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Stackable Items in Shared Inventory

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> When players receive a stackable item that is also in a Shared Inventory Slot, that item will now stack in the Shared Inventory Slot.


I like this change, right up until the point where said item in said shared inventory slot is no longer 'stackable', meaning, it has reached it's maximum stack size. At that point, it should not create a 'new' stack in shared inventory, rather, revert to it's original behavior and stack in bags according to bag type.


For me, this becomes a nuisance for things like bloodstone (?), dragon (yellow-stone?) and star (something something?). The three things we feed to munchers every day to make bags for our perpetual 45th level characters to open later. :)


Nearly all my 80s do a little something every day that earn those. I keep them in my resource bag, where they go by default. As soon as I get to a stack of 250 on anyone, I move the 250 stack to a shared slot for my main to pick up (and munch down) later, leaving behind the 'short stack' in the resource bag, which then starts getting added to as I gain more.


What happens now is, after I put that stack of 250 up in the shared slot, the 'very next' item of that type I get, rather than stacking in the short stack in my resource bag, starts a brand new stack in a new shared inventory slot (if it can). I think that behavior is weird, if not unintentional. I think the new rule should only apply "if there is a non-max stack in a shared slot to put the item".


I debated whether I should put this in 'quality of life', but decided to put it here, because in my mind, it is a bug (intentional or not) that was introduced when this new change was put in place.

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> @"Nokomis.5076" said:

> I have to say I haven't used Princess and the other ones lately, but weren't they changed so you can use them even when the materials are in your storage? Then you wouldn't need to keep them in your shared inventory slots


No, it doesn't have anything to do with using those items. :)


It has to do with how material, any material, stacks in shared inventory slots. I used those materials and those destructors merely as an example of the type of problem it can cause allowing it to stack the way it does.


The new rule is:


If you obtain an item that can be stacked with other like items, and we find that same item in your shared inventory, we will try to put that item in your shared inventory, _**even if we are going to start a new stack to do it**_.


I think that is a bug. I don't think it should be starting new stacks in shared inventory slots. My proposed change is:


If you obtain an item that can be stacked with other like items, and we find that same item in your shared inventory, we will try to put that item in your shared inventory, _**adding to an existing stack, unless the stack is full, at which point we will NOT start a new stack, reverting to pre-established rules of where to place the newly required item OUTSIDE the shared inventory**_.


It's not about items using items from shared storage. Disregard the example. It's about starting new stacks. The rule should be disregarded if it's putting said item in an empty slot, starting a new stack. That's it.

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> The new rule is:


> If you obtain an item that can be stacked with other like items, and we find that same item in your shared inventory, we will try to put that item in your shared inventory, _**even if we are going to start a new stack to do it**_.


> I think that is a bug. I don't think it should be starting new stacks in shared inventory slots. My proposed change is:


Its "bugness" is debatable. It's consistent with the *idea* of keeping the stack of materials in shared slots, and don't forget that the Star of Gratitude (Empyreal Fragment eater) can eat up to *six* blocks of 50 fragments in a single day, which is more than a whole stack, meaning that it's actually *better* to stack the extras in the shared slots. (In fact, Princess is the same, 3-6 blocks of 50 = 150-300.)


I would tend to think it's not a bug (and in my case I'm not affected by it either way since my shared slots are all full of stuff anyway). I would, however, suggest that it might be useful to have an option to decide what happens to the extras once there's a full stack in the shared slots (either route-excess-to-per-character-bags or start-a-new-shared-stack-if-possible).

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