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Revenant changes


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As experienced Revenant player can say - it is not nerf/not buff. Class and shiro power build is exactly same

+ Harder to counter with boon corrup/strip. I like this. Specially playing against thiefs and necro. Also you can get might stacks even if long time in Assasin stance (fury from reposting shadows was meeh)

+ Now you should think about might generating.

+ Srsly thinking to swap Incensed response trait to Rapid Flow (Swiftness and heal for 2 might). But need tests before


And main big + is - now revenant is rewarded for good play and might management (+250 might with 25 stacks)


Strengh rune now feels much better too (with Rapid Flow trait)

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Incensed Response is a lot of reward for 0 effort. It needed to go.


So does offhand sword to open up more diversity instead of people getting carried by spamming 4 and 5 off cooldown and dealing massive damage.


Buff axe and shield, and nerf sword by at least 20% in PvP/WvW. Frigid Blitz is just a slower, less damaging, crappier Deathstrike that doesn't even give you fury.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"idolin.2831" said:

> > > @"narcx.3570" said:

> > >

> > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > > finally an incensed response nerf.

> > >

> > > The net result is barely a nerf tho... Might giving 40 power instead of 30, means less stacks provide the same result and is less countable by boon-strip since it takes less time to get back. Although we do lose the free 150 ferocity of AP in the process... :frown:

> >

> > Wait, how do less stacks of might now give the same result as before? 40 power/1 stack of might is 80 power for 2 stacks, while before we had 150 for 5 stacks - that's just a bit over half of what we got before.


> The changed trait Notoriety improves power gain from might, going from 30 to 40 power per stack. A net gain of 250 power at 25 stacks.


> And as I asked, instead of going with Sigil of Force and Air, would the +7% crit sigil help make up for the ferocity loss from not having Assassins Presence?


This is true, but it will be harder to get and maintain 25 stacks now... So you'll have less stacks.


As for the sigil, no.... Sigil of Accuracy is critical chance not critical damage.

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> Well, I'm glad they lowered the cost of Facet of Nature, but why not in PvP?

> Was also expecting a change to the staff trait since it goes against their new vision for weapon traits.


I was also expecting a change to the staff trait. Guess we'll just have to wait and see when the next patch comes.

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> @"ZarexWolf.5637" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > Well, I'm glad they lowered the cost of Facet of Nature, but why not in PvP?

> > Was also expecting a change to the staff trait since it goes against their new vision for weapon traits.


> I was also expecting a change to the staff trait. Guess we'll just have to wait and see when the next patch comes.


Yeah, I hope next patch they take a closer look at the Herald rework they did because there's still some polishing that needs to happen. I'll have to try out FoN tonight to see if it feels worth using.

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> @"ventusthunder.5067" said:


> What I'd liked to have seen:



> Sword offhand nerfs.



Yes because phase traversal + sword 4 and 5 is so OP everyone gets carried by just using Revenants with duals swords...


Have you met mirages, holosmiths, deadeyes/daredevils in PvP ? A tiny burst window that can be countered easily by a single dodge if you are aware of what’s going on isn’t OP. Might be if you play full zerk with 0 sustain/defense. Dafuq is that trend from a few players saying they want sword OH to be nerfed ? It’s so easy to counter.


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> @"Scar.1793" said:

> > @"ventusthunder.5067" said:

> >

> > What I'd liked to have seen:

> >

> >

> > Sword offhand nerfs.

> >


> Yes because phase traversal + sword 4 and 5 is so OP everyone gets carried by just using Revenants with duals swords...


> Have you met mirages, holosmiths, deadeyes/daredevils in PvP ? A tiny burst window that can be countered easily by a single dodge if you are aware of what’s going on isn’t OP. Might be if you play full zerk with 0 sustain/defense. kitten is that trend from a few players saying they want sword OH to be nerfed ? It’s so easy to counter.



If what you say is true, how do you intend to fix the problem that sword is, by far, the most common, and in most cases, the only offhand used in a competitive environment? Sword/axe used to be alright, and sword/shield used to be great too, up until the nerfs. Rev came back into the meta in large part due to the offhand sword buffs. It deals too much damage for the effort given.


If you would suggest significant buffs to axe and shield to bring them in line with sword, I'm all for it.

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> @"Scar.1793" said:


> Yes because phase traversal + sword 4 and 5 is so OP everyone gets carried by just using Revenants with duals swords...


