness.) but not without addressing it elsewhere. The only argument I'm making is that if those classes aren't broken to hell and back and they have higher quickness uptime than holo, quickness probably isn't what's allowing holo to be better than those classes and it makes no sense to hit holo's quickness when there are better changes that could be made.

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The thing I don't understand about holo, is why/how they crit non-stop. My holo is in full asc. PTV gear, cause I needed a toon to store it all on. The only thing that has precision and ferocity is my weapon. So, I am running around with 20% crit chance (15% from high caliber) and 1/3 chance to bleed on crit, and with a bleed stack, I get 10% more crit chance. So, my build caps at 30% chance to crit, yet, I am critting more than 70% of my attacks. No food, no buffs. Hit F5, crit, crit, crit, crit, crit, etc, exit, wait a few seconds, F5 again, "wow, look at all the crits". It's not even RNG at this point, I have 90% crit chance on my reaper and I crit just as often on my 30% chance holo. /shrugs

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Boon corruption is what kept holo's in check. Now boon corruption has been nerfed, and invulnerability has been buffed holo is a top tier team fighter and side pointer. These were two huge buffs to holo besides the other buffs they had. Overall it is too strong at mid/low tiers. It can do enough damage to win outnumbered fights, and disengage and heal too quickly. It is like mirage it has too many good things too often.

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The problem with holo is that holoforge is a toolbelt skill which means it triggers static discharge and procs the quickness trait in tools. If forge was on weapon swap instead of tool belt then damage would be toned way down. They wouldn’t have to keep nerfing the damage in forge and builds not using static discharge would be more viable. This would also open up weapon swap for scrapper and core which desperately need it. Being forced to use kits because there is no good power melee or condition melee weapons really hurts build diversity. Core engineer really needs either mace or dagger for single handed power builds with shield and a two handed melee range condition weapon like staff or two handed sword with a reliable gap closer.

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Holos aren’t the best 1v1 class, nor are they a make-or-break in a team comp. But yeah let’s rail on them until they’re no longer viable. They’ve seen repeated nerfs. While I could still see a few shaves, the convo here is just full of people who clearly don’t understand the class.


You literally beat it by CCing it and dodging PF3. I just solved all of your problems. Go forth and prosper.


Extra hint: Holos have one stunbreak and it’s easy to dodge their source of stab.


TL;DR = L2P.

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