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Pet swap, Unstoppable Union, Skirmishing traits


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Hoping that one day (soon) well be able to see pet swap while in Beast mode - I am was under the impression that this elite was mainly about finally having a pet-less ranger and the answer was that you were able to merge with the current pet that you had active and gain access to their abilties. But, with Unstoppable union being too good to pass on your basically only popping in to beast mode for owl to run away and heal up then fall out of it to LB #2 easy mode or Smokescale cheese with Smoke assault with unblockable. Its a very very boring way to play as I have experienced and has opened up more love for LB camping. That trait in particular has really made this Elite such an annoyance to play with and play against with 3 seconds of unblockable attacks from range, completely ruining what the whole elite was meant to be about - NO PETS. Needless to say, I am not a fan of that trait at all.


Having the ability to swap your pets while in beast mode might allow for a higher ceiling of build diversity instead of having to constantly drop them, swap, ability use, meld, ability spam, drop, repeat. The Beast Abilities could do with having some sort of cooldowns to prevent them from being abused such as using Unflinching Fortitude then swapping over to Spiritual Resolve for a safe heal up or double Wordly Impact. Either that or finally allowing the BM trait to have shorter CD for the merged abilities.


Finally I was very happy to see the changes to skirmishing trait lines but still dissapointed that some of them werent touched upon such as the two weapon swap perks (gaining swiftness and fury when swapping weapons should be one trait instead of split up). But lets see at the end of this month if anything comes up!

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Was Soulbeast ever advertised to be a petless ranger? As far as I'm aware this has just been a large portion of the community's assumption and expectation because of the merging mechanic. The design of Soulbeast is fine and I really don't think it needs pet swap in Beastmode. I don't think it would raise the skillcap of the spec considering you would be potentially/partially removing one aspect of micromanagement from the spec.

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> Was Soulbeast ever advertised to be a petless ranger? As far as I'm aware this has just been a large portion of the community's assumption and expectation because of the merging mechanic. The design of Soulbeast is fine and I really don't think it needs pet swap in Beastmode. I don't think it would raise the skillcap of the spec considering you would be potentially/partially removing one aspect of micromanagement from the spec.


Agreed. The Beastmode mechanic is fine as far as I'm concerned and doesn't need pet swap while merged.

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sPvE Soulbeast are pretty pet-less, :P.


I think many of us wanted pet swap in BMode and I was one of them. Nowadays, **I just want them to fix BMode skills**. Beside Smokescale, Rock Gazelle and Owl, I don't see skills that are well made or ajusted. Jacaranda is fine, but Call Lightning is a far cry from Lava Font and Symbol of Punishement, both on damage and animation time. The rest of BMode skills are still in beta mode and it's not funny. Ever tried Devourer Retreat in BMode ? The camera swings around.


Yes, Skirmishing traits could use some fusion : the ones that you and I already suggested (Tail Wind and Furious Grip), but also Sharpened Edges is a Major, when all other professions bleed on crit traits are Minors. Some buff to Traps and Shortbow traits would be welcomed.


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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > Was Soulbeast ever advertised to be a petless ranger? As far as I'm aware this has just been a large portion of the community's assumption and expectation because of the merging mechanic. The design of Soulbeast is fine and I really don't think it needs pet swap in Beastmode. I don't think it would raise the skillcap of the spec considering you would be potentially/partially removing one aspect of micromanagement from the spec.


> Agreed. The Beastmode mechanic is fine as far as I'm concerned and doesn't need pet swap while merged.


I was mulling over the thought of "what if there was a buff that increased something the longer you were in beast mode." Like every x amount of seconds you would get x seconds of fury, or some stack of might, or even exploring the thought of "if you merged with a power pet you not only get the stat stick attacked to you but might/fury buffs the longer you are in beast mode, if your in a defense pet youd get protection or stability, if your a heal pet youd get resistance and a small heal. I thought that would be too much like what guardians do with their virtues but yea some benefit to sticking in with your pet other than well all you get are these stats but it was a thought I dont think will happen but interesting to entertain.

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> @"skystorm.9280" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > > Was Soulbeast ever advertised to be a petless ranger? As far as I'm aware this has just been a large portion of the community's assumption and expectation because of the merging mechanic. The design of Soulbeast is fine and I really don't think it needs pet swap in Beastmode. I don't think it would raise the skillcap of the spec considering you would be potentially/partially removing one aspect of micromanagement from the spec.

