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No pet after using mount engage: Bug or Annoyance?


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Hey fellow rangers, have any of you noticed that if you mount with your pet stowed* and then used your mount engage skill on an enemy, the pet does not auto summon like normal engage? Would you all consider this a bug/oversight or just a mere annoyance?


*Happens if you mount on skimmer while surface swimming or mount on griffon while gliding.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> Oh yeah i forgot to say that it wont go away sometimes when petswapping or pressing the unstow button. So when you swap out soulbeast traitline you are literally petless.


Whoa, now that's going to a level beyond annoying. Hmm, I should see how that happens so that I can always avoid it.

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> @"DaFishBob.6518" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > Oh yeah i forgot to say that it wont go away sometimes when petswapping or pressing the unstow button. So when you swap out soulbeast traitline you are literally petless.


> Whoa, now that's going to a level beyond annoying. Hmm, I should see how that happens so that I can always avoid it.


Only happens with soulbeast and can be solved with merging.

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> @"DaFishBob.6518" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > Oh yeah i forgot to say that it wont go away sometimes when petswapping or pressing the unstow button. So when you swap out soulbeast traitline you are literally petless.


> Whoa, now that's going to a level beyond annoying. Hmm, I should see how that happens so that I can always avoid it.


I don't think that word means what you think it means.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm really annoyed by this. Soulbeast with a fierce meld is extremely bursty to the point of one-shotting mobs after a tail-spin. With my pet stowed or unmelded half the time when I engage with a mount, it halves my kill speed.


Might be seen as a 1st world problem but it IS kitten annoying.



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if you quickly mount and demount in succession or go underwater/come out of water, all transforms and pets/minions get disabled, super annoying and minions go on full cooldown.

Soulbeast transforms seems it has a animation cast on merging, the ability isn't actually instant and if that gets cut short via mounting again or hitting water, it gets disabled and incurs the 10 sec cooldown.





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> @"HyperLooser.2698" said:

> if you quickly mount and demount in succession or go underwater/come out of water, all transforms and pets/minions get disabled, super annoying and minions go on full cooldown.

> Soulbeast transforms seems it has a animation cast on merging, the ability isn't actually instant and if that gets cut short via mounting again or hitting water, it gets disabled and incurs the 10 sec cooldown.






Thats not even the biggest issue. It stows your pet sometimes in an absolute inaccesable state that can only be resolved by merging with your pet. If swap out soulbeast you are stuck in this state until you respec, swap map or change char.

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