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Blood lust event is the opposite of No downstate


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Let me try to put it in a way to make it easy for less knowledgeable people to understand

Downstate always favors the bigger blob since they can just res each other more easy, and its more difficult to finish the downs for the smaller group, just like Bloodlust event favors the server with more coverage.


Imagine a ant hive. Ants are easy to kill even though there are 100s of them give them triple blood lust they become like cockroaches.

No Downstate means those ants even tho they are 100s of them they easy die because they are ants. It doesn't matter if they outnumber you.


This is the worst Idea, that is my input. Pls anet learn to listen to players.

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This event is pretty bad. You can't engage on guilds or zergs your normally wipe because they have more stats and can literally just hold W and mow you over like a fresh summer lawn. 0 skill involved. It did nothing but enforce blobbing and people to run away when they couldn't compete. A lot of guilds logged early on reset because it just wasn't fun. When you mess with player's stats in the game, it starts to get pretty lame. Auras around structures from HoT is another example. People have learned to just say, screw it, and push anyways but those are also not 30% server-wide buff increases either.


Karl, Ben P, and Raymond, I hope you guys learned a lot this week while playing reset on EU with FIRE. It looks like you guys had fun but there is a lot of room for improvement in WvW. I think if we can all make it better, players will come and stay instead of the retention rate we have with these week long events.

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no downstate favors the blob too.


imagine, my team pushes, us 10 to 15, and there are always downs on the first.


many joined us yesterday. we were like 23. and instantly more downs on first push.


good players assisted in reviving rallying these guys. so the fight ended long. but if there was no downstate. one push from us, or any other decent team would end the game for those who cant bomb as one.


it became where we became 35 -.counting the pugs our biggest no. yet. and boom 2 to 3 s, after push, everyone around was downstated.


just imagine bevause of the reaper spike warrior.arc slice combo. it is literally death to the no downstate part.




i like the bloodlust event. it forces the team to fight for the bloodlust. u can literally jave 3 to 5 guys and kill those who try to cap it.

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no downstate favors the blob too.


imagine, my team pushes, us 10 to 15, and there are always downs on the first.


many joined us yesterday. we were like 23. and instantly more downs on first push.


good players assisted in reviving rallying these guys. so the fight ended long. but if there was no downstate. one push from us, or any other decent team would end the game for those who cant bomb as one.


it became where we became 35 -.counting the pugs our biggest no. yet. and boom 2 to 3 s, after push, everyone around was downstated.


just imagine bevause of the reaper spike warrior.arc slice combo. it is literally death to the no downstate part.




i like the bloodlust event. it forces the team to fight for the bloodlust. u can literally jave 3 to 5 guys and kill those who try to cap it.



if a servers pop is so small where it has to few for the bloodlust and defense, it only means it is one server that should have a link or be linked or fewer servers by disolving one tier regularly.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> no downstate favors the blob too.


Let me put this in a way to make it easy for you to understand. I see you posting around here a lot and from my observation very few people agree with the things you write.

Any tweak or nerf or removal of downstate favors everyone.

I can imagine a ton of scenarios where downstate favors the group with more numbers.


I have a hard time imagining any scenario where the smaller group is getting blobed down that they win because they were better at resing. If they manage to win that fight it's not because they were better at resing each other it's because they were better players at positioning, coordinating the bomb and better at sustaining, better working as a team. Downstate is irrelevant to them winning. They didn't win because they abused the res mechanic, because if half the group wiped they would die regardless because they are getting blobbed down. They won because they didn't die.


The way you formed your argument is basically like an apple is red true statement. We agree. Just because **no downstate** favors everyone technically. where apple is red, doesn't mean **downstate** favors everyone where a flower is red. They are both red but they are not equivalent. This is why I cannot take you seriously .


Classic red herring argument.


No downstate and downstate are not equivalent. Just because both favor the blob doesn't mean that both favor the smaller group.


I take it back I can see a scenario where downstate favors the smaller group. It is because they have a bad commander and, the players in the squad are bad at the game and the only way they have a chance to win even an even number fight is to abuse the res mechanic as much as humanly possible because they are so terrible.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> so if we do a bomb on you and you insta die for the next 8 hours, you'd be ok with that?



