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Anyone tried a full plaguedoctor firebrand support?


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I did for a bit - although I did half Seraph/half PD. It was mediocre. The healing was good enough though not amazing, the boon duration was good. The damage was acceptable but nothing amazing - except for the TOJ burst, which was great. Without any power damage though, it was very weak any time TOJ was on cooldown. I didn't like it enough to keep the gear, but I think it would be a good support with DPS on the side for 5 mans.


I swapped to Harrier gear with Mace/Staff. As a small group support/dps hybrid goes, I think it works a lot better. It puts out more healing and longer boons, and it's damage is surprisingly strong thanks to how OP Radiance is for power builds. It's also more flexible, with Radiance/Zeal/FB working really well for solo, or you can hybrid with Radiance/x/FB, or full support with Virtues/Honor/FB, and never have to swap gear. Downside is very low HP - I solve this by using Bloodstone Fen trinkets (2 rings, ammy and backpack- all other gear is Harrier) and keeping some capacitors in my bag, so I can swap between Minstrels and Wanderers as my secondary stat combo depending on if I'm doing full support or not.

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