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why do i get matched against top 30 players when i am not top 250


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> @"TallBarr.2184" said:

> > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > Soooo deeeed!

> >

> > Don't be angry about it, relax and only play to have fun. :smile:


> not really fun when matches are so unbalanced


Yaah, you're right... I don't even want to start with duoQ... just don't be so angry about these matches. The chance of blowouts has increased due to population and duoQ, but that goes for everybody... doesn't make it any better, but maybe you feel better because we all share the same pain. :tongue:

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It's not becuz it's unbalance, it's cuz the MMR is made for more players that is actually playing right now.

All the gimmicks & all the rewards given & this is what it has to show for. They expected this quick fix to revamp population interest. But no. Fail!

The pvp mode is in Dire need to be trashed & full on revamped from bottoms up.

There is no fixing it.

Just rebuild it.

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Alot of matches are just so bad because there is such a low pool of players. I've frequently been matched against Naru, Zeromis, koto etc, and I stay in gold 3. I feel like Everytime I break plat I get 5 or 6 shiite matches in a row. Stuff there was no way I could carry because I get stuck with a team chasing one unkilliable Weaver on a point we own.


Just farm ur pips at this point

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Lack of players means those blow outs are more likely. Hell ive seen a uptick in my unranked stronghold matches. The ques on a busy night are a few minutes. During that time I hear people complain about unbalanced matches or long waits in map chat for ranked games.


Dump ranked and your life will be better. Ranked is full of wintraders, bots, hackers, hacks pve reward hunters and just toxic people. Pvp is more fun in unranked these days.

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> Lack of players means those blow outs are more likely. Hell ive seen a uptick in my unranked stronghold matches. The ques on a busy night are a few minutes. During that time I hear people complain about unbalanced matches or long waits in map chat for ranked games.


> Dump ranked and your life will be better. Ranked is full of wintraders, bots, hackers, hacks pve reward hunters and just toxic people. Pvp is more fun in unranked these days.


This. However, the issue lies in the gold division itself, not necessarly in matching gold players with top30. I'm not sure it would, in theory , be so imbalanced having 3 gold + 2 legend vs 3 gold + 2 legend.

Problem is what i've been saying for months, the gold division is probably worse than silver or platinum in terms of player level, and that's mainly due to placement games putting everyone everywhere between 1100 and 1500. Season is also too short, people can log at anytime and do their placement. So basically, you can have 2 legend + 1 true gold + 2 bronze who got lucky in placements against 2 legend + 1 true gold + 2 plats who got unlucky in placement .


Get rid of placement games and it will be fine

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"Competitive" small team PvP does not work in MMORPGs, the population that want to do that is simply not there.


What they should of done is either go smaller (2v2,3v3) so matchmaking would not only be easier only needing to find 4 or 6 players per game, but also the population would be divided into a greater number of units so you have more pieces available to match from the same size player pool.


Or they should have gone the other way and gone for "battlegrounds" (10vs10, 15vs15, etc) and longer match formats, which could then accommodate varying pre-made sizes much easier, plus is a mode more casual PvP players like because they don't have the same level of responsibility on the them as when only 5 are in a team.


But they didn't they went for something in between which is fine when you have tens of millions of players like in some MOBAs & Shooters, but is the absolute worst option in a game with a low PvP population, which anyone should have seen coming given the history of MMORPGs.


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> @"Peutrifectus.4830" said:

> > @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> >

> >

> > Dump ranked and your life will be better.


> True dat. If I ever feel close to getting frustrated with rPvP I go u ranked.


> It's refreshing. Losing a game? Your team will be more likely to laugh about it and still have fun. With bad rotation, meme builds and a smile on their face.


> :D




Seriously tho. Its si Kuchar fun in unranked that I can't grasp the sadness in ranked. Best decisionni made after playing gw2 at launch to season 5 and then quitting around season 7. I haven't looked back at that cesspool and if anything I'll just play my 10 game placement if I feel like it. For the most part I live in unranked where the fun is.

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> @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> "Competitive" small team PvP does not work in MMORPGs, the population that want to do that is simply not there.


> What they should of done is either go smaller (2v2,3v3) so matchmaking would not only be easier only needing to find 4 or 6 players per game, but also the population would be divided into a greater number of units so you have more pieces available to match from the same size player pool.


> Or they should have gone the other way and gone for "battlegrounds" (10vs10, 15vs15, etc) and longer match formats, which could then accommodate varying pre-made sizes much easier, plus is a mode more casual PvP players like because they don't have the same level of responsibility on the them as when only 5 are in a team.


> But they didn't they went for something in between which is fine when you have tens of millions of players like in some MOBAs & Shooters, but is the absolute worst option in a game with a low PvP population, which anyone should have seen coming given the history of MMORPGs.



I disagree... The population existed for 4 whole years. It was when Arena Net got greedy and made the game mode a easy farm for PvE-based rewards to attract the players not really interested in PvP, and then catering to the "requirements" of those players by removing team queue for instance, coupled with their total and utter inability to have more than a couple 2 months seasons with a decent amount of class balance in three years that drove away those actually interested in PvP.

What's left is a few die-hard "true believers" that will only stop playing sPvP when they close it, and a bunch of random PvE-based players just farming rewards, which is a very transient and not very healthy population to have as the majority, because they're unlikely to have a permanent presence. All this lead to the constant and steady decline of the game mode.

I've been saying this for years, but Arena Net doesn't seem to care.

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