> >

> > Agreed. The Beastmode mechanic is fine as far as I'm concerned and doesn't need pet swap while merged.


> I was mulling over the thought of "what if there was a buff that increased something the longer you were in beast mode." Like every x amount of seconds you would get x seconds of fury, or some stack of might, or even exploring the thought of "if you merged with a power pet you not only get the stat stick attacked to you but might/fury buffs the longer you are in beast mode, if your in a defense pet youd get protection or stability, if your a heal pet youd get resistance and a small heal. I thought that would be too much like what guardians do with their virtues but yea some benefit to sticking in with your pet other than well all you get are these stats but it was a thought I dont think will happen but interesting to entertain.


That's a pretty interesting concept.


This buff should be tied to a trait though. I would change Eternal Bond into something like:



#####Eternal Bond


_Gain boons while in Beastmode._


1. Stout - Protection + (2) Stability + Retaliation

2. Deadly - Fury + (3) Might + Quickness

3. Versatile - Swiftness + Vigor + Alacrity

4. Ferocious - Fury + (3) Might + Quickness

5. Supportive - Regeneration + Resistance + Aegis


- Boon Duration: 3 seconds

- Boon Application Interval: 10 seconds



This way, you're rewarded for both merging and staying merged. The boon application interval is the same as the cooldown for Beastmode and the boon duration is kept short so (while still helpful) they can't have a permanent uptime even with max boon duration.


Also, this would make Eternal Bond good enough to compete with Leader of the Pack for our grandmaster trait.


I actually like this idea a lot. @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" pls read ^-^

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> @"skystorm.9280" said:

> Hoping that one day (soon) well be able to see pet swap while in Beast mode - I am was under the impression that this elite was mainly about finally having a pet-less ranger and the answer was that you were able to merge with the current pet that you had active and gain access to their abilties. But, with Unstoppable union being too good to pass on your basically only popping in to beast mode for owl to run away and heal up then fall out of it to LB #2 easy mode or Smokescale cheese with Smoke assault with unblockable. Its a very very boring way to play as I have experienced and has opened up more love for LB camping. That trait in particular has really made this Elite such an annoyance to play with and play against with 3 seconds of unblockable attacks from range, completely ruining what the whole elite was meant to be about - NO PETS. Needless to say, I am not a fan of that trait at all.


> Having the ability to swap your pets while in beast mode might allow for a higher ceiling of build diversity instead of having to constantly drop them, swap, ability use, meld, ability spam, drop, repeat. The Beast Abilities could do with having some sort of cooldowns to prevent them from being abused such as using Unflinching Fortitude then swapping over to Spiritual Resolve for a safe heal up or double Wordly Impact. Either that or finally allowing the BM trait to have shorter CD for the merged abilities.


> Finally I was very happy to see the changes to skirmishing trait lines but still dissapointed that some of them werent touched upon such as the two weapon swap perks (gaining swiftness and fury when swapping weapons should be one trait instead of split up). But lets see at the end of this month if anything comes up!


its about how you play I am constantly switching pets with soul beast GS-Sw/Wh(brown bear or siamoth depending and smoke scale) even while running a build I usually have no pet swap traits on. when I do have run them in a build all the better but an efficient pet setup is one where you use all the pet skills as a part of your build also its a waste of owls dps to not leave it out, that F2 is too good.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"skystorm.9280" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > > > Was Soulbeast ever advertised to be a petless ranger? As far as I'm aware this has just been a large portion of the community's assumption and expectation because of the merging mechanic. The design of Soulbeast is fine and I really don't think it needs pet swap in Beastmode. I don't think it would raise the skillcap of the spec considering you would be potentially/partially removing one aspect of micromanagement from the spec.

> > >

> > > Agreed. The Beastmode mechanic is fine as far as I'm concerned and doesn't need pet swap while merged.

> >

> > I was mulling over the thought of "what if there was a buff that increased something the longer you were in beast mode." Like every x amount of seconds you would get x seconds of fury, or some stack of might, or even exploring the thought of "if you merged with a power pet you not only get the stat stick attacked to you but might/fury buffs the longer you are in beast mode, if your in a defense pet youd get protection or stability, if your a heal pet youd get resistance and a small heal. I thought that would be too much like what guardians do with their virtues but yea some benefit to sticking in with your pet other than well all you get are these stats but it was a thought I dont think will happen but interesting to entertain.


