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Bloodlust Event Feedback


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> @"ventusthunder.5067" said:

> Pretty dumb, but I'm stuck in T1 NA this week so your mileage may vary. The % increase in all stats just creates an even more imbalanced environment.


> My suggestion: With gimmick events like this, limit the gimmick to the weekend (expires Monday midday), but keep the increased WXP rewards for the whole week so people can still farm if they wish.


The rewards with the buff feel like how WvW should be all the time. You can earn more in 20 minutes of raiding (not even doing a boss) than you can in 4 hours of WvW reset night. Just super lame.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > i like how FA and NSP players come in here saying the event is great because they have the buff most the time lol.


> i make certain we do when i lead.


> thats just how one should play. get the edge.


> there were a lots of moments green or red had our bl. we still fought. and then took it back.


> historically, among sbi and mag and nsp, we have less population. if the more populater servers did it too, or spent atleast 2 minutes to take it, they will have the edge.




both those servers are dead and you're on the more populated server now. you're now the big bully beating up on the little kids


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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > i like how FA and NSP players come in here saying the event is great because they have the buff most the time lol.

> >

> > i make certain we do when i lead.

> >

> > thats just how one should play. get the edge.

> >

> > there were a lots of moments green or red had our bl. we still fought. and then took it back.

> >

> > historically, among sbi and mag and nsp, we have less population. if the more populater servers did it too, or spent atleast 2 minutes to take it, they will have the edge.

> >

> >


> both those servers are dead and you're on the more populated server now. you're now the big bully beating up on the little kids



(o゚ω゚o) week is early. i still think sbi can pull off a go up win.

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Not gonna lie, it was kinda fun seeing some huge crit numbers on my Rev Hammer 2, but the premise of the event is still fundamentally flawed. Those huge numbers led to an enemy getting downed not because of my skill, not because of my comp, but because somewhere on some map some players from my server or link server captured an objective.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Not gonna lie, it was kinda fun seeing some huge crit numbers on my Rev Hammer 2, but the premise of the event is still fundamentally flawed. Those huge numbers led to an enemy getting downed not because of my skill, not because of my comp, but because somewhere on some map some players from my server or link server captured an objective.


Your success was somehow tied to the success of other members of your team? The horror ! ! !


But I do see your point. I think the goal of the event was to get ppl out of structures and into open fights in the ruins, particularly in desert bl which should be queued all week with all of the ppl who are constantly complaining that there are no fights and everyone hides behind siege. In practice, the buff is so great that if you are in a bl and doing anything other than capping/guarding bloodlust, you must immediately stop what you're doing the instant you see that timer pop up or you're going to be unable to do anything else until you are able to recap bloodlust, which is a little distracting . . .


Reducing the buff isn't much of a solution since if it was small enough that ppl weren't fussed about it then it would be too small to achieve its goal of getting ppl out into the open. A better solution might have been to increase the time you need to hold the ruins in order to flip bloodlust from 2 min to 5 min or something, giving ppl more time to respond and therefore leading to more fights . . .

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > Not gonna lie, it was kinda fun seeing some huge crit numbers on my Rev Hammer 2, but the premise of the event is still fundamentally flawed. Those huge numbers led to an enemy getting downed not because of my skill, not because of my comp, but because somewhere on some map some players from my server or link server captured an objective.


> Your success was somehow tied to the success of other members of your team? The horror ! ! !


> But I do see your point. I think the goal of the event was to get ppl out of structures and into open fights in the ruins, particularly in desert bl which should be queued all week with all of the ppl who are constantly complaining that there are no fights and everyone hides behind siege. In practice, the buff is so great that if you are in a bl and doing anything other than capping/guarding bloodlust, you must immediately stop what you're doing the instant you see that timer pop up or you're going to be unable to do anything else until you are able to recap bloodlust, which is a little distracting . . .


> Reducing the buff isn't much of a solution since if it was small enough that ppl weren't fussed about it then it would be too small to achieve its goal of getting ppl out into the open. A better solution might have been to increase the time you need to hold the ruins in order to flip bloodlust from 2 min to 5 min or something, giving ppl more time to respond and therefore leading to more fights . . .


I don't see this as a "get people out of a tower and in to the open to fight" event. I see it as an Anet attempt to convince us that stacking and super-blobbing is all they really want us to do. And, if you face a larger server, instead of getting blobbed down, you should cough up gems and transfer to that server to help them blob. They keep changing little things here and there, but EVERY change is to empower the ktrain blob. This event may be temporary, but their vision of wvw is starting to show. Welcome to the ktrain festival, where blobs should be able to flip everything in under 2 minutes and never die.

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Fortunately I'm not in a hugely unbalanced matchup, which means so far it's 5% each a lot of the time and because of this it's a fairly positive event bringing more entertainment around ruins.


But I can imagine in matchups where you're 0% and being steamrolled by 30% buffed opponents it must not be fun at all.


If/when alliances come around then maybe something like this would be more reasonable. Until then it's fun for some and a nightmare for others.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:


> I don't see this as a "get people out of a tower and in This event may be temporary, but their vision of wvw is starting to show. Welcome to the ktrain festival, where blobs should be able to flip everything in under 2 minutes and never die.


What, just now starting to show?

No, TC has just completed it's journey from _have_ to _have not_ . But Anet is consistent, the game's main theme is inclusivity. Whatever five can do, 50 does better.



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Personally I thought the Bloodlust bonus aspect of this event was terrible. I didn't see much of an increase in roamers, perhaps with the exception of whichever server held Major/Superior Bloodlust at the time (and one of the servers made a point of taking/holding Bloodlust for large portions of the week; naturally the one with the larger population); still the same small gank squads roaming with a firebrand in tow. Open-field fights were still largely non-existent until one side or the other had a numbers advantage. In essence this was just a rehash of the Oasis Laser event when HoT was first released and all the borderlands were the Desert map. It provided an additional advantage to whichever server had the largest population, which seems extremely counterproductive to encouraging players on the smaller servers to come out and play WvW.


Maybe for the next event there should just be a 50% buff to all stats for whichever server runs the largest group (sarcasm).

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5% was ok 15% is too much and 30% is beyond broken if each one was 5% it would of not been so bad. What ended up happening is the blood lust was not carrying over to the npc at least the lords so all the scaling up in the world was doing nothing to stop ppl from simply running over lords making it to easy to cap big objectives.


So only 5% per bloodlust and have it some how carry over to objective lords. I think that would of gone a long way to making it less overwhelming and more of side objective for small groups to fight over.

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> It didnt really change my k/d ratio, however there was more blobs than usual which I dont like. If I wanted blobbing, id move to BG (or another t1 server). I still won a majority of my fights that were 1v1/2v1...etc, however getting steamrolled every 5 minutes isnt my idea (or a vocal majorities) of fun


Do you stomp zerglings running back from spawn? If yes, then you had it coming. Can't play both sides of the fence without being a hypocrite.

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> @"juno.1840" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > It didnt really change my k/d ratio, however there was more blobs than usual which I dont like. If I wanted blobbing, id move to BG (or another t1 server). I still won a majority of my fights that were 1v1/2v1...etc, however getting steamrolled every 5 minutes isnt my idea (or a vocal majorities) of fun


> Do you stomp zerglings running back from spawn? If yes, then you had it coming. Can't play both sides of the fence without being a hypocrite.


Way to quickly jump to an assumption. Only did it 1 time (between Garri and Hills but closer to hills as we were attacking hills and me and a guildie tried to intercept any reinforcements) and it was also not a time I got steamrolled. We were actually successful and ended up taking the keep.


What else ya got bud?



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