Pls do not take this personal, but last time I pinned up EU on Mag when we were faced vs NSP this was like after relinks it was SoR Mag Nsp, I got so tired of wiping your group one day in EB that I pinned down, after you hopped maps. And your group was defiantly bigger than mine and we all had normal downstate.

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> @"Warlord.9074" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > so if we do a bomb on you and you insta die for the next 8 hours, you'd be ok with that?

> >


> Pls do not take this personal, but last time I pinned up EU on Mag when we were faced vs NSP this was like after relinks it was SoR Mag Nsp, I got so tired of wiping your group one day in EB that I pinned down, after you hopped maps. And your group was defiantly bigger than mine and we all had normal downstate.


do you see me qq about it?


do you still play eu mag? maybe we can fight out later. =p

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> @"Lobsters.3869" said:

> How can u already be complaining about something after Anet opened BG so you could transfer? Geez Wheez.


well I made that open BG thread and everyone said BG would never open and I was wrong. I mean this has nothing to do with that. It's been my experience tho that mos the time whenever someone disagree with me, especially on these forums it's a good indicator I am right. Thats why every time I make a post some mod deletes it and I get a warning because people can just not handle it when they are wrong.

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> @"Warlord.9074" said:

> Let me try to put it in a way to make it easy for less knowledgeable people to understand

> Downstate always favors the bigger blob since they can just res each other more easy...




Nearly every mechanic favours more players, e.g - if you have 2v5 then guess what, boons, cleanses, healing, CC, etc all favour the 5.


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I'm fine with crappy events like this because it's a fun way to study player behavior and a great way to learn how changing certain aspects can effect the game.


This weeks event is exactly as everyone has already stated, a crapfest that favors the larger server. I often keep an eye on GW2 Millenium because I enjoy watching matches unfold. Since the announcement of Alliances, a lot of guilds and roamers have dispersed across the servers creating a much more balanced experience for everyone. Prior to this week, many of the matches were relatively close in both KDR and PPT where as before the knowledge of Alliances, it looked a lot more like it does this week - with one server _heavily_ outmatching the others.


This event may not be as fun as some of the past events but like all that came before it, it has served a purpose. More players have been introduced to WvW, we've learned which servers have the greatest population, and players that often stick to EBG have discovered the Borderlands, among other things.


Fortunately GW2 isn't the only game in existence and when I stop having fun, I can play something else. Other players who aren't enjoying themselves should do the same. I'm sure ANet is keeping track of how many veteran players are sitting this week out even if many people believe they don't pay attention to those things.


I would say that I hope the next event is better designed but, I can't honestly say I have a lot of faith in ANet's decisions, as much as I love their game. But hey, what's gonna happen is gonna happen so bring on hell I guess. At least it's something to talk about with newbies when you feel like reviewing the history of WvW.

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> @"Lobsters.3869" said:

> How can u already be complaining about something after Anet opened BG so you could transfer? Geez Wheez.


It's his first time off Mag. Give the man a break

I think we've all spent time on BG at this point, and the 3 of us all specifically know why one might move a toon off Mag.... The wood leagues are kinda threadbare.BG is the polar opposite

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> @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > @"Warlord.9074" said:

> > Let me try to put it in a way to make it easy for less knowledgeable people to understand

> > Downstate always favors the bigger blob since they can just res each other more easy...


> Irony...


> Nearly every mechanic favours more players, e.g - if you have 2v5 then guess what, boons, cleanses, healing, CC, etc all favour the 5.


(***full disclaimer: I have no dog in this race)


Tendency is for people that are weak to run in large groups. In his, and other's opinions, These players are carried by down state. So, a larger group of players of the same skill level as a smaller group and as coordinated, will roll the smaller group.


But, a well coordinated small group, vs a disorganized, safety in numbers group, can effectively work with 'no downstate' in effect. But with downstate, that smaller group is at a greater disadvantage.


Some would say that is the way it should be. Others would say differently.


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