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sPvP clarity issues


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Let's be honest, if you played LoL you can name a shitton of serious issues gw2 spvp has.

And i will. Right fucking now!


* Mesmer portal - **ZERO** tells if the inactive portal you see belongs to your team's mesmer or not. Now camp close like an idiot near friendly portal fearing it's the enemy, or ignore it thinking it's yours while enemy mesmer gets a free decap...

* Weapon sets - good luck guessing who's wielding what in 5v5 clusterfuck that is the first teamfight. Can't we have icons in the team info panel (the one accessed with "B") that show who's using what type of weapon?

* Allied colors. You're red. Downed ally is Blue. WTH. Sure over few seasons i got used to it, but it's counter-intutive. Give option for subjective coloring - my team always blue, enemy always red, be they standing or downed.

* Mini map player Icons - in a teamfight it's pretty hard to count how many enemies and allies are there via mini-map. Icons overlap eachother and we have 5 guys in one spot thinking it's one. That should not be.

* Elite spec icons - while we're there - why can't we have specialization specific icons? If a necro is a reaper or scourge, i'd like to see that on the mini map. Because they may have 2 necros and for example i may fare well vs the scourge, but want to avoid the reaper.

* Seeing enemy hp bars and buffs - provided they're in sight of me or my teammates I'd like that info to be accessible. My teammate is figthing on far. He's not doing too hot, but do I join? For all I know his enemy may be in even worse situation and will be killed soon, all this running and not helping other teammates wasted. If i could see enemy stats because my teammate is actively fighting them I could make an informed decision.



I'm sure there are more of clarity issues to be pointed out, but for now that's the fast and ugly that comes through my mind. Feel free to add yours or your own view on the subject.



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