> Have you met mirages, holosmiths, deadeyes/daredevils in PvP ? A tiny burst window that can be countered easily by a single dodge if you are aware of what’s going on isn’t OP. Might be if you play full zerk with 0 sustain/defense. kitten is that trend from a few players saying they want sword OH to be nerfed ? It’s so easy to counter.



^all of this. Sorry, If I can get hit for my entire health bar from stealth (multiple classes can do this) then I really don't see offhand sword as particularly OP considering they're relatively easy in comparison to counter if the target is paying attention. They don't even do super crazy damage compared to half the shit flying around

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Intriguing changes.

> Vicious Lacerations has become much more versatile, with an 1% nerf. Which would make it useful for future power weapons.

> But Targetted destruction has been buffed with 3%, making up for it and adding 2% more damage.


> And they are really trying to get us away from Assassins Presence. Making Might give us -MORE- power if choosing Notoriety. Would this be enough to choose it?


I'm so happy that I discarded the Devastation traitline in all the game modes a month ago; overall the changes are a nerf (specially in Invocation, but also in Devastation) so no reason to come back to that dated traitline. Since without Devastation my average number of permanent stacks of might in PvP was 19, with the Incensed Response nerfs will be around 10 (but at least reamain untouched for roaming). The Targeted Destruction buff makes me laught: after several nerfs cutting procs of vulnerability from our class to make sure that (along with boon duration) Revenant no longer provides that debuff in regular basis, now you rise the damage we do against targets with a debuff we don't proc... Give that to the Mesmers which kicked the Revenant bottom outta the meta of the raids and PvP! Anyway: the patch makes no mention of the OVERWHELMING BUG that still torment us while fighting other players in WvW/PvP, randomly re-arranging our utility bar in combat, so I guess that REMAINS UNFIXED, and therefore the patch is a RESOUNDING FLOP. But thanx for the laughts.

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> @"ventusthunder.5067" said:

> Incensed Response is a lot of reward for 0 effort. It needed to go.


> So does offhand sword to open up more diversity instead of people getting carried by spamming 4 and 5 off cooldown and dealing massive damage.


> Buff axe and shield, and nerf sword by at least 20% in PvP/WvW. Frigid Blitz is just a slower, less damaging, crappier Deathstrike that doesn't even give you fury.


Why you want off hand diversity if the class lacks any sort of build diversity, anyway? It would only replace a fixed, ironed build to another one. And anyway, after the reboot of the Herald traitline from a powerful all-rounded tool that provided usefullness to any loadout (as Invocation) into "the emo traitline of Glint, the pacifist dragoness which tries to support but is bad at healing, boon extending, stability providing and everything else" the shield is irredeemable. Shield KILLS YOU, and they can't give it offensive capabilities because in the new Glint revamp She is, you known, emo ("Purity of Purpose", another trademarked slogan, this time theirs). And they can't also provide the shield stability because that's the job of Jalis/Retribution and they removed the stab buff from Herald, anyway. And EVEN if they unroot Crystal Hybernation the shield STILL would be WORSE than off hand sword with Shackling Wave and Deathstrike dealing 0 damage, because the shadowstep alone is better than anything the shield offered since its release.

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Alright, seems like most of you guys are happy having one viable loadout for the rest of Herald's existence then- my mistake. I guess it's only me that doesn't want herald to be a glorified one shot spam build like the deadeyes and mirages you reference.


As the class gets weaker in literally every other area (bye Equilibrium, bye IO quickness, bye boon uptime with the recent rework), the offhand sword rework, introduced at the same time as the Equilibrium deletion, has propped it up and pushed it back into the meta with the nerfs to other classes.


Axe offhand used to be the go-to for extra power damage, back in the day where the other parts of the Revenant class were strong. However, despite being nerfed 0 times, axe now sees 0 gameplay, since the safe gameplay (attack from range without animation lock) and massive damage of the sword offhand completely outclass it. As I said, Frigid Blitz is just a crappier Deathstrike that deals lower damage, doesn't give fury, and locks you in an animation as opposed to shadowstepping.


Shield has been crap pretty much since the blanket nerf of rev's damage in PvP. Shield is good on warriors, guardians, and mesmers- why not rework the herald's elite specialization weapon to bring it back into seeing at least some sort of gameplay?


I enjoy playing this class just like you guys. To see it become so one-dimensional is a shame. But not to get too off-topic, the changes in yesterday's patch were good for the meta build. Just not great for anything else.

