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Is the game balanced yet? and what needs changed


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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> Why would you nerf resurrection? i mean yeah its strong but its one of the few things they got thats strong for necro in support.


Cause its broken? '-'

Its like a buffed search and rescue, because you don't have to waste an utility slot to ress allies (and i feel like the ressurrection bonus is bigger than SnR).


> @"Axl.8924" said:

> Warrior:


> Are you talking about core sustain? or are you talking about sustain in spellcounter warriors? I do agree though.I don't think its a good idea to have too much sustain and dmg at same time.


About spellbroken.


> @"Axl.8924" said:

> revenant:


> I think revenants just got nerfed in spvp in damage.They have to sacrifice another thing to get 25 might.Going to ned more data though to see how strong.


I'm playing herald at this moment.

They didnt got nerf, because the "new might trait" keep 25 might stacks and INCREASE POWER BONUS from might, which mean a stronger 25 might stack.


> @"jportell.2197" said:

> > @"breno.5423" said:

> > All classes deserve nerf (except elementalist i guess):

> >

> > Mesmer = Aegis application, CC spam and blind spam which make this kitten imortal / remove the kitt break stun from dodge ans restore the endurance regeneration which got nerf

> > Thief = Death judgement damage **OR** stealth duration from silent scope (nerfing both would inutilize this spec)

> > Warrior = Nerf sustain

> > Herald = Nerf sword off hand damages and decrease slow from skill 5 to 1 second instead 3

> > Guardian = Focus skill 4 to stop causing damage when the opponent get out of the range and -30% damage

> > Holosmith = DPS

> > Soulbeast = Sustain **OR** dps (nerfing both would inutilize this spec)

> > Necromancer = Remove ressurrection bonus **OR** remove pull of transfusion / nerf damage of reaper shroud skills, mantaining quickness


> Aegis application on mesmer. I can't think of a single mesmer build that SPAMS aegis. Maybe PU but there is not a single meta mesmer build that uses it. Most mesmers aren't using that many blinds anymore either. Detargeting and kiting is how we survive. So should ANET just delete the class to make you happy?


Staff spam aegis.

When you are running staff + blinding dissipation + ineptitude you become pratically imortal (aegis + blind + infinity CC's).

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > What kinda dps do you get with fullcounter warr now with dagger? just curious.I heard it has tons of sustain but whats the dmg like now?


> Damage is ehh with dagger. It's mostly a compounding of several things.


> might generation is incredibly easy which has synergies with, say, MMR.

> Spellbreaker matches are usually slowed down because of Full Counter.

> Every serious SB warrior carries rampage in their back pocket.


> It's not that dagger itself is overtuned, or that core is overtuned. the nature of the class just makes fighting it a slow burn, and slow burn fights are countered by HS/Adrenal. You can still kill them if you do a heavy dot like torment, or keep poison on them.


> I'm concerned as to how they will make SB squishier without making core collapse, but I've seen many a toxic SB get whittled down only to pop rampage when they were losing to good plays and just ezmode a match they should have lost.




I was thinking exactly the same. Fighting a Spellbreaker takes time and patience. You have to burst hard when you can, then run and evade when he's retaliating. The Rampage always happens either in the very beginning of the fight or the very end. Honestly, I just run. It doesn't take long for that ability to time-out. Just like Reapers and their shroud. Don't tank it. Success comes to those who wait.


Because of that, I find it hard to agree that spellbreakers should be nerfed. the risk of possibly ruining the classes is pretty high when you could just evade and call it a day.

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> @"breno.5423" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > Why would you nerf resurrection? i mean yeah its strong but its one of the few things they got thats strong for necro in support.


> Cause its broken? '-'

> Its like a buffed search and rescue, because you don't have to waste an utility slot to ress allies (and i feel like the ressurrection bonus is bigger than SnR).


> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > Warrior:

> >

> > Are you talking about core sustain? or are you talking about sustain in spellcounter warriors? I do agree though.I don't think its a good idea to have too much sustain and dmg at same time.


