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Glint's Facets in relation to the Eternal Alchemy, the Human Gods, and the Elder Dragons


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I've thought about this idea for some time now, and I'm curious to see what others would think about this.


Are Glint's 'Facets' exclusive to her? Would it be pushing it to believe that there is more to them than that?

Even in Guild Wars 1, each of the six Facets are attributed to one of the six classes. It's pretty clear that each GW 1 class is connected to their respective Human God.


I get that trying to connect each Dragon to one of the orbs from that Eternal Alchemy scene is a lost cause, but what about a connection between the Facets and the Dragons?

Is this a moot point and the fact that having the facets connected to a class, which are connected to a god, who each are connected to the Eternal Alchemy, means there is a connection?


I have a feeling that, if anything, at a bare minimum, these Facets are only ANet's way to have the players in GW1 fight against dragon spirits with different professions.

The Facets from GW1 may only be a reference to a profession, and nothing more.


Getting to Guild Wars 2, ANet brings back the theme of Glint and her Facets back with the Revenant class, where I was first introduced to this whole thing.

I haven't had the chance to play through GW1 myself. My only experience of it has been through lore discussions and playthroughs.


Maybe I'm reading to much into this. Lots of things with 6 sides in Guild Wars 2.


What do you think?

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The Dragon's Lair mission wasn't the only location with facets:


There's a series of facets in a quest in Eye of the North, with each facet being linked to one of the gods. Interesting, while the other facets are much the same, the Facet of Elements is replaced by the Facet of Spirit, a dervish facet linked to Kormir. Which implies that a) the facets got updated with Kormir's ascension, and b) Abaddon may have been the original patron of elementalists.


ArenaNet has confirmed that as well as being obviously linked to the gods in some manner (through this quest) and to Glint, the facets are also related in some way to the Forgotten, and reflected somewhat on the magic they use. With what we now know, though, that could be as simple as Glint herself being imbued by the Forgotten magic that freed her from Kralkatorrik.

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