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Mounts literally... gliding...

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so... my mounts quite literally glide as if i used a glider on them.... all of them

i logged in today, made 30 mystic clovers and suddenly i was just gliding around on all of them. relogging, dismounting, leaving and entering map, nothing of it has made it stop and i have no idea what to do now so if someone has an idea or some way to make it stop please help

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  • 1 month later...

I got this glide bug today too. Worked with all mounts in Queensdale, quite useful to get around quickly. As can be seen at the end of the video, when I changed map the bug was gone. Still, obviously it is not fixed as the Bug Tracker says ^^

Don't know if it matters, but IP of the server was, today at ~ 13:30 GMT+1

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