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Confused; Far Shiverpeaks


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As a new player to GW1, the game offers a lot of background experiences for GW2, not just the Norn and EotN.


Start a character (or several) in Prophesies, take your time exploring pre-searing ascalon, get to know all of the class trainers as well as other npcs, do any quest you can find before leaving pre-searing. Then head over to GW2, play the Charr tutorial and starter area as well as the Ascalonian Catacombs dungeon (especially story mode), and you will find a ton of characters and places from pre-searing Ascalon in GW1.


Start a character in Nightfall, and again take your time through the beginning areas and quests, then play PoF and Season 4 to meet another round of characters and places you've come to know.


And of course EotN, which has a lot of norn backstory, but also asura and even sylvari lore tied to its quests and areas.


Starting GW1 these days can be very confusing, even for people used to playing RPGs. I started GW1 myself for backstory and hall of monuments during the waiting time before HoT, and I found that while "outfit your heroes and everything is fine" sounds good on paper, it's not quite as easy in practice. To even get a decent set of hero skills you either need to grind pvp a lot (not my cup of tea) or spend a ton of time playing different classes to buy and capture all those different skills you need for decent hero builds.


What worked for me was creating a couple of throw-away characters that only went far enough into the game to gain/buy each classes starting skills. Since heroes can equip any skill unlocked on the account by any character, that gave me a good base to outfit my heroes to the point where they are at least as effective as the henchmen for hire. With a mix of heroes and henchmen I was able to get through most of the missions decently.


The other thing that was crucial to me enjoying and getting along in the game was actually having a friend party up with me to explain things and help with a few crucial missions. Vizunah Square in the factions campaign comes to mind there. Most of factions I could solo with a few tries, but that mission proved a roadblock for my ritualist. Getting a friend to join with a couple of maxed-out heroes got me across that block.


If you don't have anybody willing or able to help you, don't hesitate to post in this forum's players helping players section. Explicitely state that you don't want to get carried but are just looking for somebody to help you really get into the game's mechanics and get a good base to buld upon, and I'm sure there's enough GW1 lovers on the forum that would enjoy to accompany you for a bit. I'd do it myself, but my knowledge of GW1 is still rudimentary at best, and my heroes are pretty much trash, so I wouldn't be any help there (plus I haven't played in a while and have probably forgotten most of what i knew ;) ).


GW1 has all the tools to allow you to play it totally solo, but it's still a multiplayer game at its heart, and there's really no reason to re-invent the wheel when a few pointers here or there could get you to hold your own much easier :) .


Above all: have fun, and may you find what you seek! GW1 is very different from GW2, but personally I have really enjoyed getting all that lore and information first-hand. If only I had time to fully play the remaining campaigns, but with all the stuff GW2 keeps throwing at us I never do ;) .

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Nunya.4920" said:

> > > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > > The "skill set down to 0" thing relates to the Journey to the North buff that gives you level-20 stats. It however presets them based on your weapon and skillbar.

> > > See https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Journey_to_the_North

> > >

> > > As long as you have this buff (it goes away when you reach level 20), your health and armor are hard set to lvl 20 values, so you don't actually have to upgrade your armor.

> > >

> > > The rep-locked armors available in EotN are Prestige armors. Prestige armors (usually called Elite armor) are stat-wise *identical* to other level 20 armors, it's literally all about the look. There are much cheaper (and not rep-locked) ones available in other parts of the game, you'll need that when the buff goes away.

> > >

> >

> > The game changed my skills to help me ?? 0.o Gods, if it's this bad while the game is trying to help me, I'm so getting ganked by the mobs at level 20 ! The unhappy fact is, I was getting a butt thrashing at the lower level maps also. Maybe not just because of my armor, but I'm sure it didn't help. So how does one get back to the place they started, and can I get back to the EOTN, after I go look for a way to get lower level armor ? To be honest, I'd rather have my teeth pulled. :( I like the EOTN maps way better, but I'd rather not delete this toon, like I had to the last 7 I tried to play. Thank you for all the helpful comments :)


> It's not "set to 0 to help", but you only have a certain amount of Attribute points.