> That's a pretty interesting concept.


> This buff should be tied to a trait though. I would change Eternal Bond into something like:

> ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


> #####Eternal Bond


> _Gain boons while in Beastmode._


> 1. Stout - Protection + (2) Stability + Retaliation

> 2. Deadly - Fury + (3) Might + Quickness

> 3. Versatile - Swiftness + Vigor + Alacrity

> 4. Ferocious - Fury + (3) Might + Quickness

> 5. Supportive - Regeneration + Resistance + Aegis


> - Boon Duration: 3 seconds

> - Boon Application Interval: 10 seconds

> ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


> This way, you're rewarded for both merging and staying merged. The boon application interval is the same as the cooldown for Beastmode and the boon duration is kept short so (while still helpful) they can't have a permanent uptime even with max boon duration.


> Also, this would make Eternal Bond good enough to compete with Leader of the Pack for our grandmaster trait.


> I actually like this idea a lot. @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" pls read ^-^


+1 to this idea!


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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > Was Soulbeast ever advertised to be a petless ranger? As far as I'm aware this has just been a large portion of the community's assumption and expectation because of the merging mechanic. The design of Soulbeast is fine and I really don't think it needs pet swap in Beastmode. I don't think it would raise the skillcap of the spec considering you would be potentially/partially removing one aspect of micromanagement from the spec.


> Agreed. The Beastmode mechanic is fine as far as I'm concerned and doesn't need pet swap while merged.


Totally agree with you!

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> @"skystorm.9280" said:

> Hoping that one day (soon) well be able to see pet swap while in Beast mode - I am was under the impression that this elite was mainly about finally having a pet-less ranger and the answer was that you were able to merge with the current pet that you had active and gain access to their abilties.


This is never going to happen. The devs were pretty clear about it when PoF launched. The class is designed and balanced around the swapping mechanic.


If you are not using the pet swap mechanic to your advantage you are losing out on a great deal of what soulbeast has to offer.

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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > > Was Soulbeast ever advertised to be a petless ranger? As far as I'm aware this has just been a large portion of the community's assumption and expectation because of the merging mechanic. The design of Soulbeast is fine and I really don't think it needs pet swap in Beastmode. I don't think it would raise the skillcap of the spec considering you would be potentially/partially removing one aspect of micromanagement from the spec.

> >

> > Agreed. The Beastmode mechanic is fine as far as I'm concerned and doesn't need pet swap while merged.


> Totally agree with you!

Swap when merged IMO would fix a lot of underlying problems with the soulbeast all in swoop, and would make the class more fluid to play with. **Because you use boonbeast and abuse of Fresh Reinforcement + Nature magic + We heal as One** does not mean other players like to play that twitchy gameplay were you have to smash all the buttons off CD.


**Either way don't get attached to it, if it's not nerfed in the next balance patch** it will be as soon as it catch the spotlight. Being able to stack 100% uptime in protection, quickness, regeneration and 25 might is broken in sPvP.



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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > > > Was Soulbeast ever advertised to be a petless ranger? As far as I'm aware this has just been a large portion of the community's assumption and expectation because of the merging mechanic. The design of Soulbeast is fine and I really don't think it needs pet swap in Beastmode. I don't think it would raise the skillcap of the spec considering you would be potentially/partially removing one aspect of micromanagement from the spec.

> > >

> > > Agreed. The Beastmode mechanic is fine as far as I'm concerned and doesn't need pet swap while merged.

> >

> > Totally agree with you!

> Swap when merged IMO would fix a lot of underlying problems with the soulbeast all in swoop, and would make the class more fluid to play with. **Because you use boonbeast and abuse of Fresh Reinforcement + Nature magic + We heal as One** does not mean other players like to play that twitchy gameplay were you have to smash all the buttons off CD.


> **Either way don't get attached to it, if it's not nerfed in the next balance patch** it will be as soon as it catch the spotlight. Being able to stack 100% uptime in protection, quickness, regeneration and 25 might is broken in sPvP.