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It is the rigid design of revenants that limits their builds. And they shouldve never had a shield as their specialization item. I am just happy if the herald build becomes stable and competitive in pve. And things might significantly improve if third espec in next expansion introduces a proper power damage espec. Letting herald being tuned completely for support, instead of being pseudo power dps as it is now.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> It is the rigid design of revenants that limits their builds. And they shouldve never had a shield as their specialization item. I am just happy if the herald build becomes stable and competitive in pve. And things might significantly improve if third espec in next expansion introduces a proper power damage espec. Letting herald being tuned completely for support, instead of being pseudo power dps as it is now.


What you're saying definitely makes sense. When Roy introduced the class to us over 3 years ago, he said the following: "The focus of the herald is on support via boons, utility, and personal defense." We've lost a grand majority of all 3 of those things to make us a glass cannon spec. There is very little upkeep of any boon except fury, might, and swiftness in a PvP/WvW setting. Utility has been sacrificed for more personal damage. Personal defense started to go downhill with shield becoming useless and increased upkeep on Facet of Light. Even with the sword rework, it used to have a block for defense. Now it's gone in favor of a massive damage skill.


What I think would be reasonable is to hit herald's damage and increase its survivability and group support through boon upkeep, as was originally intended at launch. It just so happens that the biggest offender in terms of damage (for PvP/WvW) is sword offhand. I'd be in favor of a split that allows it to maintain its high damage in PvE, although raids are not my thing so I cannot really comment on that.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> It is the rigid design of revenants that limits their builds. And they shouldve never had a shield as their specialization item. I am just happy if the herald build becomes stable and competitive in pve. And things might significantly improve if third espec in next expansion introduces a proper power damage espec. Letting herald being tuned completely for support, instead of being pseudo power dps as it is now.


As someone who plays support Herald, I would be extremely happy if the next espec for Rev was a proper selfish DPS spec (not some pseudo-support DPS like Renegade) if that meant they could enhance Herald's support capabilities. Herald itself really is a weird mish-mash of intentions. It seems to be pushed more as support yet the consume skills for Glint are all offensively natured. It just seems like there is a conflict of interest going on for the spec. They try to make especs too flexible but this only ends up powercreeping things in too many directions while still leaving certain aspects falling short. It just seems like a conflict of interest. There needs to be a more defined role for Herald.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Revenant


> Facet of Nature: Reduced the energy cost of this skill from 3 to 2 in PvE and WvW.


great change for herald user like ventari can have a nice 1.8k hps on 1 ally with -2 nrg alone . amazing. also jalis with dmg reduction for the team


> Incensed Response: The stacks of might that this trait grants have been reduced from 5 to 2 in PvP.


overall i see why to decrease the dmg output and easy might stacking


> Targeted Destruction: The damage increase that this trait grants has been increased from 7% to 10% in PvE.


pve always welcome


> Nefarious Momentum: This trait has been renamed Notoriety. In addition to its previous effect,

> it now causes might to grant revenants more power and less condition damage.


compensate the might nerf so good move


> Righteous Rebel: The trait's condition damage reduction has been reworked. Rather than granting a 33% reduction at maximum stacks,

> it now grants a 7% reduction per stack. This trait now causes Orders from Above to affect up to 10 targets.


more support in wvw and pve and easy dmg reduction now


> Vicious Lacerations: This trait now grants its boon when revenants critically strike, in addition to when they strike with a sword skill.

> The number of maximum stacks has been reduced from 5 to 3, and the damage increase per stack has been increased from 2% to 3%.


good and nice change




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It's annoying that IR got nerfed without buffing defense elsewhere. A lot of good revs understand why this change was needed ( It was an OP trait lets be real ) but it should have come with a general buff like the 2 condi cleansing channel buff that has been requested since PoF powercreep.


It might actually be a good time for Revs in WvW. The change to Vicious Lacerations is a huge gift to Hammer backliner so now you can play a Staff/Hammer Rev and benefit from this trait. It's a sidegrade for sword ( faster stacks at expense of 1% less damage ) but a nice buff for every other weapon. Hammer Rev is already meta in WvW so this is a considerable change as it means oneshotting people in zerk gear is back to ezmode.


Other changes feel targeted towards the PvE raid community.




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Much of the problem with Revenant, as with all classes, is that past condi nerfs have virtually banished condi builds from all modes of play except raiding. So many classes, not just Revenant, have ended up stuck in all-or-nothing Power DPS builds with only a few alternatives.

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