> Focus your selected skills into one or two different attributes. If you go back to lower level maps, make sure to re-spend your attribute points to match your skills, and usually you want your Primary Attribute as well as it often helps with your energy management.


> Hm. I just realised something.


> You *are* adding Henchmen to fill out your party, right?

> Always go a full party, and EotN has party size **8**. Add as many Heroes you can (and set up their skills and attributes), and then fill up what remaining roles you need with Henchmen.


This is a good point. You are def filling out your party with npcs and not going out alone right?

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> @"Nunya.4920" said:

>So how does one get back to the place they started, and can I get back to the EOTN, after I go look for a way to get lower level armor ?


GW1 lets you fast-travel from the map screen, like GW2, but instead of going to waypoints, you can only teleport to towns or outposts (including mission outposts). However, you can only see areas in the same continent as you. To get to other areas, (for example to return to Cantha from the far shiverpeaks) look for a boat icon on the map (Near LA, Kaining, Kamadan, or the great temple depending on region) and it will let you move between the different maps. If you want a quick way to get back to EotN, there will be a purple icon on the cantha and elona maps (near Kaineng center and Kamadan) that will take you straight to Boreal Station.


If you want the smoothest GW1 experience, I'd suggest making getting to lvl20 a priority, getting a set of lvl20 armor (Kaineng city is probably the most accessible), then getting as many heroes as possible.


Also, if you're getting quests that seem to go missing when you near the objective, it may be a quest with a required hero. Some nightfall and EotN quests need you to have a certain hero in the party to progress.

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> @"Nunya.4920" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:


> > > It's not "set to 0 to help", but you only have a certain amount of Attribute points.

> > > Focus your selected skills into one or two different attributes. If you go back to lower level maps, make sure to re-spend your attribute points to match your skills, and usually you want your Primary Attribute as well as it often helps with your energy management.

> > >

> > > Hm. I just realized something.

> > >

> > > You *are* adding Henchmen to fill out your party, right?

> > > Always go a full party, and EotN has party size **8**. Add as many Heroes you can (and set up their skills and attributes), and then fill up what remaining roles you need with Henchmen.

> >

> > This is a good point. You are def filling out your party with npcs and not going out alone right?


> Before I asked here, I was totally alone for my first 7 (now deleted) toons. I had no clue what a henchman or a hero was, or how to get armor. I did try to look things up, but all that came from my searches was GW2 stuff. It took a little while, but I found some helpful info that wasn't just about flaming GW2 players. The only reason I found that info, was because of the support of everyone here. Thank you so much, all of you are awesome ! :)


Do you know about the '/wiki [insert topic here]' command in Gw1? It works the same as it does in GW2, only it links to the GW1 wiki instead.

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> @"Nunya.4920" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:


> > > It's not "set to 0 to help", but you only have a certain amount of Attribute points.

> > > Focus your selected skills into one or two different attributes. If you go back to lower level maps, make sure to re-spend your attribute points to match your skills, and usually you want your Primary Attribute as well as it often helps with your energy management.

> > >

> > > Hm. I just realized something.

> > >

> > > You *are* adding Henchmen to fill out your party, right?

> > > Always go a full party, and EotN has party size **8**. Add as many Heroes you can (and set up their skills and attributes), and then fill up what remaining roles you need with Henchmen.

> >

> > This is a good point. You are def filling out your party with npcs and not going out alone right?


> Before I asked here, I was totally alone for my first 7 (now deleted) toons. I had no clue what a henchman or a hero was, or how to get armor. I did try to look things up, but all that came from my searches was GW2 stuff. It took a little while, but I found some helpful info that wasn't just about flaming GW2 players. The only reason I found that info, was because of the support of everyone here. Thank you so much, all of you are awesome ! :)


If you are struggling, ensure you take two monk characters with you even f they are henchmsn not heroes. It will make all the difference. If you ever get a hero necromancer you can customise, give it minion skills.

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