First of all, I don't use Fresh Reinforcement but Unstoppable, I don't use Nature magic but Beastmastery and I don't use We heal as One but Troll Unguent. After many hours of roaming and sPVP, I found the skills I use it more reliable than those you mentioned. Even so, I don't know why ppl use word "abuse" for some skills/traits which for some ppl are mandatory or just their choice, but I understand the frustration of ppl who don't want to play build and weapons who make them better or competitive with other classes and crying that their build is not so competitive. Soulbeast is just something else, it's not just ranger, you must adapt and learn another kind of fight. If they will allow us to swap in Beastmode, then we will lose the sense of Ranger with pets, you can call us that Druid from other games like World of Warcraft, where he could change from Elf to bear, raven, panther. And if Anet will do this, well I'll learn to play this too.

But, for the moment, in my opinion (and I think Anet has the same opinion) Soulbeast is perfect like it is, the fact you must change time to time or in exact moment from Beast to normal and change fast the pets, it is more challenging than any class, or on the same scale like Weaver.

I don't from where did you get the idea that Soulbeast can stack 100% protection+quickness+regeneration+25 might ... because I didn't see any Soulbeast in Meta, the build you talk about it is in Great, and even so that Boon Beast build vs Beastmastery + LB/GS don't have any chance in a fight. Boon Beast will won, only if Beastmastery is stupid enough to fight on the point. Also in WvW/roaming, Beastmastery with LB+GS will eat the Boon Beast with Axe/Sword+Warhorn, due to his movement abilities and long range hits.

Remember in this game is not everything about sPVP ONLY!

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Krispera.5087" said:

> >Beside Smokescale, Rock Gazelle and Owl,


> I dropped Owl for Eagle a long time ago, that way I can always merge with a Ferocity pet and am never caught without access to WI.



I didn't test, but WI didn't share CD ? Or you can use like 2 WI in 10 sec ?

In mean time I tested, and yes the WI share CD , so it is pointless to have 2 pets with the same F3, because, after merge on the second pet, you must wait for CD, means 15 sec. But it's your choice.

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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Krispera.5087" said:

> > >Beside Smokescale, Rock Gazelle and Owl,

> >

> > I dropped Owl for Eagle a long time ago, that way I can always merge with a Ferocity pet and am never caught without access to WI.

> >


> I didn't test, but WI didn't share CD ? Or you can use like 2 WI in 10 sec ?

> In mean time I tested, and yes the WI share CD , so it is pointless to have 2 pets with the same F3, because, after merge on the second pet, you must wait for CD, means 15 sec. But it's your choice.


Well, no. It was never about shared cooldown. If you use bird the way I do, for movement, a I can immediately switch to melee and use WI if ganked instead of having to unmerge, swap to smokescale and wait on a cooldown to merge again. I also keep the buff in DPS stats from being merged with a Ferocious pet instead of getting 'caught' being merged with a Supportive pet.


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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> Remember in this game is not everything about sPVP ONLY!


Um, Yes you are right. I've been checking the meta boon build and actually it doesn't use the traits / skills i mentioned. As such i am wrong and there is no abuse from boon copy traits/skills. Definitely i'll have to try that build.


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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > Remember in this game is not everything about sPVP ONLY!


> Um, Yes you are right. I've been checking the meta boon build and actually it doesn't use the traits / skills i mentioned. As such i am wrong and there is no abuse from boon copy traits/skills. Definitely i'll have to try that build.



But, you have right too regarding of it utility, after this weekend, I can say that Moa Stance can replace Rapid Fire or Sic'Em. Still, if this skill will be nerfed in any way, then it will be useless.

Now it is just perfect, not OP and not too weak.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > > @"Krispera.5087" said:

> > > >Beside Smokescale, Rock Gazelle and Owl,

> > >

> > > I dropped Owl for Eagle a long time ago, that way I can always merge with a Ferocity pet and am never caught without access to WI.

> > >

> >

> > I didn't test, but WI didn't share CD ? Or you can use like 2 WI in 10 sec ?

> > In mean time I tested, and yes the WI share CD , so it is pointless to have 2 pets with the same F3, because, after merge on the second pet, you must wait for CD, means 15 sec. But it's your choice.


> Well, no. It was never about shared cooldown. If you use bird the way I do, for movement, a I can immediately switch to melee and use WI if ganked instead of having to unmerge, swap to smokescale and wait on a cooldown to merge again. I also keep the buff in DPS stats from being merged with a Ferocious pet instead of getting 'caught' being merged with a Supportive pet.



