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Class that doesn't feel stale?

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Firebrand. I couldn't get into Guardian for 5 years because I thougth it was boring but now I main FB. I have like 30 skills on FB thanks to Tomes and Mantras, it's like an improved version my old jack-of-all-trades kit Engi main (which I loved until they changed the Alchemy trait line to the point where it completely ruined my custom build). I've been in love with FB since PoF. <3

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> @"Melanu.7425" said:

> > @"Ghostrider.6879" said:

> > For me personally, all class gets boring after a long period of time.

> > The actual way to avoid it is to have multiple alts and more importantly, unlocking elite specialization which unlocks new traits and skills, and new build possibilities.

> > If you really want to pick one, I would suggest elementalist. While having less weapon to choose from and can't weapon swap, you get 4 elements to play with.

> > So instead of juggling through 10 skills(2 weapon set) and 5 utilities like most of the classes, you have 20 different skills and 5 utilities (which you can also pick conjure weapon for even more weapon skills).

> > However it is the elite specs that actually change things up for every class.


> Thats a good point, I'll give Elementalist a proper go


My main is a Dragonhunter Guardian, but the funnest class I've played to date is the S/D Weaver Ele. I've been playing a rifle build Holosmith Engi lately, and that's pretty fun as well.


edit: Good choice with the Ele, but if you can unlock Weaver check it out.

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> @"Melanu.7425" said:

> > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > Necro is pretty fun. My first character (and still most played) is a Ranger though.


> I've tried Ranger and they looks great as Norn but what made it so fun for you?


this might sound stupid but the norn runs stale so any profession you use is made stale because of that, i use speed boosters to get rid of the stale part.

i have a norn warrior and always have the great sword speed booster trait so it's bearable, without it i would just delete it and make a human.

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I know PvP is a big part of the game but any of my friends will tell you that I am a poor sportsman when it comes to PvP scenarios so I'll most likely be avoiding it. I played Elementalist and found I enjoyed Staff the most because of how helpful I was being through Water magic in a pinch but as was stated being locked to one weapon in huge fights kind of put a downer on it as I also enjoyed Scepter/Focus.


I like the Charr lore and I actually regret deleting my old Warrior now. I may just start him again as the whole Charr expereience is awesome and nostalgic.


Another thing that infulences my character creation is believability, it's probably an OCD thing (And I know OCD is a word a lot of people use without actually knowing what it is) but when I'm making a character the class has to fit the race or it just feels weird playing it.

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> @"Melanu.7425" said:

> [...]Which class, in your opinion, never got stale as you levelled to 80 and beyond as moved onto Living World? What makes you adhore said class and stopped you from dropping it once you ran out of actual skills and abilities to buy? [...]

The one class that doesn't get boring for me is the engineer. You can do anything, but if you want to do something well, you have to learn it. There are several viable builds for different game modes and you can play around with your many skills.

Elementalist is similar. Engineers and elementalists both lack weapon swap, but since you can have multiple sets of skills, it's not like you're going to run out of stuff to do.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> This isn't a question people can answer for you. I've never been bored with any profession, and I play them all. You get bored easily. That's your issue and it isn't going to change based on any answer people give you.


While I agree with this assessment, to be fair, the OP very clearly asked for what _we_ thought stayed fresh, and why. OP never asked straight up for the rest of us to find him/her a class that would not go stale.


I main a ranger, and I like that I can run a full glass cannon build and still get a ton of sustain just by playing smart, learning to time abilities/evades/etc. I picked up a set of legendary armor from spvp, so it's much easier for me to switch between condi dps, power dps, hybrid power dps/support, and full on druid heals - no more lugging around 3-4 sets of gear. The sheer versatility of the class makes me come back again and again, and it's also fun for me to spend a bit of gold putting together new gear sets just to test oddball builds.


That being said, I don't think any of our suggestions can truly help you find something you like, since we're mostly talking to you about gameplay. By your own admission, that whole lore/believability/OCD thing you mentioned is actually a preliminary or gatekeeper issue for you. When it comes down to it, I think you're just going to have to put combinations together until you get a toon that satisfies that underlying requirement you have; my theory is that once you get that done to your satisfaction, the gameplay doesn't actually matter that much to you at all. After all, even that warrior you deleted has a chance of coming back, purely because of other factors that seem to have nothing to do with whether or not you enjoiyed the warrior playstyle.

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Elementalist and Ranger. I wanted to enjoy Warrior and Guardian so bad, and sometimes I get bored a little and talk myself into trying them yet once again but once I start playing I really just want to go back to my Elementalist or Ranger. I also prefer support classes and don't like melee classes so I'm kinda stuck with those two. I can never stay on a class more then like a day without just going back to my mains. They're fun classes to play. The rest just seem boring or just too complicated for combos.

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