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Soulbeast is underestimate in WvW zerg/team fight.


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As a return player, I have tried POF for 3 weeks. My main was a ranger and WvW is always my favorite. I made a popular power LB/GS soulbeast and played 2 weeks. Pew Pew Pew is really fun but it's still a roaming play style. One of the biggest fun in WvW is the zerg team fight, so I decided to look more into it.

Finished this build and tried for 3 days, I would say Soulbeast is underestimate in WvW zerg fight and team support, it's a solid class as important as FB.


Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQRBIPdG2JBvQtgYHvgDvALvYpQwyvub3x7TCIaFAcedzutWKo2qqnD-jVCBQBb4gAAgTAgd0PEj9HMjyPHpEMlPAA8o+jEOCAkCwrVaA-w


What you can offer for the team:

* Perma Fury, Perma Might (6+ stacks), Perma Swiftness, Perma Regenaration,

* 1/2 time Protection , 1/2 time resistance, 1/2 retaliation , 1/2 stability

* Burst Group Healing up to 20k+

* 2x group stun breakers

* Signature elite skill -- One Wolf Pack will greatly increase team burst DPS.

With another support class ( e.g. FB) together you can easily maintain your team ALL BOONS at ALL TIME! And you can still output quite a lot AOE damage (both power and condition) and yourself super bunky. Forget to say the mobility (depending on the pet) to engage/disengage battle at any time.

I believe 1x FB+ 1x SB + any other 3x DPS classes will soon become a standard set up for WvW zerg fight.

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> @"CRrabbit.1284" said:

> > @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > quick question... How do you calculate the 20k heal burst?


> Sry, should be 15k initial group healing (Spirital + bear), more if with conditions, and yourself can have another 3k from F2.


Um bear doesn't share the initial heal with the group. It shares the cleanses (the stance effect). For 3 seconds to the group.

Are you sure it is 15k?

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > @"CRrabbit.1284" said:

> > > @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > > quick question... How do you calculate the 20k heal burst?

> >

> > Sry, should be 15k initial group healing (Spirital + bear), more if with conditions, and yourself can have another 3k from F2.


> Um bear doesn't share the initial heal with the group. It shares the cleanses (the stance effect). For 3 seconds to the group.

> Are you sure it is 15k?


I am not sure if the bear stance 5k heal group or not. need more testing

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I understand your excitement but i think your original post is so off with the numbers in all the points. I think ROM was testing a similar build yesterday in live stream and the result was for him to switch to firebrand.


In my experience soulbeast needs a buff in Leader of the pack (to share full duration stances) and Bear needs to be 20s CD and 6s base stance duration. Another additional tweaks here and there in the trait line and stances (vulture, griffon and One wolf pack), some pets focused in team support and then i agree Soulbeast could have a reserved spot in teams comps other than buffbot for raids as druid.


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> @"CRrabbit.1284" said:

> I believe 1x FB+ 1x SB + any other 3x DPS classes will soon become a standard set up for WvW zerg fight.


What do you mean, you got it perfectly right except you mistook spellbreaker for a soulbeast.


Soulbeast will never be popular in zerging because you dont need more ranged projectiles (decent zergs will perma reflect) and others will heal and support better. The usability of this build ends beyond a 5-10 man havoc group.

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> @"CRrabbit.1284" said:

> Finished this build and tried for 3 days, I would say Soulbeast is underestimate in WvW zerg fight and team support, it's a solid class as important as FB.



I don't think Soulbeast can be better than Druid regarding the healing and support for a WvW zerg/group, in fact, I am positive is not. But definitely, absolutely, Soulbeast is not on the same level of scale like an FB. FB surpass in every way any classes when it's come about support.



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