> About spellbroken.


> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > revenant:

> >

> > I think revenants just got nerfed in spvp in damage.They have to sacrifice another thing to get 25 might.Going to ned more data though to see how strong.


> I'm playing herald at this moment.

> They didnt got nerf, because the "new might trait" keep 25 might stacks and INCREASE POWER BONUS from might, which mean a stronger 25 might stack.


> > @"jportell.2197" said:

> > > @"breno.5423" said:

> > > All classes deserve nerf (except elementalist i guess):

> > >

> > > Mesmer = Aegis application, CC spam and blind spam which make this kitten imortal / remove the kitt break stun from dodge ans restore the endurance regeneration which got nerf

> > > Thief = Death judgement damage **OR** stealth duration from silent scope (nerfing both would inutilize this spec)

> > > Warrior = Nerf sustain

> > > Herald = Nerf sword off hand damages and decrease slow from skill 5 to 1 second instead 3

> > > Guardian = Focus skill 4 to stop causing damage when the opponent get out of the range and -30% damage

> > > Holosmith = DPS

> > > Soulbeast = Sustain **OR** dps (nerfing both would inutilize this spec)

> > > Necromancer = Remove ressurrection bonus **OR** remove pull of transfusion / nerf damage of reaper shroud skills, mantaining quickness

> >

> > Aegis application on mesmer. I can't think of a single mesmer build that SPAMS aegis. Maybe PU but there is not a single meta mesmer build that uses it. Most mesmers aren't using that many blinds anymore either. Detargeting and kiting is how we survive. So should ANET just delete the class to make you happy?


> Staff spam aegis.

> When you are running staff + blinding dissipation + ineptitude you become pratically imortal (aegis + blind + infinity CC's).


Lol. Staff gives ONE random proc of aegis on a 35s untraited CD. Lol just no. You're wrong.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > @"jportell.2197" said:

> > > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > > > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > > > > > OP obviously doesn't understand balance, or has a very reductive view of balance, the problem is very rarely able to be narrowed down to a single overpowered class, but usually a conjunction of unhealthy gameplay elements, over and underpowered specs, and broken mechanics. Narrowing it down to a single class is in itself likely to produce an unbalanced game (like what happens every time they target a single class heavily for nerfs, there's always one or another that end up replacing it to a worse degree).

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > You say that but i didn't actively call out for nerfs, or does it say overpowered.Unbalanced can be underpowered overpowered and or broken mechanics.Unhealty things too can be included, but you got to admit, its problematic when you have a massive amount of spammable cc that hard counters too hard a class, combined with mass mobility and dmg such as mesmer was.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Again, rarely the lack of balance is due to a single problem class, which is the point, i wrote overpowered, but its not relevant, the point is that it's rarely ever a single class.

> > > > >

> > > > > It is when you got a class like mesmer which has too much sustain dmg and mobility as it was before nerf.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Mesmer sustain damage is lower than a spellbreaker, a Holo, and a reaper. More instant burst sure. But definitely less sustain.

> > > >

> > > > Holo, and spellbreaker have better mobility (photon forge 2 any one?)

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > They got nerfed recently mesmers i mean, but cmon your telling me there wasn't a problem before? It was too much of everything, thats just insane.

> > >

> > > I mean who counters mesmers?

> >

> > But is that THE ONLY problem with balance? Would the game be perfectly balanced if they nerfed mesmers?


> They would probably end up needing to tone down a few classes damage and balance it out so that the damage isn't out of hand.Something would have to be done to make sure that mirage is still viable and not over nerfed.I would prefer if the actual designers would do some beta testing before anymore nerfs to make sure that they don't wreck anymore classes.


> I'd like some informed opinion for instance from a plat 2 and up from every class to see after these changes if any other changes are needed, but i haven't been seeing all the reasons why everyone wants warrior nerfed, nor have i heard a lot of objections from mesmers on why its balanced.


