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Is the game balanced yet? and what needs changed


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Yeah sorry i expected ele to not even make it in the area of balance, since they are crying fairly hard.Everyone else tends to have complaints sent towards them.I don't hear as much about guardians or warriors as much as i hear about thieves necros especially mesmers get quite a lot.

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Everything is good against something or in some situations. Some are just better against most/in more situations than others.

Some are annoying/toxic to play against, some are just too hard to play against or as and some too predictable or clumsy.


Proactive professions and playstyles vs reactive professions and playstyles with different toolkits.


For sPvP you still have your standard "bunkers" and "roamers". Pretty much the same "classes" as always fill the same roles as during release.


Warrior/Guardian/Engineer are great at holding a point and fighting multiple opponents. Alot of passive and active defenses while still having plenty of damage.


Thief/mesmer and some others are great at roaming due to mobility and spikedamage.


Most professions got some weird cheesebuild that everyone hates that excell in a few areas and typically ruins the fun for those who build to function in as many roles as possible.



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I love how Ele is not even on there. Are we that bad? Lol


Condi MIrages are still a pain. It's not even a L2P issue cause I can battle Power Shatter Mesmers fairly easy. Even Necro's and their conditions are okay if you battle them correctly. But Condi mirage's will constantly apply conditions non-stop. Then they will invuln, stealth, teleport to avoid damage. If anyone needs to be toned down, it's them.

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> @"Stallic.2397" said:

> I love how Ele is not even on there. Are we that bad? Lol


> Condi MIrages are still a pain. It's not even a L2P issue cause I can battle Power Shatter Mesmers fairly easy. Even Necro's and their conditions are okay if you battle them correctly. But Condi mirage's will constantly apply conditions non-stop. Then they will invuln, stealth, teleport to avoid damage. If anyone needs to be toned down, it's them.


It happened because i was trying to list all of them but missed one out in my counting.


Also wow there is a lot of hate towards mesmers.Glad i don't main mesmer, because they are going to be fighting in a pit with lions holding dearly to life to not get hit with the nerf bat.

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Mesmer is bye far the moste unbalanced class in PvP cause they have stealth, ports, evade spam and a dodge stunbrake. At least the last stun nerf was a good one but the only real way to balance that shit is get out the stunbrake dodge. (tbh i think power mirage would be mutch better balanced than this crappy condition spam mirage) At least Spellbraker need a bit looking too cause the magebane Thether`s might giving is too stupid broke. (But one other problem is that last stand have too mutch cd so no one could play that trait effektly atm but that's an other thing)


PS. Sorry for my bad english :P

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> @"Schwahrheit.4203" said:

> When they nerf something, other things need to be nerfed as well.

> They legit put themselves in a garbage position. Seriously just sell a Classic GW2 expansion/server and it'll be easy to balance.


The whole point is to nerf things that are overperforming so that we got a stable game.With classes who overperform it hurts pvp and causes problems in hte power creep department.


Maybe having a character which has too much sustain and damage is a bad idea, because in order for it to work, other classes too would need sustain to be competitive.

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All classes deserve nerf (except elementalist i guess):


Mesmer = Aegis application, CC spam and blind spam which make this kitten imortal / remove the kitt break stun from dodge ans restore the endurance regeneration which got nerf

Thief = Death judgement damage **OR** stealth duration from silent scope (nerfing both would inutilize this spec)

Warrior = Nerf sustain

Herald = Nerf sword off hand damages and decrease slow from skill 5 to 1 second instead 3

Guardian = Focus skill 4 to stop causing damage when the opponent get out of the range and -30% damage

Holosmith = DPS

Soulbeast = Sustain **OR** dps (nerfing both would inutilize this spec)

Necromancer = Remove ressurrection bonus **OR** remove pull of transfusion / nerf damage of reaper shroud skills, mantaining quickness

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> P/P needs a severe sustainability buff (among other things), it's pretty much unusable as it is rn.


Are u really trying to tell us that pressing 3 over and over should be a viable build? If you want to be successful by spamming one button over and over u should to events in queensdale.


Nevertheless, Deadeye stealth has to go..

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> @"Toron.4856" said:

> > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > P/P needs a severe sustainability buff (among other things), it's pretty much unusable as it is rn.


