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Simple wishes with an understanding of complexity. Endless Embiggening Tonic - Permanent Hairstylist

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First of all, I just want to put out there that I have a smidge understanding; or at least interpreation; of why it is this way (for the reccord).


But 1st, Am I the only one who wished the Endless Embiggening Tonic (that can be obtained in LS3E3) to have the same size modifier as the Box O' Fun?

(Agreed it is slightly bigger than the Box of Chocolate.)


And 2nd. If we could still dream of an upgrade of the Permanent Hair Stylist to have the similar Function as a Total Make Over Kit?

(I do understand that it would make a profit-cut with Total Make Over Kits sales, but I could see an increase in Black Lion Keys sales to get said contract.)


Just wanted to point those two simple wishes, that I have.

I understand all the work that would be put behind those changes, especially from a Programming aspect.


But I deposit this here, you can discuss if you have the same wishes as I am or if you disagree on those :)

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Wouldn't mind if the tonic made you as big as the Box O' Fun transformation, personally. ... As long as it also enabled you to stomp Asura.--I MEAN!!... Well, the bad ones anyway.


No, it's likely this way for reasons that visually, things could get out of hand. Especially when you consider effects scaling with players. Who'd want to see a bunch of triple-sized Norn walking around with fully loaded "acid trip" infusions and gaudy angel/ demon wings?


But, anyway! I just wish you could use it, as well as the miniature one, in WvW, or the bigger one underwater, or both of them on mounts. For mounts, I know it's not possible anyway since mounts themselves are treated as transformations.


As for the Hair Style Kits, both permanent and not, I'm... not following. How do they function any differently, aside from the obvious hair-exclusivitiy on one and the entire appearance for the other?

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Currently the Hair Style Kits or the Permanent Hair Stylist Contract only edit your Hair and Ears parts.

My wish is for the Permanent Contract to have the similar function has the Total Make Over Kit which also edits Gender, Skin Tones, Eye Colors and Face Parts.


I admit the Contract is currently not the cheapest Contract. But I could see a definitive increase of Black Lion Keys Sales if people doesn't do their weekly key farm, for a chance of the Contract if this last one was upgraded to a higher feature. Like I mentionned, I also considered the fact it would in result be a drop of potential Total Make Over Kits sales.


Small Reply on the Tonics, I had forgotten the WvW or Underwater part, yes I agree oh hardly with you! This would be amazing! And I have to say, yeah... I assume a Titan looking Green Hulk of a Norn would be quite something. Still I dream of a possibility to see it happening :)

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Ohh, I see. So, basically, the Permanent Hairstyle Kit is working as intended. What you're wanting is a "Permanent Total Makeover Kit." When I think of upgrading, I think of improving functionality, in which the only thing that comes to mind is the gradual addition of new hair styles which they already do.


Guess there's no harm in tossing that suggestion out there. I just wished that, when it comes to any of those kits, and even the Preview Window, that you could have more control over camera rotation and zoom, so you can really see what you're working on from all angles.

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I use the mini one on a character of mine that's supposed to be a fairy. It freaks out new people, since they're always like, "Oh my gosh! How did you make your character so small?" And then the big one I use on certain characters that are sort of meant to be bigger and intimidating, like one of mine that resembles a Largos. But yeah. When you're unable to stay at those sizes when you mount up, it's a little saddening.

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Changing the size effect of an item a little to match an already existing effect is a simple wish. Drastically increasing the functionality of an already rare and very expensive luxury item is not. That's like having won a normal car in the lottery and then thinking "This car is nice and all, but would you please give me a Porsche instead"


There is also likely a reason that a permanent hair style contract exists and a permanent total makeover contract does not. I doubt that they just forgot about it while coming up with the other permanent contracts and adding them to the game. Maybe they just did not want people to completely break any immersion by looking like a different person every day :)


If a permanent total makeover contract is ever created, I expect it to be an addition at an even lower droprate, not a free upgrade of the existing hairstyle contract.

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