> This is a chance to maybe get a change to every class with needed changes in spvp and wvw.


> Say for instance reaver kane, lets say you play revenant, then you could say rev has this and that problem in spvp and is inbalanced because of survivability lets say which i heard some were talking about mobility in a thread regarding teleportations being limited due to energy costs and having stability nerfed and more limited.Is there a solution? maybe maybe not, depending on if the build is designed to be a bruiser.Should all melee bruiser types have low sustain? or should all bruiser types have some form of sustain to survive? Should damage be nerfed in pvp to compensate and have some bit of extra survivability? that kind of information could be relevant to pvp.


> maybe if they buffed renegade, scrapper (not holo) and Elementalists while toning down a few skills across all class then yea Id say its pretty good...


> gold player here and lots of interesting builds lately


> Isn't scrapper supposedly really good now? or is that only pve?


> I heard some about weavers having the damage but having issues with landing a hit.


Alright, I'll go. 1790 rating guardian atm.


Firebrand still had excessive amount of condition clears, I think the heal / boon uptime is relatively in line with what most power classes are able to burst down.

I think signet of Mercy should have 150s cooldown. (Up from 90) This skill is way too easy to get off work the amount of quickness / stability Firebrand has access to.

I think core guard is mostly fine, I'd like to rework glacial hammer so that it increases damage on hammer skills by 10% but remove the proc. This will result in about the same sustained damage while nerfing the burst potential by around 3k.

Increase the block duration by one second (up to 4) on dragonhunter f3 so that it can be used to safe stomp. Add an evade frame onto f2, and give true shot the 10% increase in damage that wvw and pve got.

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Mesmers - most of their kit as mirage makes it unfun to play against them. Any one quirk (cloak, ambush, myriad of utility) doesn't seem too OP, but combined they just make me roll my eyes when I see them on the enemy team. I don't like playing them - they are almost too easy to play decently - and I dislike playing against them.


I didn't mind the most recent nerfs, even if they weren't the nerfs I was hoping for. Dodging while hard CC'd is the biggest offender for this anti-fun, and I'd not mind power being moved elsewhere for this to be reworked or removed.


Otherwise a close second is Holo. Annoying to fight, but manageable and somewhat rewarding when fighting.

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> @"jportell.2197" said:

> > @"breno.5423" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > Why would you nerf resurrection? i mean yeah its strong but its one of the few things they got thats strong for necro in support.

> >

> > Cause its broken? '-'

> > Its like a buffed search and rescue, because you don't have to waste an utility slot to ress allies (and i feel like the ressurrection bonus is bigger than SnR).

> >

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > Warrior:

> > >

> > > Are you talking about core sustain? or are you talking about sustain in spellcounter warriors? I do agree though.I don't think its a good idea to have too much sustain and dmg at same time.

> >

> > About spellbroken.

> >

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > revenant:

> > >

> > > I think revenants just got nerfed in spvp in damage.They have to sacrifice another thing to get 25 might.Going to ned more data though to see how strong.

> >

> > I'm playing herald at this moment.

> > They didnt got nerf, because the "new might trait" keep 25 might stacks and INCREASE POWER BONUS from might, which mean a stronger 25 might stack.

> >

> > > @"jportell.2197" said:

> > > > @"breno.5423" said:

> > > > All classes deserve nerf (except elementalist i guess):

> > > >

> > > > Mesmer = Aegis application, CC spam and blind spam which make this kitten imortal / remove the kitt break stun from dodge ans restore the endurance regeneration which got nerf

> > > > Thief = Death judgement damage **OR** stealth duration from silent scope (nerfing both would inutilize this spec)

> > > > Warrior = Nerf sustain

> > > > Herald = Nerf sword off hand damages and decrease slow from skill 5 to 1 second instead 3

> > > > Guardian = Focus skill 4 to stop causing damage when the opponent get out of the range and -30% damage

> > > > Holosmith = DPS

> > > > Soulbeast = Sustain **OR** dps (nerfing both would inutilize this spec)

> > > > Necromancer = Remove ressurrection bonus **OR** remove pull of transfusion / nerf damage of reaper shroud skills, mantaining quickness

> > >

> > > Aegis application on mesmer. I can't think of a single mesmer build that SPAMS aegis. Maybe PU but there is not a single meta mesmer build that uses it. Most mesmers aren't using that many blinds anymore either. Detargeting and kiting is how we survive. So should ANET just delete the class to make you happy?