> Are u really trying to tell us that pressing 3 over and over should be a viable build? If you want to be successful by spamming one button over and over u should to events in queensdale.

Read: "**among other things**", you really have no argument here as fixing this weapon set requires addressing the underlying issues and one of them is the the complete lack of sustainability. Going by your logic you might as well complain about D/P being viable cause the AA is to "one dimensional".

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How can a game be balanced when a class (ele) is still trash? and by trash i mean that it doesnt have a single role where it can do better than other classes. Actually, asking for it to do better in a role is too much at this point. It'll be great if it can just be equal to other classes in terms of effectiveness.


i'll also be ok with it being "trash" as long as it has something specific like being able to counter X class/build from the meta, but it doesnt.


balance will forever be trash until ele (aka all 9 classes) is meta competitive in some way

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Question in title is the game balanced yet, with no option to choose yes. All you're giving is negative options and then expected some kind of valid answer from it. The way this question is designed, I don't see how it's helpful to the game anyway. If you think 3 professions are unbalanced and you only can choose one for example, what does that tell anyone?

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You can't even create a poll for this because things are so screwed up. The last balance patch did nothing but screw things up worse. Balance team proved they don't even consider balance for PvP and it just comes around as an after thought with band-aid fixes. I would really love to see the reasoning behind why they do and don't do things. You wouldn't even think they play their own game the way they balance.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> Question in title is the game balanced yet, with no option to choose yes. All you're giving is negative options and then expected some kind of valid answer from it. The way this question is designed, I don't see how it's helpful to the game anyway. If you think 3 professions are unbalanced and you only can choose one for example, what does that tell anyone?


But there is:it says unbalanced doesn't say necessarily only nerf.


I didn't use the word overpowered after all, and there is multiple types of unbalances:It could be broken as in bad, it could be overpowered, it could also be unbalanced in the ways revenants described regarding bugs.


> @"breno.5423" said:

> All classes deserve nerf (except elementalist i guess):


> Mesmer = Aegis application, CC spam and blind spam which make this kitten imortal / remove the kitt break stun from dodge ans restore the endurance regeneration which got nerf

> Thief = Death judgement damage **OR** stealth duration from silent scope (nerfing both would inutilize this spec)

> Warrior = Nerf sustain

> Herald = Nerf sword off hand damages and decrease slow from skill 5 to 1 second instead 3

> Guardian = Focus skill 4 to stop causing damage when the opponent get out of the range and -30% damage

> Holosmith = DPS

> Soulbeast = Sustain **OR** dps (nerfing both would inutilize this spec)

> Necromancer = Remove ressurrection bonus **OR** remove pull of transfusion / nerf damage of reaper shroud skills, mantaining quickness


I forgot to add ele because i misscounted the classes.


Why would you nerf resurrection? i mean yeah its strong but its one of the few things they got thats strong for necro in support.




Are you talking about core sustain? or are you talking about sustain in spellcounter warriors? I do agree though.I don't think its a good idea to have too much sustain and dmg at same time.




I think revenants just got nerfed in spvp in damage.They have to sacrifice another thing to get 25 might.Going to ned more data though to see how strong.



Overall interesting ideas.

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> @"breno.5423" said:

> All classes deserve nerf (except elementalist i guess):


> Mesmer = Aegis application, CC spam and blind spam which make this kitten imortal / remove the kitt break stun from dodge ans restore the endurance regeneration which got nerf

> Thief = Death judgement damage **OR** stealth duration from silent scope (nerfing both would inutilize this spec)

> Warrior = Nerf sustain

> Herald = Nerf sword off hand damages and decrease slow from skill 5 to 1 second instead 3

> Guardian = Focus skill 4 to stop causing damage when the opponent get out of the range and -30% damage

> Holosmith = DPS

> Soulbeast = Sustain **OR** dps (nerfing both would inutilize this spec)

> Necromancer = Remove ressurrection bonus **OR** remove pull of transfusion / nerf damage of reaper shroud skills, mantaining quickness


Aegis application on mesmer. I can't think of a single mesmer build that SPAMS aegis. Maybe PU but there is not a single meta mesmer build that uses it. Most mesmers aren't using that many blinds anymore either. Detargeting and kiting is how we survive. So should ANET just delete the class to make you happy?

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