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Black Lion Chest Exclusive Weapons/Skins

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Please, stop. I know it might be a easy money based on rng, but to us (to me at least) it's very frustrating. I just wanted the Doggy Doggy Zaishen Helm, didn't get it. Wanted the Jackal pup backpack, didn't found it so far and I opened a good amount of chests. I did find the Hydra Staff but... not what I was looking for, no use for it.


Can you at least, pretty please, put those items in gemstore like you do with most of other skins after some months? Make it a year if you want to. Ask 300, 800, 2000 gems but please. Don't close those awesome skins behind a rng door.


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A total scam indeed.

And it's a shame cause the hydra staff is really Nice.


But ofc it was too much to allow the skin you dropped to be sold to other players.


Really, it is getting day after day more like a korean game.


1. 250g to unlock movement mechanics.

2. RNG on blc to unlock skins.

3. RNG to get superiore runes of holding.





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> @"Almost in War.9326" said:

> Please, stop. I know it might be a easy money based on rng, but to us (to me at least) it's very frustrating. I just wanted the Doggy Doggy Zaishen Helm, didn't get it. Wanted the Jackal pup backpack, didn't found it so far and I opened a good amount of chests. I did find the Hydra Staff but... not what I was looking for, no use for it.


> Can you at least, pretty please, put those items in gemstore like you do with most of other skins after some months? Make it a year if you want to. Ask 300, 800, 2000 gems but please. Don't close those awesome skins behind a rng door.



Thumbs waaaaayyyy down.


I love RNG

I hate Gemstore


Rng is literally a staple of the rpg genre. I wish all drops were still rng and destroy all map curency.

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> @"Almost in War.9326" said:

> Please, stop. I know it might be a easy money based on rng, but to us (to me at least) it's very frustrating. I just wanted the Doggy Doggy Zaishen Helm, didn't get it. Wanted the Jackal pup backpack, didn't found it so far and I opened a good amount of chests. I did find the Hydra Staff but... not what I was looking for, no use for it.


I feel you there. Especially with the current Black Lion chest, it's a total rip-off. Who needs those ugly green raptors as "guaranteed drops" in every chest to make equally ugly toy-colored, single-colored mini raptors?


I wish they would revert their system of guaranteed drops that was introduced late last year. I used to get really cool drops, even a couple of super rare things, before said update. Now there isn't a snowball's chance in h*ll to even get one of the uncommon ones the OP mentioned by opening 20+ chests.

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Black Lion Chests are designed to offer junk, with just enough chance of dropping something shiny to make it fun to roll a time or five. Like any lottery, you're paying for the excitement during the moment just before you open, when _anything_ might drop. Expecting that _something good_ will drop is misunderstanding the odds.


Recently, ANet did an interesting thing: they added (for one 'season' of chest drops) the [black Lion Exclusives Chest](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Exclusives_Chest "Black Lion Exclusives Chest"). This is **tradeable** on the TP and contains **your choice** of previously BL Chest exclusive drops, including the coveted Mini Celestial Rooster, Elemental Sword, as well as several other skins (glider, mail carrier, ...). Said chest traded at 250-350 gold at its lowest (while it was still dropping) and it's been 400-600g recently (since the supply is now fixed for the foreseeable future).


By purchasing one, I got the elemental sword — guaranteed — for less gold than I was originally willing to gamble on just the chance of getting it.


tl;dr don't gamble to obtain a skin. Instead, do without and hope that it returns as a tradeable item (which currently seems much more likely than in the past).

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> A total scam indeed.

It's not a scam because you know what you pay for.


Remember that the few of us spending a decent amount of money every month on that is also what finances the game between expansions. You may not like it, but there's literally nothing in there that impacts the game. It's all just convenience and most of the stuff can be bought through TP.


Just wait a little and buy the black lion exclusive chest if you really want it.

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> @Drew.1865 said:

> Possible solution. Add an optional subscription for the game where players get souldbound BL tickets to buy any current or previous skin. Sub could give unlimited character slots and other gem store QOL items.


There's a lot of anti-popularity for the idea of a subscription of any sort, especially one in which people can pay the same amounts as others and get more.


ANet prices keys (and sets BL chest drop rates) to make money. They aren't trying to make this "fair"; they are happy if people are willing to overspend to get items they want. And despite the reactions in this thread, as others have said, ANet will keep doing it as long as people keep spending US$1 per key.

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> @dagrdagaz.4913 said:

> I always feel sorry for the Anet weapon designers.

> Because with so many different Black Lion Chest Weapons and very low chance to get one, i assume every weapon skin will be used by barely anyone.


There's a 100% chance of getting every BL Weapon skin, with only one exception: buy it off the TP. They are used by all sorts of people.

It might be less true for the Exclusives, since those haven't historically been as easy to obtain off the TP and even that seems to be changing.

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