> >

> > Staff spam aegis.

> > When you are running staff + blinding dissipation + ineptitude you become pratically imortal (aegis + blind + infinity CC's).


> Lol. Staff gives ONE random proc of aegis on a 35s untraited CD. Lol just no. You're wrong.


Ok, but the rest remains unquestionable.

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> @"jportell.2197" said:

> > @"breno.5423" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > Why would you nerf resurrection? i mean yeah its strong but its one of the few things they got thats strong for necro in support.

> >

> > Cause its broken? '-'

> > Its like a buffed search and rescue, because you don't have to waste an utility slot to ress allies (and i feel like the ressurrection bonus is bigger than SnR).

> >

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > Warrior:

> > >

> > > Are you talking about core sustain? or are you talking about sustain in spellcounter warriors? I do agree though.I don't think its a good idea to have too much sustain and dmg at same time.

> >

> > About spellbroken.

> >

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > revenant:

> > >

> > > I think revenants just got nerfed in spvp in damage.They have to sacrifice another thing to get 25 might.Going to ned more data though to see how strong.

> >

> > I'm playing herald at this moment.

> > They didnt got nerf, because the "new might trait" keep 25 might stacks and INCREASE POWER BONUS from might, which mean a stronger 25 might stack.

> >

> > > @"jportell.2197" said:

> > > > @"breno.5423" said:

> > > > All classes deserve nerf (except elementalist i guess):

> > > >

> > > > Mesmer = Aegis application, CC spam and blind spam which make this kitten imortal / remove the kitt break stun from dodge ans restore the endurance regeneration which got nerf

> > > > Thief = Death judgement damage **OR** stealth duration from silent scope (nerfing both would inutilize this spec)

> > > > Warrior = Nerf sustain

> > > > Herald = Nerf sword off hand damages and decrease slow from skill 5 to 1 second instead 3

> > > > Guardian = Focus skill 4 to stop causing damage when the opponent get out of the range and -30% damage

> > > > Holosmith = DPS

> > > > Soulbeast = Sustain **OR** dps (nerfing both would inutilize this spec)

> > > > Necromancer = Remove ressurrection bonus **OR** remove pull of transfusion / nerf damage of reaper shroud skills, mantaining quickness

> > >

> > > Aegis application on mesmer. I can't think of a single mesmer build that SPAMS aegis. Maybe PU but there is not a single meta mesmer build that uses it. Most mesmers aren't using that many blinds anymore either. Detargeting and kiting is how we survive. So should ANET just delete the class to make you happy?

> >

> > Staff spam aegis.

> > When you are running staff + blinding dissipation + ineptitude you become pratically imortal (aegis + blind + infinity CC's).


> Lol. Staff gives ONE random proc of aegis on a 35s untraited CD. Lol just no. You're wrong.


Its possible that after rez gets nerfed they could buff something else for necros to make them desired for buffs.The rez thing is nicec for carrying newbs in pve, and decent probably in WVW to rez dead folks.


Problem is:Scourges still have trouble competing with other specs.Sure scourge can heal a bit, and they got barrier, but that barrier don't last very long.

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One other thing that people often forget but adds a nice sustain to mesmer is the bodyblocking generated by clone/phantasms. When you're capped at 3 targets at 130 range, and have consistently a minimum of 3 clones/phantasms around you, it is hard to make the damage connect to the one you intend to hit.

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