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Signet of Undeath


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It has no possible use. The passive LF generation is trivial, and the active is completely outclassed by Blood traits. Blood already offers 3 full revive* skills (WoB, Lesser WoB, and Transfusion), and all of them are on MUCH lower cooldowns. I can't imagine any situation where I would need it's support function but wouldn't also be running Blood anyway, so it offers nothing.


*-yes, they fully revive targets, and do so reliably, as long as you get to them quickly before they've lost too much health.

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I would much rather it be made into an Elite!

Bump up the generation to 5% (Or 4%) And make the Affected area much larger.

That Cast-time would be justifiable then :D

Also, something interesting I noticed : this signet is capable of resurrecting **dead** allied NPCs! I wonder if it could be made the same for players... Although if that were to happen I imagine the cooldown would have to be much greater.. maybe back to 180 seconds.

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For the rezz it's way too useless. It's only good for generating lf.



Let's compare it to illusion of life. 75 sec cd, 1,25 sec casttime, 3 targets, 240 radius

And to battle standard. 180 sec cd, 2 sec casttime, 5 targets, 600 radius

And now our signet: 150 sec cd, 3 seconds casttime, 3 targets, 180 radius


I mean sure, it's not an elite skill, but it has almost the same cooldown but it's other stats are much worse, 3 targets instead of 5, 180 radius instead of 600! And even a longer casttime


If it was just one of those things, ok but 3? The radius isn't even half the radius of battle standard.


Ok technically illusion of life doesn't revive allies completely, but look at the stats: half the cooldown, and more range and more than half of the casttime.


That's a joke. The active needs heavy buffing to be useful

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This has to be the worst rezz skill in the game, although Guardian's equivalent comes close-at least it has Healing Power.


A Warrior can bring your entire party back with a single warbanner, and an Elementalist can resurrect allies in an extremely large area on Earth, but even the single-target rezz of Water and Air are better than this both in area and in effect. I realise that neither of these skills are signets, but the fact that a skill is a signet does not justify its active effect being completely useless, then its basically an expensive trait.


This skill should be at bare minimum, double the area and half the cooldown.

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Its passive is garbage and its active is worse than traits that already exist. Much like Guradian's Signet of Courage, the passive needs a buff to how frequently you receive its benefits.


I see a few different ways it can be buffed:


1) Non-elite: Passive 1% life force per second when in combat, 1.5% per second when traited. Active, use the 90 second cooldown in all game modes, take away targeting and make it revive in a 300 radius around the caster.


2) Non-elite: Passive gain 1% life force each time a **weapon attack** hits, with a 1/2 second ICD. Active, use the buff mentioned above.


3) Elite: Passive, same as #2. Active- lose all life force. 50% of life force consumed is converted into healing for 5 targets in a 600 unit radius. Shroud is disabled for 20 seconds.

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My thoughts are that un traited its the worst utility in rez'ing even more so with its extremely long cast time.


How ever while traited this signet can be one of the best rez abilities considering the fact that it can be cooled down faster than any other rez utility in the game. Which can be useful if you have people or groups going down realistically more than they really should. If you are playing a signet build expect to spend moderate amount of time in shroud as thats how its currently designed to be played.


Ideally its good for power builds at the loss of some late game damage. Bad for condition builds unless you can make the most of something like dhuumfire maybe best on a hybrid build likely on reaper.


The passive is good for giving you more effective shroud health over time and extending your potential time in shroud if you build is based around dealing most of your damage or being most effective in shroud rather than out of it. The active is only good when traited.


In my opinion this is not the signet that needs to change in mechanics it might need a few number tweeks on passive lf gen and activation time. Plague signet needs a new (improved passive effect from the trait) Signet of spite need a rework on its active considering its passive improves power along with a major cut to its cooldown (perhaps dealing a burst damage strike that does increased damage for each condition on your target) Even signet of the locust could use some improvements here and there that would make it better.


Ideally though you cannot make any use of signet of undeath by itself. You need to commit to a full signet build and use the trait signets of suffering in order to make it respectably decent and under stand how to play signet builds which revolve around sitting in shroud longer than what most people are likely use to.


People need to **stop worrying about undeaths cooldown** it ideally does not matter what the cooldown is if you commit and use signet of suffering the recharge will always be cut pretty hard when played right. Scourge cant make the most of this however due to its shroud being a fixed period of time with long gap activations between.

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For myself, I would like a few changes:

1. Increase the radius - It is small for trying to res multiple bodies and that takes extra targeting time.

2. PvE cast time should be halved. By the time SoU goes off, downed players are normally back on their feet.

3. Change it to also res dead players, even if only in open world PvE and not instanced, to make it really worth taking versus just using Blood Magic's traits.

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> For myself, I would like a few changes:

> 1. Increase the radius - It is small for trying to res multiple bodies and that takes extra targeting time.

> 2. PvE cast time should be halved. By the time SoU goes off, downed players are normally back on their feet.

> 3. Change it to also res dead players, even if only in open world PvE and not instanced, to make it really worth taking versus just using Blood Magic's traits.


I would be down for these changes in pve

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