Still from my POV owl is better, because in fights I need both F3 utility, I don't like to wait for CD after I change pets. I like to use Zephyr's Speed so I switch pets often.

Still, if you want another Ferocity pet, I think Gazelle is way better than Eagle.

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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > > > @"Krispera.5087" said:

> > > > >Beside Smokescale, Rock Gazelle and Owl,

> > > >

> > > > I dropped Owl for Eagle a long time ago, that way I can always merge with a Ferocity pet and am never caught without access to WI.

> > > >

> > >

> > > I didn't test, but WI didn't share CD ? Or you can use like 2 WI in 10 sec ?

> > > In mean time I tested, and yes the WI share CD , so it is pointless to have 2 pets with the same F3, because, after merge on the second pet, you must wait for CD, means 15 sec. But it's your choice.

> >

> > Well, no. It was never about shared cooldown. If you use bird the way I do, for movement, a I can immediately switch to melee and use WI if ganked instead of having to unmerge, swap to smokescale and wait on a cooldown to merge again. I also keep the buff in DPS stats from being merged with a Ferocious pet instead of getting 'caught' being merged with a Supportive pet.

> >


> Still from my POV owl is better, because in fights I need both F3 utility, I don't like to wait for CD after I change pets. I like to use Zephyr's Speed so I switch pets often.

> Still, if you want another Ferocity pet, I think Gazelle is way better than Eagle.


I tried Gazelle, but I like the F2 on Bird so much better, and unmerged I find Gazelle runs.......in random directions. GG pathing.


I usually run Clarion Bond + Zephyrs, and in combat would swap pets constantly, but am seriously thinking of dropping Marks for Wilderness Surv, as my 1v1 isn't going as well as I would like. I may look at Owl again and see how that fits in.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > > > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > > > > @"Krispera.5087" said:

> > > > > >Beside Smokescale, Rock Gazelle and Owl,

> > > > >

> > > > > I dropped Owl for Eagle a long time ago, that way I can always merge with a Ferocity pet and am never caught without access to WI.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I didn't test, but WI didn't share CD ? Or you can use like 2 WI in 10 sec ?

> > > > In mean time I tested, and yes the WI share CD , so it is pointless to have 2 pets with the same F3, because, after merge on the second pet, you must wait for CD, means 15 sec. But it's your choice.

> > >

> > > Well, no. It was never about shared cooldown. If you use bird the way I do, for movement, a I can immediately switch to melee and use WI if ganked instead of having to unmerge, swap to smokescale and wait on a cooldown to merge again. I also keep the buff in DPS stats from being merged with a Ferocious pet instead of getting 'caught' being merged with a Supportive pet.

> > >

> >

> > Still from my POV owl is better, because in fights I need both F3 utility, I don't like to wait for CD after I change pets. I like to use Zephyr's Speed so I switch pets often.

> > Still, if you want another Ferocity pet, I think Gazelle is way better than Eagle.


> I tried Gazelle, but I like the F2 on Bird so much better, and unmerged I find Gazelle runs.......in random directions. GG pathing.


> I usually run Clarion Bond + Zephyrs, and in combat would swap pets constantly, but am seriously thinking of dropping Marks for Wilderness Surv, as my 1v1 isn't going as well as I would like. I may look at Owl again and see how that fits in.


For roaming and sPVP in my opinion Wilderness Survival is mandatory. If you play with LB and GS, then the second traitline is Beastmastery, if you play Sword+Warhorn, then you can choose Nature Magic. Other options are only for players who want to be Glass cannon, One man shot ... etc, but with a very-very low survivability. Basically in 1 vs 1 scenario, when players are on the same lvl of skills, glass cannon or one man shot Ranger don't have a chance. Gazelle movements are weird, idd, but once you figure it out when and how to use it, it will be the best offensive pet for you. When I want fights only, and when I have in mind to stay in the fight till the end (mine or enemy) I take Gazelle, when I want to have 50% more chances to survive , but without finishing a fight (if the opponent is very good or better than me) I'll take Owl.

Also Owl it is better when usual you are roaming with your friend and meet most of the time groups of 3-5 ppl, because you can escape when the odds of winning are low and you decide with your friend to run away.

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