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Boon Duration Reaper Viable?


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So I'm sure that it's been noticed by others, but the quickness provided by the new Reaper's Onslaught can be boosted with the Concentration stat. At its max, you can gain 6s of Quickness every 3s. Assuming you are in shroud long enough, you could easily stack enough quickness so that you have it the entire time you are out of shroud as well.


Question I have - is that a build that would make sense? Would giving up some other DPS stats to gain concentration be worth it in the end? Not sure if someone's experimented to find out but wanted to see others thoughts.

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in pvp, wvw not really because,


1.)outside of shroud it can easily get stolen or corrupted by warrior, other necros, thief, mesmer, rev…

2.) inside of shroud you have it already wihtout concentration permanently. with good Exit Timing you can take 3 secs of quickness outside of shroud.

3.) you would offer a lot of stat Points to concentration to reach higher boonduration that due to a big lose in dmg on a class that have no really booncast next to quickness and might. so its just a waste of stats.


in pve i dont know/dont care.

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Concentration stat's do not work well on Necro from what I could tell. What I would call "good" combinations are not available in PvE.

*Power,* ferocity, concentration

*Power,* precision, ferocity, concentration

*Healing,* power, concentration

*Condition Damage,* expertise, concentration

*Condition Damage,* vitality, expertise, concentration

*Condition Damage,* expertise, healing, concentration



With the stat combinations there are, today, such as Plaguedoctor, Vigilant, Seraph, and Harrier, a lot of damage is lost. Necro, especially, needs expertise because both power and condition damage builds put out a lot of conditions. It is hard to give up expertise without going full glass power. Use the boons you get from allies or your own skills is my recommendation.

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No it doesn't. Commander gear lacks damage while not adding survivability on necro.


A bruiser build based on Reaper's Onslaught is not viable. You either burst or die.


LF generation without Blighter's Boon is pretty poor and that becomes a problem in your playstyle for the following reasons:


In Commander gear + food you can achieve +50% boon duration. That's a bonus quickness of 1,5s every 3s. For a 9s bonus you have to stay in shroud for 15s which is impossible when you receive damage and still a problem if you can manage to do this as you end up with around 0 LF anyway, which will be extremely hard to build up during the next 10s without Blighter's Boon. You can go for Spectral Mastery but in reality you have to use Spectral Armor in shroud to get a minimum of sustain and shroud uptime in case you receive damage so it won't be available for LF building after leaving shroud.


For that perma quickness you have to ensure that you can kill your target in one shrouduptime or your defense goes down the toilet aferwards (because you run out of LF). Any decent kiting opponent will prevent this and it's not even that difficult because you lack critical damage.


On top of that you will lose against any other Reaper player, because he will just corrupt quickness and outdamage and outsustain you.

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For which game mode are you asking for? Solo roaming pve it would be ok, I guess. Anything can work there. Roaming solo in wvw, you'll still just end up minced meat to any de, ranger, rifle holo, or mirage. The lack of blighter's means you either burst them, or they either burst you, or wear down your lf then kill you. And given they can burst from 1200-1500 while having plenty of disengages, and have access to stealth, gl bursting them 1st. Use terrain to your advandage and try to catch them off guard.

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I gotta say i still not noticing big differences with quickness in a few abilities.I notice abilities tick faster with quickness, but the duration is so short it doesn't give it time to fully load most of the time.I'm not the biggest math person, but from what i'm guessing, wouldn't it be the same if you waited until the end of shroud in reaper shroud?

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> For which game mode are you asking for? Solo roaming pve it would be ok, I guess. Anything can work there. Roaming solo in wvw, you'll still just end up minced meat to any de, ranger, rifle holo, or mirage. The lack of blighter's means you either burst them, or they either burst you, or wear down your lf then kill you. And given they can burst from 1200-1500 while having plenty of disengages, and have access to stealth, gl bursting them 1st. Use terrain to your advandage and try to catch them off guard.


Unfortunately, in my trials, I found nothing in PvE using Concentration that is any good. The bad stat combinations just prolong the fight. Necro's sustain comes primarily from shroud and conditions. The profession does not have enough boon output to get over the giant return-on-investment wall for boon duration.

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Yes it’s viable...I have a build for it. Id have to make a video or a build editor to post it.


Obviously it’s main weakness will be scourge due to boon corrupting. It also has a somewhat hard time with heavy condition classes like Mesmer. Against everything else it simply tears through everything while being hard to kill.


I call it the divine boonmancer...perhaps the name gives away some aspects of the build already....I’ll post it here on the Necro forum when I get around to making it in the build editor


Edit: Here's the forum link to the build i was talking about. Try it out https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/57658/the-divine-boonmancer-spvp/p1?new=1

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